Gestión de políticas públicas educativas: Una caracterización en Norte de Santander (Colombia)
Aguilar Barreto, Andrea Johana
Rodríguez Manasse, German Alberto
Aguilar, Clara Paola
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
En el presente documento se analizan las políticas
públicas educativas en el departamento Norte de
Santander (Colombia). Para lo anterior, se ha hecho
una revisión de los planes de desarrollo del
departamento en los periodos 2008, 2012 y 2016,
además de otros documentos públicos en materia
educativa. Se identificaron cinco políticas territoriales
en materia educativa: formación docente, atención a
la primera infancia, cobertura y equidad, calidad y
pertinencia, y eficiencia. Los hallazgos evidencian que
sobre estas políticas públicas se han obtenido algunos
avances, pero aún no satisfactorios en especial con el
tema de calidad y formación docente. Así mismo, se
reflejan cambios en los planes, las estrategias y las
acciones de un periodo de gobierno a otro, aunque la
naturaleza de los indicadores sobre los cuales parten
son los mismos. Aún se requiere de diagnósticos
completos y profundos en el ámbito educativo para
una adecuada planificación del desarrollo.
The present document analyzes public educational policies in the Norte de Santander department (Colombia). For the above, a review of the development plans of the department in the periods 2008, 2012 and 2016, as well as other public documents in educational matters has been made. Five territorial policies on education were identified: teacher training, early childhood care, coverage and equity, quality and relevance, and efficiency. The findings show that on these public policies some progress has been made, but still not satisfactory especially with the issue of quality and teacher training. Likewise, the changes in aircraft, strategies and actions of one period of government are reflected, but the nature of the indicators on which the partners are the same. Comprehensive, in-depth diagnostics are still required in the educational field for good development planning.
The present document analyzes public educational policies in the Norte de Santander department (Colombia). For the above, a review of the development plans of the department in the periods 2008, 2012 and 2016, as well as other public documents in educational matters has been made. Five territorial policies on education were identified: teacher training, early childhood care, coverage and equity, quality and relevance, and efficiency. The findings show that on these public policies some progress has been made, but still not satisfactory especially with the issue of quality and teacher training. Likewise, the changes in aircraft, strategies and actions of one period of government are reflected, but the nature of the indicators on which the partners are the same. Comprehensive, in-depth diagnostics are still required in the educational field for good development planning.
Palabras clave
Política pública educativa, Educación, Calidad, Eficiencia, Cobertura, Education, Policy public, Quality, Efficiency, Coverage