La psicología positiva existencial en la prevención de las conductas suicidas
Ortega González, Luis Fernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Este estudio busca analizar la efectividad de las intervenciones basadas en la psicología positiva existencial con relación a la prevención de conductas suicidas y la mejora del bienestar psicológico. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura científica, centrándose en los factores de riesgo asociados al suicidio y comparándolos con los elementos abordados por la psicología positiva existencial. Los hallazgos indican que la psicología positiva existencial es una herramienta eficaz en la prevención de conductas suicidas, transformando el sufrimiento de forma resiliente que promueva un sentido de vida significativo y fortaleciendo los recursos internos del individuo y su capacidad de adaptación, lo cual, conlleva a la reducción de sentimientos de desesperanza, de alteraciones emocionales y de angustia existencial, esto a través de terapias narrativas, resignificación experiencial, comprensión emocional y aceptación de la adversidad vital. De igual forma, específicamente, se encontró que la integración de estrategias que fomentan la conexión humana, el desarrollo de fortalezas internas y la aceptación de las adversidades puede transformar el sufrimiento en crecimiento personal y social, reduciendo así el riesgo de suicidio. Además, se destaca la importancia de considerar la influencia de la espiritualidad y la religión como factores protectores adicionales. Por ende, la psicología positiva existencial se muestra como una alternativa para abordar la problemática del suicidio y se sugiere que futuras investigaciones exploren y profundicen en la eficacia de estas intervenciones en diferentes contextos culturales y poblacionales.
This research attempts to assess the effectiveness of therapies based in existential positive psychology with the goal of preventing suicide behavior and improving psychological well-being. This was accomplished by doing a narrative evaluation of the scientific literature, focusing on the aspects that existential positive psychology addresses and comparing them with the risk factors associated with suicide. Existential positive psychology can effectively prevent suicidal behaviors, transform suffering in a resilient way that promotes a meaningful meaning in life, and lessen feelings of hopelessness, emotional changes, and existential anguish by enhancing an individual's internal resources and capacity for adaptation. Narrative treatments, experiencing resignification, emotional intelligence, and accepting life's challenges can all help attain this. Moreover, research indicates that the adoption of strategies that enhance interpersonal connections, foster the expansion of an individual's internal assets, and embrace adversity can transform suffering into societal and individual advancement, hence reducing the likelihood of suicide. It also highlights how important it is to consider the role that spirituality and religion play as additional protective factors. As a result, existential positive psychology is advocated as an alternative to treating the suicide problem, and further research is advised to determine the effectiveness of these therapies across diverse cultural and demographic contexts.
This research attempts to assess the effectiveness of therapies based in existential positive psychology with the goal of preventing suicide behavior and improving psychological well-being. This was accomplished by doing a narrative evaluation of the scientific literature, focusing on the aspects that existential positive psychology addresses and comparing them with the risk factors associated with suicide. Existential positive psychology can effectively prevent suicidal behaviors, transform suffering in a resilient way that promotes a meaningful meaning in life, and lessen feelings of hopelessness, emotional changes, and existential anguish by enhancing an individual's internal resources and capacity for adaptation. Narrative treatments, experiencing resignification, emotional intelligence, and accepting life's challenges can all help attain this. Moreover, research indicates that the adoption of strategies that enhance interpersonal connections, foster the expansion of an individual's internal assets, and embrace adversity can transform suffering into societal and individual advancement, hence reducing the likelihood of suicide. It also highlights how important it is to consider the role that spirituality and religion play as additional protective factors. As a result, existential positive psychology is advocated as an alternative to treating the suicide problem, and further research is advised to determine the effectiveness of these therapies across diverse cultural and demographic contexts.
Palabras clave
Suicidio, Desesperanza, Sufrimiento, Psicología Positiva Existencia, Sentido De La Vida