Emprendimiento social de la fundación: “Lo que crees, creas” dirigido al trabajo informal de migrantes venezolanas en Barranquilla
Sagbini Henríquez, Hayleem Sain
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El fenómeno migratorio de la población venezolana ha generado efectos negativos en los indicadores sociales y económicos de Colombia, evidenciado en el incremento de trabajadores informales en las calles de las diferentes ciudades y municipios del país, lo cual demanda soluciones urgentes por parte de entes públicos o privados que ayuden a mitigar esta problemática. Es por ello que este proyecto de investigación busca proponer un emprendimiento social desde la fundación “LO QUE CREES, CREAS” dirigido al trabajo informal de las migrantes venezolanas en la ciudad de Barranquilla. El estudio tiene un alcance descriptivo-propositivo con un enfoque cuantitativo, por medio de un muestreo sistemático se aplicó una encuesta a 122 mujeres migrantes venezolanas que trabajan en condiciones de informalidad en el paseo Bolívar en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Con este estudio se logró caracterizar el trabajo informal de la población, para definir un modelo de emprendimiento social que ayudará mediante iniciativas de negocio a mejorar las condiciones laborales de la población objeto. Se pudo concluir que la escasez de datos relacionados con la problemática de esta población ha dificultado la intervención y regulación de las actividades informales de dichas mujeres. Es así como el modelo de emprendimiento social propuesto apuntará en ampliar los parámetros de observación y recogida de la población de forma que se logre desplegar estrategias de emprendimiento formal que le den un nuevo rumbo al fenómeno migratorio que experimenta nuestro país.
Background: The migratory phenomenon of the Venezuelan population has generated negative effects on the social and economic indicators of Colombia, evidenced in the increase of informal workers in the streets of the different cities and municipalities of the country, which demands urgent solutions from public entities or private companies that help mitigate this problem. That is why this research project seeks to propose a social enterprise from the foundation WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU CREATE aimed at the informal work of Venezuelan migrants in the city of Barranquilla. The study has a descriptive-proactive scope with a quantitative approach, through a systematic sampling a survey was applied to 122 Venezuelan migrant women who work in informal conditions on the Bolívar promenade in the city of Barranquilla. With this study it was possible to characterize the informal work of the population, to define a social entrepreneurship model that will help through business initiatives to improve the working conditions of the target population. It was concluded that the lack of data related to the problem of this population has hindered the intervention and regulation of the informal activities of these women. This is how the proposed model of social entrepreneurship will aim at expanding the parameters of observation and collection of the population so that it is possible to deploy formal entrepreneurship strategies that give a new direction to the migration phenomenon that our country experiences.
Background: The migratory phenomenon of the Venezuelan population has generated negative effects on the social and economic indicators of Colombia, evidenced in the increase of informal workers in the streets of the different cities and municipalities of the country, which demands urgent solutions from public entities or private companies that help mitigate this problem. That is why this research project seeks to propose a social enterprise from the foundation WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU CREATE aimed at the informal work of Venezuelan migrants in the city of Barranquilla. The study has a descriptive-proactive scope with a quantitative approach, through a systematic sampling a survey was applied to 122 Venezuelan migrant women who work in informal conditions on the Bolívar promenade in the city of Barranquilla. With this study it was possible to characterize the informal work of the population, to define a social entrepreneurship model that will help through business initiatives to improve the working conditions of the target population. It was concluded that the lack of data related to the problem of this population has hindered the intervention and regulation of the informal activities of these women. This is how the proposed model of social entrepreneurship will aim at expanding the parameters of observation and collection of the population so that it is possible to deploy formal entrepreneurship strategies that give a new direction to the migration phenomenon that our country experiences.
Palabras clave
Emprendimiento social, Migración, Trabajo informal, Modelo de emprendimiento social, Social entrepreneurship, Migration, Informal work, Social entrepreneurship model