El presupuesto participativo en Colombia: mecanismo democrático deliberado para la materialización del estado social de derecho
Sánchez Cabeza, Luis Ángel
Parada Figueroa, Andrés Isachar
Hernández Morales, Jessica Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente artículo pretende abordar diversas aproximaciones teóricas desde las condiciones necesarias y el respaldo legal para el ejercicio del presupuesto participativo para la ejecución y materialización del estado social y la aplicación de cada uno de sus fines, en este sentido, la inclinación por este estudio se direcciona a los alcances en las estrategias innovadoras para la unión de las esferas sociales y las esferas públicas, en la medida que la ciudadanía pueda ejercer control fiscal y social.
Con base a lo anterior, la información recopilada se analizó a través de un estudio cualitativo para la interpretación de los marcos normativos y jurídicos que regulan el presupuesto participativo y la participación ciudadana en Colombia, esto, con la finalidad de establecer las condiciones que se han venido desarrollado y ejecutando en los procesos de la gestión pública y los presupuestos interpretativos.
De ello resulta necesario concluir que actualmente la participación social en los procesos de la gestión pública y territorial son herramientas que afianzan los procesos de transparencia y la trasformación en los tejidos sociales, en donde desde la promulgación de la Carta Nacional de 1991 ha reconocido que los gobiernos locales prioricen la necesidad que las comunidades han planteado y quien, a su vez, planifican, monitorean el control de los procesos y realizan seguimiento de la destinación e intervención de los recursos públicos.
La participación ciudadana es un asunto de carácter público, permite así el fortalecimiento y confianza el correcto cumplimiento de los fines esenciales del estado social democrático, que enmarca la relevancia del pueblo colombiano como gestor determinador al crecimiento social y gracias a ello, permita un crecimiento colectivo en beneficio general a través de su participación oportuna y eficiente de los gastos públicos generados en las actuaciones que realiza los administradores de los gastos públicos en la implementación y ejecución de las políticas públicas.
El presupuesto público o más conocido como presupuesto participativo es un enfoque que promueve desde la esfera política la contribución en las decisiones para la destinación de un porcentaje de los recursos, en donde desde el proceso de participación deliberada, la población juega un rol innovador en relación con los enfoques tradicionales evidenciando así un constante discrepancia social por las transformaciones sociales que pueda generar los procesos de participación ciudadana y los reconocimientos de garantías constitucionales que se ve condensado en el artículo1° de la constitución nacional. Esta nueva dinámica de participación ciudadana en Colombia se erige como un derecho y un deber, en cual indica que los ciudadanos tienen ese sagrado derecho constitucional de ejercer su intervención en la vida política en los diferentes espacios de participación en respuesta en cambio justo y social.
los Presupuestos Participativos (PP) se centra en los procesos que fomentan la interacción de las sociedades y los acercamientos con el Estado, estos procesos tienen un propósito y es intervenir en asuntos de interés público que encamine hacia el modelo de democracia participativa, promoviendo los espacios deliberativos para la toma de decisiones en donde se involucren todos los sectores sociales del país.
Colombia, desde la promulgación de la constitución ha venido fortaleciendo la democracia participativa como modelo de Estado de Derecho, así pues, los instrumentos jurídicos que buscan incorporar los procesos en la práctica democrática e interpretativa para lograr la profundización o el mejoramiento de los gobiernos y las sociedad democráticas, en donde se busca la expansión e incorporación directa para la participación de todos los ciudadanos en el gobierno y la ampliación de la intervención ejercido por los ciudadanos sobre sus gobernantes.
This article aims to address various theoretical approaches from the necessary conditions and legal support for the exercise of the participatory budget for the execution and materialization of the social state and the implementation of each of its purposes, in this sense, the inclination for this study is directed to the scope of innovative strategies for the union of the social and public spheres, to the extent that citizens can exercise fiscal and social control. Based on the above, the information gathered was analyzed through a qualitative study for the interpretation of the normative and legal frameworks that regulate the participatory budget and citizen participation in Colombia, with the purpose of establishing the conditions that have been developed and executed in the processes of public management and interpretive budgets. From this it is necessary to conclude that currently the social participation in the processes of public and territorial management are tools that strengthen the processes of transparency and transformation in the social fabric, where since the enactment of the National Charter of 1991 has recognized that local governments prioritize the need that communities have raised and who, in turn, plan, monitor the control of the processes and follow up on the allocation and intervention of public resources. Citizen participation is a matter of public character, thus allowing the strengthening and confidence in the correct fulfillment of the essential purposes of the social democratic state, which frames the relevance of the Colombian people as a determining manager to social growth and thanks to this, allows a collective growth in general benefit through its timely and efficient participation of public expenditures generated in the actions performed by the administrators of public expenditures in the implementation and execution of public policies. The public budget or better known as participatory budget is an approach that promotes from the political sphere the contribution in the decisions for the allocation of a percentage of the resources, where from the process of deliberate participation, the population plays an innovative role in relation to the traditional approaches thus evidencing a constant social discrepancy for the social transformations that can generate the processes of citizen participation and the recognition of constitutional guarantees that is condensed in article 1° of the national constitution. This new dynamics of citizen participation in Colombia stands as a right and a duty, which indicates that citizens have that sacred constitutional right to exercise their intervention in political life in the different spaces of participation in response to fair and social change. Participatory Budgeting (PB) focuses on processes that encourage the interaction of societies and approaches with the State, these processes have a purpose and that is to intervene in matters of public interest that lead to the model of participatory democracy, promoting deliberative spaces for decision making where all social sectors of the country are involved. Colombia, since the promulgation of the constitution has been strengthening participatory democracy as a model of rule of law, thus, the legal instruments that seek to incorporate the processes in the democratic and interpretative practice to achieve the deepening or improvement of governments and democratic society, where the expansion and direct incorporation is sought for the participation of all citizens in government and the expansion of the intervention exercised by citizens on their rulers.
This article aims to address various theoretical approaches from the necessary conditions and legal support for the exercise of the participatory budget for the execution and materialization of the social state and the implementation of each of its purposes, in this sense, the inclination for this study is directed to the scope of innovative strategies for the union of the social and public spheres, to the extent that citizens can exercise fiscal and social control. Based on the above, the information gathered was analyzed through a qualitative study for the interpretation of the normative and legal frameworks that regulate the participatory budget and citizen participation in Colombia, with the purpose of establishing the conditions that have been developed and executed in the processes of public management and interpretive budgets. From this it is necessary to conclude that currently the social participation in the processes of public and territorial management are tools that strengthen the processes of transparency and transformation in the social fabric, where since the enactment of the National Charter of 1991 has recognized that local governments prioritize the need that communities have raised and who, in turn, plan, monitor the control of the processes and follow up on the allocation and intervention of public resources. Citizen participation is a matter of public character, thus allowing the strengthening and confidence in the correct fulfillment of the essential purposes of the social democratic state, which frames the relevance of the Colombian people as a determining manager to social growth and thanks to this, allows a collective growth in general benefit through its timely and efficient participation of public expenditures generated in the actions performed by the administrators of public expenditures in the implementation and execution of public policies. The public budget or better known as participatory budget is an approach that promotes from the political sphere the contribution in the decisions for the allocation of a percentage of the resources, where from the process of deliberate participation, the population plays an innovative role in relation to the traditional approaches thus evidencing a constant social discrepancy for the social transformations that can generate the processes of citizen participation and the recognition of constitutional guarantees that is condensed in article 1° of the national constitution. This new dynamics of citizen participation in Colombia stands as a right and a duty, which indicates that citizens have that sacred constitutional right to exercise their intervention in political life in the different spaces of participation in response to fair and social change. Participatory Budgeting (PB) focuses on processes that encourage the interaction of societies and approaches with the State, these processes have a purpose and that is to intervene in matters of public interest that lead to the model of participatory democracy, promoting deliberative spaces for decision making where all social sectors of the country are involved. Colombia, since the promulgation of the constitution has been strengthening participatory democracy as a model of rule of law, thus, the legal instruments that seek to incorporate the processes in the democratic and interpretative practice to achieve the deepening or improvement of governments and democratic society, where the expansion and direct incorporation is sought for the participation of all citizens in government and the expansion of the intervention exercised by citizens on their rulers.
Palabras clave
Comunidad, Esferas sociales, Estado social, Presupuesto participativo, Participación social, Community, Social spheres, Social state, Participatory budget, Social participation