Mejoramiento de las condiciones para la inserción laboral de las mujeres familiares de los operarios de empresas manufactureras de Cúcuta
Arias Sanguino, Fernanda Lizeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La inserción laboral femenina se ha convertido en uno de los principales logros que los movimientos a favor de los derechos de las mujeres han logrado después de muchos años de lucha por derrotar los estereotipos y por visibilizar la importancia del papel de la mujer en todos los escenarios de la sociedad. Es así como nace este proyecto de grado que busca remover la perennidad de las mujeres solamente en el hogar, llevándolas a espacios laborales y profesionales donde puedan materializar sus metas, sueños y añoranzas, trabajando de la mano de empresas e industrias de la ciudad de Cúcuta, permitiendo así un beneficio para todos los actores implicados. El objetivo principal es el mejoramiento de las condiciones para la inserción laboral de las mujeres familiares de los operarios de empresas manufactureras de Cúcuta, quienes se han visto afectadas por los temas de desempleo, falta de oportunidades de formación y educación, deserción escolar, rol perenne en el hogar, baja autoestima, entre otros.
La propuesta consiste en desarrollar una estrategia denominada: Reconoce tu valor y empodera con amor, donde por medio de convenios con empresas del sector manufacturero de la ciudad, se puedan desarrollar programas de formación y empoderamiento a las mujeres familiares de sus mismos operarios, reaprovechando y transformando las materias primas que se están desechando, creando espacios donde las mujeres puedan tener un perfil competitivo para buscar empleo e insertarse laboralmente en la industria , impactando en la calidad de vida de ellas y de sus familias, y a su vez dinamizando la economía de las industrias por medio de las prácticas de logística inversa de sus materias primas que anteriormente eran desechadas.
Female labor insertion has become one of the main achievements that the movements in favor of women's rights have achieved after many years of struggle to defeat stereotypes and to make visible the importance of the role of women in all settings of the society. This is how this degree project was born that seeks to remove the perenniality of women only at home, taking them to work and professional spaces where they can materialize their goals, dreams and longings, working hand in hand with companies and industries of the city of Cúcuta, thus allowing a benefit for all the actors involved. The main objective is to improve the conditions for the labor insertion of female relatives of the workers of manufacturing companies in Cúcuta, who have been affected by the issues of unemployment, lack of training and education opportunities, school dropouts, perennial role at home, low self-esteem, among others. The proposal consists in developing a strategy called: Recognize your value and empower with love, where through agreements with companies in the manufacturing sector of the city, training and empowerment programs can be developed for women who are relatives of their own workers, reusing and transforming the raw materials that are being discarded, creating spaces where women can have a competitive profile to seek employment and find employment in the industry, impacting the quality of life of them and their families, and in turn boosting the economy of the industries through reverse logistics practices of their raw materials that were previously discarded.
Female labor insertion has become one of the main achievements that the movements in favor of women's rights have achieved after many years of struggle to defeat stereotypes and to make visible the importance of the role of women in all settings of the society. This is how this degree project was born that seeks to remove the perenniality of women only at home, taking them to work and professional spaces where they can materialize their goals, dreams and longings, working hand in hand with companies and industries of the city of Cúcuta, thus allowing a benefit for all the actors involved. The main objective is to improve the conditions for the labor insertion of female relatives of the workers of manufacturing companies in Cúcuta, who have been affected by the issues of unemployment, lack of training and education opportunities, school dropouts, perennial role at home, low self-esteem, among others. The proposal consists in developing a strategy called: Recognize your value and empower with love, where through agreements with companies in the manufacturing sector of the city, training and empowerment programs can be developed for women who are relatives of their own workers, reusing and transforming the raw materials that are being discarded, creating spaces where women can have a competitive profile to seek employment and find employment in the industry, impacting the quality of life of them and their families, and in turn boosting the economy of the industries through reverse logistics practices of their raw materials that were previously discarded.
Palabras clave
Inserción laboral, Mujeres, Empresas, Empoderamiento, Calidad de vida, Labor insertion, Women, Companies, Empowerment, Quality of life.