Aplicación de la politica de equidad de genero dentro del plan nacional de desarrollo 2018 – 2022
Bonilla Guerrero, Alexis
García Caicedo, Diana Paola
Rodríguez Arocha, Juan Pablo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente proyecto tiene el objetivo en identificar y analizar la equidad de género, con respecto a las políticas del Gobierno Nacional y su Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, y como la mujer a pesar de su condición de mujer ha ido escalando en aspectos sociales, culturales y políticos, tarea que no ha sido para nada fácil, más aun cuando Colombia es un país dominado por hombres y la inclusión de la mujer data desde los año 50 en adelante y en donde sociedad ha sido gran discriminadora en aspectos del campo laboral hasta el campo político, además donde los sueldos devengados son inferiores con respecto a los hombres.
Por otro lado se analizó la inclusión de la mujer en la vida politica la cual era reservada solo para los hombres y como su incursión ha sido lenta, progresiva pero notables, es por ello que se mostrará cómo ha sido su aceptación en países como Brasil, Chile y Argentina que han tenido una mujer líder al frente de su Nación, en Colombia ha llegado a ocupar la vicepresidencia de la República y ahora es elegida una mujer como alcaldesa de la ciudad de Bogotá, segundo cargo público más importante.
Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de tipo documental de normas y jurisprudencia para comprender el contexto de la equidad de género y la comunidad LGTBI, en una sociedad tan conservadora como la colombiana y en donde el Gobierno del presidente electo los incluye verdaderamente, en un país equitativo y justo.
This project aims to identify and analyze gender equity, with respect to the policies of the National Government and its National Development Plan, and how women, despite their status as women, have been scaling up in social, cultural and politicians, a task that has not been easy at all, especially when Colombia is a country dominated by men and the inclusion of women dates from de 50s onwards and where society has been highly discriminatory in aspects of the labor field to the field political, also where the salaries earned are lower compared to men. The political and democratic participation of women has to be important in this article and as women have had to venture slowly and progressively, despite social and political problems; but it is clear that it has not been in vain in less than four years the woman in Colombia is elected as vice-presidential formula in the country, and for the first time, a woman is popularly elected to occupy the second most important political position in the country as it is the mayor´s office of Bogota. A bibliographic review of documentary type of norms and jurisprudence was carried out to understand the context of gender equity and the LGTBI community, in a society as conservative as the Colombian one and where the Government of the President-elect truly includes them, in an equitable county and just.
This project aims to identify and analyze gender equity, with respect to the policies of the National Government and its National Development Plan, and how women, despite their status as women, have been scaling up in social, cultural and politicians, a task that has not been easy at all, especially when Colombia is a country dominated by men and the inclusion of women dates from de 50s onwards and where society has been highly discriminatory in aspects of the labor field to the field political, also where the salaries earned are lower compared to men. The political and democratic participation of women has to be important in this article and as women have had to venture slowly and progressively, despite social and political problems; but it is clear that it has not been in vain in less than four years the woman in Colombia is elected as vice-presidential formula in the country, and for the first time, a woman is popularly elected to occupy the second most important political position in the country as it is the mayor´s office of Bogota. A bibliographic review of documentary type of norms and jurisprudence was carried out to understand the context of gender equity and the LGTBI community, in a society as conservative as the Colombian one and where the Government of the President-elect truly includes them, in an equitable county and just.
Palabras clave
Equidad de género, Mujer, Democracia, Política, Gender equality, Women, democracy, politics