El control de convencionalidad y el diálogo judicial frente al medio ambiente como sujeto de protección y reparación
Castillo Galvis, Sergio Hernando
D’Janon Donado, Magda Ligia
Ramírez Nárdiz, Alfredo
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
El presente artículo tiene por objeto
el control de convencionalidad y su ejercicio
por los jueces administrativos, pretendiendo
en este caso efectuar un análisis del control
de convencionalidad y la doctrina conocida
como diálogo interjurisdiccional que propenda
por una concepción de mayor garantía del
medio ambiente como sujeto de protección
y reparación. Para ello, se utilizó un marco
metodológico de carácter cualitativo con la
técnica de análisis de discurso —de carácter
jurisprudencial— sobre múltiples providencias
de altas cortes colombianas y la Corte Interamericana
de Derechos Humanos, así como de
reconocidos doctrinarios, que permitan fortalecer
la propuesta, concluyendo que este diálogo sea
activo con una modificación de la dirección en
que se efectúe y que podrían ser las altas cortes nacionales las que fijen precedentes que la
Corte Interamericana pueda tomar como criterio
hermenéutico relevante que tengan por fin la
conformación de un ius commune interamericano
en favor del medio ambiente como sujeto
autónomo de protección y reparación.
This article to control conventionality and its exercise by administrative judges, intending in this case to carry out an analysis of conventionality control and the doctrine known as interjurisdictional dialogue that encourages a conception of greater guarantee of the environment as subject of protection and repair. To this end, a qualitative methodological framework was used with the discourse analysis technique —of a jurisprudential nature— on multiple measures of the Colombian High Courts and the Inter- American Court of Human Rights, as well as recognized doctrines that allow strengthening the proposal, concluding that this dialogue will be active with a modification of the direction in which it takes place, which could be the High National Courts that set precedents that the Inter-American Court can take as a relevant hermeneutical criterion that have as their purpose the conformation of an inter-American ius commune in favor of the environment as an autonomous subject of protection and repair.
This article to control conventionality and its exercise by administrative judges, intending in this case to carry out an analysis of conventionality control and the doctrine known as interjurisdictional dialogue that encourages a conception of greater guarantee of the environment as subject of protection and repair. To this end, a qualitative methodological framework was used with the discourse analysis technique —of a jurisprudential nature— on multiple measures of the Colombian High Courts and the Inter- American Court of Human Rights, as well as recognized doctrines that allow strengthening the proposal, concluding that this dialogue will be active with a modification of the direction in which it takes place, which could be the High National Courts that set precedents that the Inter-American Court can take as a relevant hermeneutical criterion that have as their purpose the conformation of an inter-American ius commune in favor of the environment as an autonomous subject of protection and repair.
Palabras clave
Medio ambiente, Control de convencionalidad, Diálogo judicial, Sujeto de protección, Environment, Control of Conventionality, Judicial dialogue, Subject of protection