Direccionamiento estratégico y aprendizaje organizacional en unidades productivas asociadas a cooperativas del sector agrícola del Atlántico Colombiano
Estrada, Hilda H.
Saumett, Hernan G.
Bahamón, Marly J.
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT
Los resultados de esta investigación permiten
caracterizar las estrategias empresariales de los
asociados a dos cooperativas dentro del
direccionamiento estratégico y el aprendizaje
organizacional, utilizando una metodología de tipo
cualitativa. Se encontró que los representantes de estas
unidades productivas conocen el funcionamiento interno
de ellas, pero presentan dificultades para la planeación
de acuerdo con los cambios en su entorno y se trazan
metas difusas, a pesar de mostrar una apertura hacia
los procesos de capacitación.
The results of this research is conducted to characterize the business strategies of two cooperatives partners within the strategic direction and organizational learning. This characterization is performed by using the qualitative methodology. The findings of this research it is concluded that the representatives of these production units are aware of their internal function, but they presented planning difficulties according to their environmental changes. Consequently, the achievement of the target setting it is not fair, even though it shows an opening towards their processes of training.
The results of this research is conducted to characterize the business strategies of two cooperatives partners within the strategic direction and organizational learning. This characterization is performed by using the qualitative methodology. The findings of this research it is concluded that the representatives of these production units are aware of their internal function, but they presented planning difficulties according to their environmental changes. Consequently, the achievement of the target setting it is not fair, even though it shows an opening towards their processes of training.
Palabras clave
Direccionamiento estratégico, Aprendizaje organizacional, Cooperativas, Sector agrario, Addressing strategic, Learning organizational, Cooperative, Agricultural sector