Rol del estado de necesidad para la solicitud del amparo de pobreza en los procesos ordinarios laborales de los juzgados de pequeñas causas de Cúcuta.
Martinez Ortega, Kerlly Jhurlley
Quintero Peñaranda, Giovanni Albeiro
Vargas Martinez, Belen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Colombia un Estado Social de Derecho que responde a sus Nacionales que da el acceso a la justicia de forma segura y optima en cuestiones que generen asuntos contenciosos, en condiciones iguales, funda la figura del amparo de pobreza consagrada en las distintas leyes procesales. El presente escrito se realizó en los juzgados laborales de pequeñas causas en Cúcuta bajo el objetivo principal de analizar el impacto que ha generado el estado de necesidad y precariedad de una persona desempleada como elemento o criterio constitutivo para otorgar dicha figura en procesos ordinarios en los juzgados anteriormente mencionados. El escrito emplea un paradigma interpretativo, con un diseño fenomenológico, basado en una investigación netamente cualitativa desarrollada mediante dos entrevistas estructuradas y matriz de análisis legal. Permitiendo lograr un alcance más estructurado y más cercano a la realidad de los juzgados laborales de pequeñas causas. Obteniendo como resultados que el legislador en Colombia en cumplimiento de instrumentos internacionales y cumplimiento efectivo de la legislación interna genera una figura garantista denominada amparo de pobreza para una justicia eficaz y una justicia de forma pronta, sin menoscabar derechos, en otros termino, se debe proteger el derecho a la igualdad a través de la figura jurídica en cuestión, sin advertir que el derecho sustancial y procesal coartan garantías constitucionales e internacionales para el goce pleno de la justicia colombiana mediante lo establecido en la ley que exige que en Colombia solo se podrá a dicha figura que protege las personas en situación de pobreza si tan solo el derecho litigioso debatible dentro del proceso no es a título oneroso
The present brief briefly review the judicial perception and the applicability of the figure of the protection of poverty enshrined in article 151 of the general process taken in the labor courts of small cases in the city of Cucuta, north of Santander. The main objective was to analyze the impact generated by the state of need and precariousness of an unemployed person as an element or constitutive criterion to grant an amparo of poverty in ordinary processes in the aforementioned courts. In such a way that for the materialization of the objective an interpretive paradigm of the studied figure was used, with a phenomenological design, based on a purely qualitative research developed through semi-structured interviews and matrix of legal analysis. Allowing achieve more structured reach and closer to the reality of labor courts of small causes.Obtaining as results that Colombian legislation effectively provides the figure of the protection of poverty with both domestic mandates and international instruments that guarantee the Colombian citizen an efficient and prompt access to the administration of justice, without any distinction protecting the right to equality through the figure of the protection of poverty, without noticing that substantial and procedural law limits the application of fundamental rights to access justice through Article 151 of the general code of the process that requires that in Colombia only the protection of poverty can be accessed if only the litigious right debatable within the process is not for consideration
The present brief briefly review the judicial perception and the applicability of the figure of the protection of poverty enshrined in article 151 of the general process taken in the labor courts of small cases in the city of Cucuta, north of Santander. The main objective was to analyze the impact generated by the state of need and precariousness of an unemployed person as an element or constitutive criterion to grant an amparo of poverty in ordinary processes in the aforementioned courts. In such a way that for the materialization of the objective an interpretive paradigm of the studied figure was used, with a phenomenological design, based on a purely qualitative research developed through semi-structured interviews and matrix of legal analysis. Allowing achieve more structured reach and closer to the reality of labor courts of small causes.Obtaining as results that Colombian legislation effectively provides the figure of the protection of poverty with both domestic mandates and international instruments that guarantee the Colombian citizen an efficient and prompt access to the administration of justice, without any distinction protecting the right to equality through the figure of the protection of poverty, without noticing that substantial and procedural law limits the application of fundamental rights to access justice through Article 151 of the general code of the process that requires that in Colombia only the protection of poverty can be accessed if only the litigious right debatable within the process is not for consideration
Palabras clave
Amparo, Pobreza, Acceso, Justicia, Juez, Laboral, Protection, Poverty, Access, Justice, Judge and labor