Verificar beneficios y cumplimiento ley 1819 (ZOMAC) en directivos, empleados en la empresa el Constructor SAS de zona de conflicto en el municipio del Carmen de Bolívar
Martínez Peralta, Adrián
Pinto Mendoza, Daniel
De Los Reyes Navarro, Juan Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Los acuerdos de paz entre el Gobierno y la guerrilla de las FARC-EP en 2016, abrió la visión a territorios afectados y atemorizados, a tener opciones para generar por sí mismos, competitividad y sostenibilidad. Un ejemplo de esto es el municipio de Arauca (Arauca), un municipio que, a pesar de tener las condiciones tanto geográficas, como de recursos naturales, continúa con indicadores que son inferiores a los del país en términos de pobreza, cobertura de servicios, capacidad institucional, entre otros. Para solucionar estos problemas, eliminar las barreras que enfrentan los municipios, y propender por el acercamiento a los niveles promedio de desarrollo a comparación otras zonas del país, el Gobierno nacional diseñó la estrategia de zonas más afectadas por el conflicto (ZOMAC) en el marco del Acuerdo de paz, de este modo, este trabajo de grado tiene por objetivo analizar los aportes al desarrollo de manera multidimensional de la estrategia al municipio en el lapso y vigencia de implementación.
The peace agreements between the Government and the FARC-EP guerrillas in 2016 opened the vision to affected and frightened territories, to have options to generate by themselves, competitiveness, and sustainability. An example of this is the municipality of Arauca (Arauca), a municipality that, despite having both geographical and natural resource P á g i n a 10 | 25 conditions, continues to have indicators that are lower than those of the country in terms of poverty, service coverage, and institutional capacity, among others. To solve these problems, eliminate the barriers faced by the municipalities, and to move closer to the average levels of development compared to other areas of the country, the national government designed the strategy of areas most affected by the conflict (ZOMAC) in the framework of the Peace Agreement. thus, this degree work aims to analyze the contributions to the development of a multidimensional strategy to the municipality in the period and validity of implementation.
The peace agreements between the Government and the FARC-EP guerrillas in 2016 opened the vision to affected and frightened territories, to have options to generate by themselves, competitiveness, and sustainability. An example of this is the municipality of Arauca (Arauca), a municipality that, despite having both geographical and natural resource P á g i n a 10 | 25 conditions, continues to have indicators that are lower than those of the country in terms of poverty, service coverage, and institutional capacity, among others. To solve these problems, eliminate the barriers faced by the municipalities, and to move closer to the average levels of development compared to other areas of the country, the national government designed the strategy of areas most affected by the conflict (ZOMAC) in the framework of the Peace Agreement. thus, this degree work aims to analyze the contributions to the development of a multidimensional strategy to the municipality in the period and validity of implementation.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo, Debilidad, Descentralización, Posconflicto, Development, Weakness, Decentralization, Post-conflict