Elementos de la dimensión gestión y control de aula del estilo de enseñanza relacionados con la motivación educativa de los estudiantes de 8° a 11 º grado de la Institución Educativa Cuarta Poza de Manga del municipio de Turbaco Bolívar
Romero Hernández, Alexander
Romaña Ibargüen, Ramiro
Vergara de la Ossa, Rocío
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene lugar en la Institución Educativa Cuarta Poza de Manga del municipio de Turbaco Bolívar. La misma aborda et tema de cómo gestiona y controla el aula el docente y su relación con la motivación educativa. Para este propósito se plantea como objetivo identificar tos elementos de la dimensión control y gestión del aula relacionados con la
motivación escolar de los estudiantes de 8° a 11 ° grado de la I.E. focal izada, su diseño es de naturaleza cuantitativa, con un alcance descriptivo correlaciona! y se desarrolló bajo un enfoque descriptivo exploratorio a partir de identificar asociaciones entre las variables gestión y control del aula y motivación educativa, la información se obtuvo con la aplicación de dos instrumentos tipo escala que fueron adaptados previamente al contexto. La motivación educativa estudiantil a partir de los hallazgos de esta investigación inicia en el método y en la aplicación de normas, en
la medida en que los docentes gestionan y controlan el aula, en este sentido, se observa que los
estudiantes reconocen la autoridad de los docentes y la manera de ejercerla en sus funciones pedagógicas.
The present investigation takes place in the Educationat lnstitution Cuarta Poza de Manga of the municipality of Turbaco Bolívar. The research addresses the issue of how the teacher manages and controls the classroom and its relationship with educational motivation. For this purpose, the objective is to identify the etements of the control and management dimension of the ctassroom related to the school motivation of students of basic and secondary education in the I.E. To achieve this objective, its design is quantitative in nature, with a descriptive correlational scope and was developed under a descriptive exploratory approach based on identifying associations between the va�����iables management and control of the classroom and educational motivation, the information was obtained with the application Of two scale-type instruments that were previously adapted to the context. In other words, student educational motivation based on the findings of this research begins with the method and the application of norms, insofar as teachers manage and control the classroom, in this sense, it is observed that students recognize The authority of teachers and how to exercise it in their pedagogical functions.
The present investigation takes place in the Educationat lnstitution Cuarta Poza de Manga of the municipality of Turbaco Bolívar. The research addresses the issue of how the teacher manages and controls the classroom and its relationship with educational motivation. For this purpose, the objective is to identify the etements of the control and management dimension of the ctassroom related to the school motivation of students of basic and secondary education in the I.E. To achieve this objective, its design is quantitative in nature, with a descriptive correlational scope and was developed under a descriptive exploratory approach based on identifying associations between the va�����iables management and control of the classroom and educational motivation, the information was obtained with the application Of two scale-type instruments that were previously adapted to the context. In other words, student educational motivation based on the findings of this research begins with the method and the application of norms, insofar as teachers manage and control the classroom, in this sense, it is observed that students recognize The authority of teachers and how to exercise it in their pedagogical functions.
Palabras clave
Control y gestión del aula, Motivación escolar, Educación básica, Control and management of the classroom, School motivation, Basic education