Análisis de las posturas y exigencias a nivel nacional e internacional sobre la protección animal
Villamizar Salinas, Adrián
Molina Bohórquez, Jeremías Alexis
Arenas Cardona, Ingrid Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente artículo de investigación tiene como objeto principal hacer un análisis de la normatividad a nivel nacional e internacional con respecto a la protección animal. Hoy en día es evidente el maltrato y la crueldad es un grave problema que aqueja a toda la sociedad en diversas partes del mundo, si bien es una realidad que indica el abuso humano sobre los animales, lo que constituyen diferentes conceptos que distinguen el maltrato de la crueldad, en consecuencia de ello es que se ha pronunciado más en el ordenamiento jurídico para dar sanciones en atención a la gravedad que revisten. Con lo que esta problemática ha generado protestas y reclamos para que se dé una adecuada protección a los animales en lo que se ha constituido el móvil por excelencia que en diferentes partes del mundo ha dado lugar a cambios legislativos necesarios de acuerdo a los tiempos que estamos viviendo y además el importante respaldo, que ha dado significado para la tendencia de protección y bienestar, de que los animales son seres vivos sintientes a nivel físico y psíquicos que son capacees de ser consientes de las experiencias que viven; por lo tanto ello ha logrado que ante la presión social, pruebas científicas y leyes, concientizar y sensibilizar las personas sobre la protección que merecen los animales, en atención a su naturaleza, en la medida que con ello se cree conciencia social en cuanto al bienestar y protección de los animales que sirven de base para el reclamo de nuevas y mejores leyes que le den solución a esta problemática
The main purpose of this research article is to analyze the regulations at national and international level regarding animal protection. Nowadays it is evident the mistreatment and the cruelty is a serious problem that afflicts to the whole society in diverse parts of the world, although it is a reality that indicates the human abuse on the animals, what constitute different concepts that distinguish the mistreatment of the cruelty, as a result of it is that it has been pronounced more in the legal order to give sanctions in attention to the seriousness that they have. With what this problematic has generated protests and reclamations so that an adequate protection is given to the animals in what has been constituted the mobile par excellence that in different parts of the world has given place to necessary legislative changes according to the times that we are living and also the important support, which has given meaning to the trend of protection and welfare, that animals are sentient beings on a physical and psychic level that are able to be aware of the experiences they live; therefore it has achieved that before the social pressure, scientific tests and laws, to sensitize and to sensitize the people on the protection that deserve the animals, in attention to their nature, in the measure that with this social conscience is created as for the well-being and protection of the animals that serve as the basis for the claim of new and better laws that give solution to this problem
The main purpose of this research article is to analyze the regulations at national and international level regarding animal protection. Nowadays it is evident the mistreatment and the cruelty is a serious problem that afflicts to the whole society in diverse parts of the world, although it is a reality that indicates the human abuse on the animals, what constitute different concepts that distinguish the mistreatment of the cruelty, as a result of it is that it has been pronounced more in the legal order to give sanctions in attention to the seriousness that they have. With what this problematic has generated protests and reclamations so that an adequate protection is given to the animals in what has been constituted the mobile par excellence that in different parts of the world has given place to necessary legislative changes according to the times that we are living and also the important support, which has given meaning to the trend of protection and welfare, that animals are sentient beings on a physical and psychic level that are able to be aware of the experiences they live; therefore it has achieved that before the social pressure, scientific tests and laws, to sensitize and to sensitize the people on the protection that deserve the animals, in attention to their nature, in the measure that with this social conscience is created as for the well-being and protection of the animals that serve as the basis for the claim of new and better laws that give solution to this problem
Palabras clave
Maltrato animal, Protección, Bienestar, Ordenamiento jurídico, Normatividad nacional e internacional, Animal abuse, Protection, Welfare, Legal order, National and international