Determinación de las estrategias asociadas a aumentar las matriculas en una institución educación para el trabajo y el desarrollo humano en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Pájaro Vergara, Marvin Jose
De Moya Rivera, Brian Xavier
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La competitividad de los Sectores económicos actuales se ha desarrollado teniendo en cuenta el posicionamiento de estos frente al crecimiento organizacional. Hoy por hoy la tendencia administrativa demuestra que a través de una planeación eficiente de estrategias se logran alcanzar resultados favorables para las mismas y por ende permiten alinear sus planes estratégicos con los operativos.
El sector Educativo se convierte en un eslabón de importante participación dentro de dicho análisis, logrando de esta forma convertirse en un foco de análisis de gran relevancia en todos los niveles.
Teniendo en cuenta estas premisas la administración eficiente de recursos potencializa la sostenibilidad y perdurabilidad de las Empresas.
El presente estudio de caso presenta la situación organizacional de una Institución de Educación para el Trabajo y el Desarrollo Humano en la ciudad de Barranquilla
frente al comportamiento de sus matrículas realizando un análisis de la composición actual y proponiendo estrategias asociadas al desarrollo del marketing y de las variables de producto, precio, promoción y canales de distribución.
De igual manera se presentan la estrecha relación que estos tienen con respecto al desarrollo de la infraestructura física y de los medios educativos tendientes al fortalecimiento de la oferta académica.
El presente análisis busca establecer las estrategias asociadas que permitan aumentar las matrículas y permitan garantizar el desarrollo de la Institución a través de tres alternativas de solución: marketing, infraestructura física y planes de inversión de medios educativos
The competitiveness of the current economic sectors have been developed taking into account their own positioning considering the organizational growth. Nowadays the administrative trend is demonstrating that an effective planning of strategies leads to the achievement of results for companies which, at the same time, allows them to align the strategic as well as the operational plans. The educational field becomes a relevant step wthin the analysis of the aformentioned assertions. Keeping in mind all these premises, it is considerable that the control and effective administration of resources strengthen the sustainability of the companies. This case study shows the current organizational condition of an institution which main goal is to educate people for work as well as for human development in Barranquilla, Colombia. The study consists of an analysis of the number of registered or enrolled students in the institution, suggesting alternative strategies related to the marketing development and the product variables, price, promotion and distribution channels. In addition, the relationship between the aformentioned factors and the development of the physical infrastructure and also considering the current strategies for strengthening the educational offer. This research aims to establish the associated strategies that allow the institution to increase the Number of enrolled students and ensures the development of the institution implementing three possible alternatives: marketing, physical infrastructure and a plan for the investment in educational media.
The competitiveness of the current economic sectors have been developed taking into account their own positioning considering the organizational growth. Nowadays the administrative trend is demonstrating that an effective planning of strategies leads to the achievement of results for companies which, at the same time, allows them to align the strategic as well as the operational plans. The educational field becomes a relevant step wthin the analysis of the aformentioned assertions. Keeping in mind all these premises, it is considerable that the control and effective administration of resources strengthen the sustainability of the companies. This case study shows the current organizational condition of an institution which main goal is to educate people for work as well as for human development in Barranquilla, Colombia. The study consists of an analysis of the number of registered or enrolled students in the institution, suggesting alternative strategies related to the marketing development and the product variables, price, promotion and distribution channels. In addition, the relationship between the aformentioned factors and the development of the physical infrastructure and also considering the current strategies for strengthening the educational offer. This research aims to establish the associated strategies that allow the institution to increase the Number of enrolled students and ensures the development of the institution implementing three possible alternatives: marketing, physical infrastructure and a plan for the investment in educational media.
Palabras clave
Estrategia, Competitividad, Marketing, Innovación, Sostenibilidad, Perdurabilidad, Valor, Strategy, Competitiveness, Innovation, Sustainability, Durability, Value