Relación entre la falta de autoridad parental y el fomento de conductas disruptivas en los adolescentes de 13 a 17 años del barrio el Escobal, Norte De Santander
Guerrero Montejo, Xiomara
Montañez Peñaranda, Noraly
Serrano Serrano, Marbel
Vaca Orduz, Lismar Yineth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación se basa en analizar la relación entre la falta de autoridad parental y el fomento de conductas disruptivas en los adolescentes de 13 a 17 años del barrio el Escobal, ya que se catalogó como problemática la falta de autoridad en los progenitores ya que al presentarse tal ausencia los adolescentes tienden a desarrollar conductas socialmente catalogadas como negativas, tales como: dificultad para seguir reglas, desobediencia ,irrespeto hacia las personal que los rodean y demás, de igual forma y como lo es naturalmente estos adolescentes se convertirán en adultos que en consecuencia con lo anteriormente mencionado tendrán falencias que pueden estar representado un riesgo en la sociedad, por lo consiguiente se diseñaron tres objetivos específicos que apuntan a ese análisis de relación, dando así como primer paso conocer los cambios en la conducta de los adolescentes de 13 a 17 años del barrio el Escobal, norte de Santander cuando hay o no falta de autoridad parental, como segundo paso, describir las pautas o dinámica familiar utilizado por los padres y por último, identificar la influencia de la falta de autoridad parental en las conductas disruptivas en los adolescentes del barrio el Escobal, seguidamente se incorporó una serie de estudios a nivel internacional, nacional y local que fundamentan teóricamente la problemática antes descrita, así mismo se construyeron unas categorías de análisis para obtener una mejor calidad de estudio del problema, de igual forma están sustentadas por autores que conceptualizan cada categoría, por otra parte, se implementó una metodología cualitativa, con paradigma interpretativo basado en un estudio de caso, planteando técnicas como la entrevista semi estructurada y el grupo focal, las cuales son ideales para analizar a los sujetos de estudio desde sus contextos y vivencias personales, así mismo, para la entrevista semi estructurada se emplearon dos entrevistas diferentes, una para los padres y otra para los adolescentes, pero por el contrario, el grupo focal se manejó exclusivamente con los padres, de igual importancia, los principales hallazgos fueron que los adolescentes sufren cambios que marcan un antes y un después en su comportamiento, ya que cuando los niños trascienden a la etapa de adolescentes, experimentan vivencias que ayudan en la construcción de la personalidad e identidad que regirán su comportamiento como adolescentes y en un futuro no muy lejanos como adultos, así mismo, se encontró que una gran parte de los padres entrevistados implementa un estilo de crianza permisivo lo cual puede que este ocasionando un fomento de conductas catalogadas socialmente negativas en los adolescentes, por ultimo si se hayo una relación existente entre la falta de autoridad parental con el aumento del mal comportamiento en los hijos, así mismo se concluyó que la adolescencia es una de las etapas del desarrollo del ser humano donde se experimentan grandes cambios, uno de los más importantes es dejar de ser niño y transitar a un joven para enfrentarse a la vida forjando una identidad, que está construida a partir de los procesos de crianza por parte de la familia y las relaciones sociales que el niño establezca.
The present research is based on analyzing the relationship between the lack of parental authority and the promotion of disruptive behaviors in adolescents from 13 to 17 years of the El Escobal neighborhood, since the lack of authority in the parents was cataloged as problematic since when such absence occurs adolescents tend to develop behaviors socially cataloged as negative, such as: difficulty following rules, disobedience, disrespect for the people around them and others, in the same way and as it is naturally these adolescents will become adults who consequently with the above will have shortcomings that may be represented a risk in society, therefore, three specific objectives were designed that point to this relationship analysis, thus taking as a first step to know the changes in the behavior of adolescents from 13 to 17 years of age in the El Escobal neighborhood, north of Santander when there is or is not lack of parental authority, as a second step, describe the patterns or family dynamics used by parents and finally, identify the influence of the lack of parental authority on disruptive behaviors in adolescents in the neighborhood El Escobal, then incorporated a series of studies at the international, national and local level that theoretically substantiate the problem described above, Likewise, some categories of analysis were built to obtain a better quality of study of the problem, in the same way they are supported by authors who conceptualize each category, on the other hand, a qualitative methodology was implemented, with an interpretative paradigm based on a case study, Proposing techniques such as the semi-structured interview and the focus group, which are ideal for analyzing the study subjects from their contexts and personal experiences, likewise, for the semi-structured interview, two different interviews were used, one for the parents and another for adolescents, but on the contrary, the focus group was handled exclusively with parents, of equal importance, the main findings were that adolescents suffer changes that mark a before and after in their behavior, since when children transcend the adolescent stage, They experience experiences that help in the construction of personality and identity that will govern their behavior as adolescents and in the not too distant future as adults, likewise, it was found that a large part of the parents interviewed implement a permissive parenting style which may be causing a promotion of behaviors cataloged socially negative in adolescents, finally if there is a relationship between the lack of parental authority with the increase in bad behavior in children, likewise it was concluded that adolescence It is one of the stages of the development of the human being where great changes are experienced, one of the most important is to stop being a child and transit a young person to face life forging an identity, which is built from the processes of upbringing by the family and the social relationships that the child establishes
The present research is based on analyzing the relationship between the lack of parental authority and the promotion of disruptive behaviors in adolescents from 13 to 17 years of the El Escobal neighborhood, since the lack of authority in the parents was cataloged as problematic since when such absence occurs adolescents tend to develop behaviors socially cataloged as negative, such as: difficulty following rules, disobedience, disrespect for the people around them and others, in the same way and as it is naturally these adolescents will become adults who consequently with the above will have shortcomings that may be represented a risk in society, therefore, three specific objectives were designed that point to this relationship analysis, thus taking as a first step to know the changes in the behavior of adolescents from 13 to 17 years of age in the El Escobal neighborhood, north of Santander when there is or is not lack of parental authority, as a second step, describe the patterns or family dynamics used by parents and finally, identify the influence of the lack of parental authority on disruptive behaviors in adolescents in the neighborhood El Escobal, then incorporated a series of studies at the international, national and local level that theoretically substantiate the problem described above, Likewise, some categories of analysis were built to obtain a better quality of study of the problem, in the same way they are supported by authors who conceptualize each category, on the other hand, a qualitative methodology was implemented, with an interpretative paradigm based on a case study, Proposing techniques such as the semi-structured interview and the focus group, which are ideal for analyzing the study subjects from their contexts and personal experiences, likewise, for the semi-structured interview, two different interviews were used, one for the parents and another for adolescents, but on the contrary, the focus group was handled exclusively with parents, of equal importance, the main findings were that adolescents suffer changes that mark a before and after in their behavior, since when children transcend the adolescent stage, They experience experiences that help in the construction of personality and identity that will govern their behavior as adolescents and in the not too distant future as adults, likewise, it was found that a large part of the parents interviewed implement a permissive parenting style which may be causing a promotion of behaviors cataloged socially negative in adolescents, finally if there is a relationship between the lack of parental authority with the increase in bad behavior in children, likewise it was concluded that adolescence It is one of the stages of the development of the human being where great changes are experienced, one of the most important is to stop being a child and transit a young person to face life forging an identity, which is built from the processes of upbringing by the family and the social relationships that the child establishes
Palabras clave
Autoridad parental, Conducta, Estilos de crianza, Dinámica familiar, Conductas disruptivas, Parental authority, Behavior, Parenting styles, Family dynamics, Disruptive behaviors