El percebe Rizocéfalo Loxothylacus Texanus parásito de crustáceos del género Callinectes: una revisión del estado del conocimiento y su impacto ambiental
González Buendía, Valentina Andrea
Mendoza Ahumada, Miguel Andrés
Molinares Pacheco, Valentina Andrea
Reyes Llanos, María de los Reyes
Rosales Casado, Melanni
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Uno de los factores bióticos con mayor impacto sobre las poblaciones de jaiba, es la presencia del parásito Loxothylacus texanus, este es pequeño y tiene un cuerpo aplanado en forma de hoja. Presenta dos apéndices laterales que se asemejan a ramas o antenas, que son utilizados para sujetarse al huésped.
El ciclo de vida del Loxothylacus texanus comienza cuando las hembras adultas del parásito liberan miles de larvas cipris en el agua. Éstas son conocidas como larvas infectantes y son nadadoras durante un breve período de tiempo, las cuales buscan activamente a un huésped adecuado, siguiendo señales químicas liberadas por los percebes y atrayendolos hacia ellos. Una vez ha alcanzado la madurez sexual, la hembra adulta produce huevos y el macho libera esperma. Este ciclo de vida completo puede tardar varios meses en completarse dentro del huésped. Por este motivo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de tipo documental, con el fin de aportar información relacionada con el parásito percebe Loxothylacus texanus en relación con sus posibles efectos sobre poblaciones naturales de los cangrejos del género Callinectes en ambientes marino-costeros en la cual se tuvo en cuenta las fuentes documentadas, el país de publicación y las áreas temáticas, en tanto que factores como el año de publicación y autores fueron criterios irrelevantes. Se encontró que L. texanus causa a sus hospederos castración parasítica y cambios en la morfología, además, se halló que hay factores externos que pueden afectar la prevalencia y distribución de este parásito. La interacción huésped-hospedero representa un impacto negativo en el bienestar de ejemplares y la estabilidad de los ecosistemas naturales, por esta razón, se proponen estrategias que faciliten el manejo entre el parásito y el cangrejo.
One of the biotic factors with the greatest impact on crab populations is the presence of the parasite Loxothylacus texanus, which is small and has a flattened, leaf-shaped body. It has two lateral appendages that resemble branches or antennae, which are used to attach to the host. The life cycle of Loxothylacus texanus begins when adult females of the parasite release thousands of cypris larvae into the water. These are known as infective larvae and are swimmers for a short period of time, which actively search for a suitable host by following chemical signals released by barnacles and attracting them to themselves. Once sexually mature, the adult female produces eggs and the male releases sperm. This entire life cycle can take several months to complete within the host. For this reason, a bibliographic review of documentary type was carried out, in order to provide information related to the barnacle parasite Loxothylacus texanus in relation to its possible effects on natural populations of crabs of the genus Callinectes in marine-coastal environments in which the documented sources, the country of publication and the thematic areas were taken into account, while factors such as the year of publication and authors were irrelevant criteria. . It was found that L. texanus causes its hosts parasitic castration and changes in morphology, in addition, it was found that there are external factors that can affect the prevalence and distribution of this parasite. The host-host interaction represents a negative impact on the welfare of specimens and the stability of natural ecosystems, for this reason, strategies are proposed to facilitate management between the parasite and the crab.
One of the biotic factors with the greatest impact on crab populations is the presence of the parasite Loxothylacus texanus, which is small and has a flattened, leaf-shaped body. It has two lateral appendages that resemble branches or antennae, which are used to attach to the host. The life cycle of Loxothylacus texanus begins when adult females of the parasite release thousands of cypris larvae into the water. These are known as infective larvae and are swimmers for a short period of time, which actively search for a suitable host by following chemical signals released by barnacles and attracting them to themselves. Once sexually mature, the adult female produces eggs and the male releases sperm. This entire life cycle can take several months to complete within the host. For this reason, a bibliographic review of documentary type was carried out, in order to provide information related to the barnacle parasite Loxothylacus texanus in relation to its possible effects on natural populations of crabs of the genus Callinectes in marine-coastal environments in which the documented sources, the country of publication and the thematic areas were taken into account, while factors such as the year of publication and authors were irrelevant criteria. . It was found that L. texanus causes its hosts parasitic castration and changes in morphology, in addition, it was found that there are external factors that can affect the prevalence and distribution of this parasite. The host-host interaction represents a negative impact on the welfare of specimens and the stability of natural ecosystems, for this reason, strategies are proposed to facilitate management between the parasite and the crab.
Palabras clave
Cangrejo nadador, Castración parasitaria, Larva cipris, Marino costero, Parasitismo, Castration parasitic, Cypris larva, Marine coastal, Parasitism, Swimming crab