Perfil cognitivo y alteraciones neuropsicológicas del trastorno antisocial de la personalidad: Una revisión teórica
Garizabal Sobrino, Melissa Cecilia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El trastorno antisocial de la personalidad es una de las patologías que mayor
problemática genera en la esfera social, teniendo en cuenta que quienes padecen este
trastorno manifiestan conductas disruptivas, llevándolos así a la comisión de actos
delictivos y delincuenciales. La presencia de distorsiones cognitivas y creencias
disfuncionales; y la existencia alteraciones a nivel cerebral en sujetos con este
trastornos contribuye a que se genere esta conducta, pues esto influye en la forma de
cómo perciben el mundo y a los otros. El objetivo de la presente investigación es
realizar una revisión de artículos que aborden aspectos del perfil cognitivo del
trastorno antisocial de la personalidad. En esta revisión se llevó a cabo una búsqueda
en distintas bases de datos tales como Science Direct, ProQuest, Dialnet, SciElo,
Redalyc, APA PsycNet, Web of Science, E-libro y EBSCOhost. La revisión de los 11
estudios finalmente seleccionados, condujeron a concluir que los individuos con
trastorno de la personalidad antisocial o conducta antisocial presentan diversas
distorsiones cognitivas de tipo auto-sirvientes, y pensamientos automáticos asociados
a distorsiones cognitivas tales como interpretación del pensamiento, filtraje,
pensamiento polarizado, falacia de cambio, falacia de recompensa divina,
culpabilidad y catastrofismo; de igual manera, se hallaron alteraciones
neuropsicológicas asociadas con el trastorno antisocial de la personalidad en la
realizacion de tareas asociadas a las funciones ejecutivas de flexibilidad, control
inhibitorio y control de los impulsos principalmente. Finalmente, se considera
relevante la intervención al trastorno antisocial de la personalidad dado que representa
una problemática a nivel social y sus estudios han sido limitados.
Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most problematic pathologies in the social sphere, considering that those who suffer from this disorder manifest disruptive behaviors, leading them to commit criminal and delinquent acts. The presence of cognitive distortions and dysfunctional beliefs; and the existence of alterations at the cerebral level in subjects with this disorder contribute to the generation of this behavior, as this influences the way they perceive the world and others. The aim of this research is to review articles that address aspects of the cognitive profile of antisocial personality disorder. In this review a search was carried out in different databases such as Science Direct, ProQuest, Dialnet, SciElo, Redalyc, APA PsycNet, Web of Science, E-libro and EBSCOhost. The review of the 11 studies finally selected led to the conclusion that individuals with antisocial personality disorder or antisocial behavior present several self-serving cognitive distortions and automatic thoughts associated with cognitive distortions such as thought interpretation, filtering, polarized thinking, the fallacy of change, the fallacy of divine reward, guilt and catastrophism; Similarly, neuropsychological alterations associated with antisocial personality disorder were found in the performance of tasks associated with the executive functions of flexibility, inhibitory control and impulse control mainly. Finally, the intervention to antisocial personality disorder is considered relevant since it represents a problem at a social level and its studies have been very limited.
Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most problematic pathologies in the social sphere, considering that those who suffer from this disorder manifest disruptive behaviors, leading them to commit criminal and delinquent acts. The presence of cognitive distortions and dysfunctional beliefs; and the existence of alterations at the cerebral level in subjects with this disorder contribute to the generation of this behavior, as this influences the way they perceive the world and others. The aim of this research is to review articles that address aspects of the cognitive profile of antisocial personality disorder. In this review a search was carried out in different databases such as Science Direct, ProQuest, Dialnet, SciElo, Redalyc, APA PsycNet, Web of Science, E-libro and EBSCOhost. The review of the 11 studies finally selected led to the conclusion that individuals with antisocial personality disorder or antisocial behavior present several self-serving cognitive distortions and automatic thoughts associated with cognitive distortions such as thought interpretation, filtering, polarized thinking, the fallacy of change, the fallacy of divine reward, guilt and catastrophism; Similarly, neuropsychological alterations associated with antisocial personality disorder were found in the performance of tasks associated with the executive functions of flexibility, inhibitory control and impulse control mainly. Finally, the intervention to antisocial personality disorder is considered relevant since it represents a problem at a social level and its studies have been very limited.
Palabras clave
Trastorno de la personalidad antisocial, Perfil cognitivo, Conducta antisocial, Creencias centrales, Distorsiones cognitivas, Pensamientos automáticos, Antisocial personality disorder, Cognitive profile, Antisocial behavior, Core beliefs, Cognitive distortions, Automatic thoughts