Xenofobia: un estudio situado en estudiantes migrantes venezolanos del departamento del Atlántico y el rol del docente
Candanoza Santiago, Daniela Andrea
Cifuentes Padilla, Dayana Patricia
Franco Chaljub, Gissely
Cerpa López, Laura Margarita
Vives Caro, María Fernanda
López Moreno, María José
Henríquez Gonzales, Neylin
Sandoval Lobos, Sofia
Medina Ahumada, Thara
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia, se ha registrado un aumento de población migrante venezolana en los últimos años, lo anterior ha generado prácticas discriminatorias y xenofóbicas en el marco de la interacción social y demandas al sistema educativo del paìs. En el contexto educativo, los estudiantes enfrentan exclusión de los grupos de estudio por parte de sus pares, violencia simbólica a partir de adjetivos asociados al lugar de procedencia y crisis política, y en ocasiones se les percibe como invasores y potenciales consumidores de los servicios sociales que ofrece Colombia, lo cual genera tensiones.
Objetivos: Comprender los factores asociados a la xenofobia dirigida a estudiantes migrantes venezolanos de instituciones educativas del Departamento del Atlántico - Colombia.
Identificar los factores sociales, culturales e institucionales asociados a la xenofobia dirigida a estudiantes migrantes venezolanos.
Conocer el rol del docente y la práctica educativa frente a las manifestaciones xenofóbicas. Materiales y métodos: El proyecto de investigación se realizó bajo la metodología cualitativa, histórica hermenéutica y de tipo fenomenológico. La muestra fue no probabilística de tipo intencional y bola de nieve, cuyos criterios de selección fueron: estudiantes migrantes venezolanos de 10 a 15 años con mínimo 3 años de permanencia en el sistema escolar y profesores que tienen dentro de su asignación la formación a estudiantes migrantes venezolanos. Como técnica se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, la cual guardó relación con la matriz de categorización apriorística.
In Colombia, there has been an increase in the Venezuelan migrant population in recent years, which has generated discriminatory and xenophobic practices within the framework of social interaction and demands on the country's educational system . In the educational context, students face exclusion from study groups by their peers, symbolic violence based on adjectives associated with the place of origin and political crisis, and sometimes they are perceived as invaders and potential consumers of social services. that Colombia offers, which generates tensions. Objectives: Understand the factors associated with xenophobia directed at Venezuelan migrant students from educational institutions in the Department of Atlántico - Colombia. Identify the social, cultural and institutional factors associated with xenophobia directed at Venezuelan migrant students. Know the role of the teacher and educational practice in the face of xenophobic manifestations. Materials and methods: The research project was carried out under qualitative, historical hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology. The sample was non-probabilistic of an intentional and snowball type, whose selection criteria were: Venezuelan migrant students aged 10 to 15 with a minimum of 3 years of permanence in the school system and teachers whose assignment is to train migrant students. Venezuelans. The semi-structured interview was used as a technique, which was related to the a priori categorization matrix.
In Colombia, there has been an increase in the Venezuelan migrant population in recent years, which has generated discriminatory and xenophobic practices within the framework of social interaction and demands on the country's educational system . In the educational context, students face exclusion from study groups by their peers, symbolic violence based on adjectives associated with the place of origin and political crisis, and sometimes they are perceived as invaders and potential consumers of social services. that Colombia offers, which generates tensions. Objectives: Understand the factors associated with xenophobia directed at Venezuelan migrant students from educational institutions in the Department of Atlántico - Colombia. Identify the social, cultural and institutional factors associated with xenophobia directed at Venezuelan migrant students. Know the role of the teacher and educational practice in the face of xenophobic manifestations. Materials and methods: The research project was carried out under qualitative, historical hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology. The sample was non-probabilistic of an intentional and snowball type, whose selection criteria were: Venezuelan migrant students aged 10 to 15 with a minimum of 3 years of permanence in the school system and teachers whose assignment is to train migrant students. Venezuelans. The semi-structured interview was used as a technique, which was related to the a priori categorization matrix.
Palabras clave
Migración, Xenofobia, Exclusión, Derechos humanos, Migration, Xenophobia, Exclusion, Human rights