Cultura organizacional, retos y desafíos para las organizaciones saludables
Rivera Porras, Diego Andrés
Carrillo Sierra, Sandra Milena
Forgiony Santos, Jesús Oreste
Nuván Hurtado, Irma Lizeth
Rozo Sánchez, Astrid Carolina
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
La cultura organizacional ha venido siendo un tema
controversial para múltiples autores e investigadores,
puesto que, existen variaciones teóricas entre su
concepto e importancia. El propósito de la
investigación fue realizar una revisión documental
para analizar este concepto. El método utilizado fue
cualitativo con un diseño bibliográfico de tipo
documental. La muestra seleccionada fue de tipo
teórica, y estuvo conformada por cincuenta artículos
de investigación rastreados desde el año 2000 hasta
el año 2017. La información se analizó según el
contenido y se determinaron las implicaciones de la
cultura organizacional en las organizaciones.
Organizational culture has become a controversial topic for multiple authors and researchers, since there are theoretical variations between its concept and importance. The purpose of the research was to conduct a documentary review to analyze this concept. The method used was qualitative with a bibliographic design of documentary type. The sample was sent from a theoretical perspective, and consisted of fifty research articles tracked from 2000 to 2017. The information was analyzed according to the content and the implications of the organizational culture in the organizations were determined.
Organizational culture has become a controversial topic for multiple authors and researchers, since there are theoretical variations between its concept and importance. The purpose of the research was to conduct a documentary review to analyze this concept. The method used was qualitative with a bibliographic design of documentary type. The sample was sent from a theoretical perspective, and consisted of fifty research articles tracked from 2000 to 2017. The information was analyzed according to the content and the implications of the organizational culture in the organizations were determined.
Palabras clave
Cultura organizacional, Análisis documental, Investigación bibliográfica, Organizational culture, Documentary analysis, Bibliographic research