Revisión sistemática de programas para la prevención e intervención de la violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo: aportes en el contexto hispanoamericano
Daguer Machado, Dianora del Carmen
Macareno Camargo, Tania Lorena
Rojano Pérez, Fernando David
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo se reconoce como un fenómeno grave de salud pública con importantes afectaciones en el bienestar biopsicosocial de las personas involucradas. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática estuvo encaminado en identificar los avances investigativos para la prevención e intervención de esta problemática siguiendo la metodología PRISMA. Se identificaron (n=1385) registros cuyo texto completo se puede recuperar en los sistemas de información: Scopus, EBSCO y PubMed. Se incluyeron finalmente (n=3) estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos: estudios comprendidos entre el año 2012 y 2021, programas diseñados, aplicados y evaluados, que contaran con objetivos, metodología, instrumentos, número de sesiones, limitaciones, fortalezas y conclusiones. Dentro de los resultados, se resalta el abordaje de temas encaminados a lograr una reducción significativa de las actitudes violentas dentro de una relación de pareja entre adolescentes y jóvenes heterosexuales, destacándose aspectos psicológicos, sociales y relacionales como los roles y estereotipos de género, derechos sexuales y a la privacidad, consecuencias de la violencia de género en el noviazgo, habilidades para hacer frente a eventos violentos en el noviazgo, creencias y expectativas sobre la relación de pareja, habilidades de comunicación, empatía, manejo de la ira, entre otros. Se evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar iniciativas enfocadas a la prevención e intervención de la problemática reconociendo los cambios en las nuevas emergencias vinculares y relacionales, la diversidad de la orientación sexual, la expresión de género, el uso de las TIC y el auge la virtualidad en los adolescentes y jóvenes contemporáneos hispanoamericanos.
Dating violence is recognized as a serious public health phenomenon with important effects on the biopsychosocial well-being of the people involved. The aim of this systematic review was to identify research advances for the prevention and intervention of this problem following the PRISMA methodology. There were identified (n=1385) records whose full text could be retrieved from the following information systems: Scopus, EBSCO, and PubMed. Finally, (n=3) studies were included that met the established inclusion criteria: studies between 2012 and 2021, programs designed, applied and evaluated, with objectives, methodology, instruments, number of sessions, limitations, strengths and conclusions. Among the results, it is highlighted the approach of topics aimed at achieving a significant reduction of violent attitudes within a couple relationship between adolescents and young heterosexuals, highlighting psychological, social and relational aspects such as gender roles and stereotypes, sexual and privacy rights, consequences of gender violence in dating, skills to cope with violent events in dating, beliefs and expectations about the relationship, communication skills, empathy, anger management, among others. The need to develop initiatives focused on the prevention and intervention of the problem is evident, recognizing the changes in the new bonding and relational emergencies, the diversity of sexual orientation, gender expression, the use of ICTs and the rise of virtuality in contemporary Hispanic American adolescents and young people.
Dating violence is recognized as a serious public health phenomenon with important effects on the biopsychosocial well-being of the people involved. The aim of this systematic review was to identify research advances for the prevention and intervention of this problem following the PRISMA methodology. There were identified (n=1385) records whose full text could be retrieved from the following information systems: Scopus, EBSCO, and PubMed. Finally, (n=3) studies were included that met the established inclusion criteria: studies between 2012 and 2021, programs designed, applied and evaluated, with objectives, methodology, instruments, number of sessions, limitations, strengths and conclusions. Among the results, it is highlighted the approach of topics aimed at achieving a significant reduction of violent attitudes within a couple relationship between adolescents and young heterosexuals, highlighting psychological, social and relational aspects such as gender roles and stereotypes, sexual and privacy rights, consequences of gender violence in dating, skills to cope with violent events in dating, beliefs and expectations about the relationship, communication skills, empathy, anger management, among others. The need to develop initiatives focused on the prevention and intervention of the problem is evident, recognizing the changes in the new bonding and relational emergencies, the diversity of sexual orientation, gender expression, the use of ICTs and the rise of virtuality in contemporary Hispanic American adolescents and young people.
Palabras clave
Violencia en el noviazgo, Intervención, Prevención, Relaciones Vinculares, Programas, Salud mental, Dating Violence, Intervention, Prevention, Relationships, Programs, Mental Health