La mujer en la minería del carbón en Sardinata, Norte de Santander
Velandia, Jairo
Cardenas Laguado, Yerlis Gil Saxby
Portillo García, Genesis Camila
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo mostró como la mujer de Norte de Santander, busca incursionar en terreno ajenos para unos y poco explorado o asediados por ellas como lo es el sector de la minería de carbón, teniendo de presente al municipio de Sardinata, como mujeres pujantes, madres cabeza de hogar o simplemente les gusta igualarse con los hombres, en cuanto a cuestiones labores como el sector minero. Al tiempo se hará un análisis de género y la discriminación que sufre la mujer al pretender asediar terrenos pocos inspeccionados por ellas, como asegura William Daros (2014) al enunciar a Lipovetsky, que la mujer ha sido desvalorizada y despreciada (Pág. 3), por la exclusión recibida por el hombre.
Se mostrará al mismo tiempo la realidad de los hechos en relación con las labores que puede llegar a ejercer la mujer en la minería y el deber ser que tiene que ver con su profesión, teniendo como particularidad la mina de carbón en Norte de Santander. Es tan difícil, por parte de los hombres que las mujeres se puedan igualar a ellos en cuestiones de trabajo las cuales eran consideradas solo para el género masculino, buscando un equilibrio laboral con el hombre y ante todo mejorar su condición laboral y económica como madres cabeza de hogar o mujer emprendedora.
La metodología que se aplicará será de tipo cualitativa con enfoque introspectivo, para dar un énfasis a todo el andamiaje laboral y normativo con respecto a la igualdad de género para ejercer una laboral especifica en el país.
Thais article will try to show how the woman of Norte de Santander, seek to venture into other people´s territory and little explores or besieged by them as it is the coal mining sector, bearing in mind the municipality or Sardinata, as powerful women, mothers head of home or simply like to be equal with men, in terms of labor issues such as the mining sector. At the same time, there will be a gender analysis and the discrimination than the woman suffers when she tries to besiege lands that are little inspected by them. At the same time, the reality of the facts will be shown in relation to the woke that women can do in mining and the duty that must be related to their profession, with the coal mine in Norte de Santander as a particular feature. It is so difficult, on the part of men that women can be equated to them in work issues which were considered only for the male gender, seeking a work balance with men and above all improve their working and economic status as mothers head of home or enterprising woman. The methodology that will be applied will be of a qualitative nature with an introspective approach, to give an emphasis to all the labor and normative scaffolding with respect to gender equality to exercise a specific labor in the country
Thais article will try to show how the woman of Norte de Santander, seek to venture into other people´s territory and little explores or besieged by them as it is the coal mining sector, bearing in mind the municipality or Sardinata, as powerful women, mothers head of home or simply like to be equal with men, in terms of labor issues such as the mining sector. At the same time, there will be a gender analysis and the discrimination than the woman suffers when she tries to besiege lands that are little inspected by them. At the same time, the reality of the facts will be shown in relation to the woke that women can do in mining and the duty that must be related to their profession, with the coal mine in Norte de Santander as a particular feature. It is so difficult, on the part of men that women can be equated to them in work issues which were considered only for the male gender, seeking a work balance with men and above all improve their working and economic status as mothers head of home or enterprising woman. The methodology that will be applied will be of a qualitative nature with an introspective approach, to give an emphasis to all the labor and normative scaffolding with respect to gender equality to exercise a specific labor in the country
Palabras clave
Minería, Mujer, Género, Trabajo, Mining, Woman, Gender, Work