Prevalencia de infecciones urinarias en pacientes gestantes atendidas en el programa de control prenatal en el Hospital Materno Infantil de Soledad durante el año 2012
García Del Valle, Gilberto
Medina Silgado, Jessica
Ballestas Ranguel, Miguel
Jiménez García, Oscar Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Se realizo un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, para Identificar la prevalencia de infección urinaria en pacientes gestantes atendidas en el programa de control prenatal en el Hospital Materno Infantil Ciudadela Metropolitana de Soledad, durante el año 2012, la población total fue de 12.758 de la cual aplicando la formula de proporción se tomo una muestra de 576 pacientes, los cuales fueron distribuidas en los distintos centros de salud, se elaboro un instrumento por medio del cual se recolecto la información requerida de las historias clínicas, del total de las pacientes estudiadas 274 resultaron afectadas con infección urinaria equivalente a un 47.3% de prevalencia, el centro de salud con mayor prevalencia fue Ciudadela Metropolitana con 22%, el grupo de edad de mayor prevalencia fue entre 1520 años con un 39%, el trimestre con mayor prevalencia fue el segundo con un 40% y con relación a la paridad las multíparas obtuvieron mayor prevalencia con un 55%.
We performed a descriptive study retrospectively, to identify the prevalence of urinary tract infection in pregnant women attending antenatal care program in the Maternity Hospital Ciudadela Metropolitan de Soledad, during 2012, the total population was 12,758 in which using a ratio formula A sample of 576 patients, which were distributed in different health centers, developed a tool by which the required information was collected from the medical records, the total patients studied 274 were affected with urinary infection equivalent to a 47.3% prevalence, the health center was most prevalent with 22% Ciudadela metropolitan, the age group with the highest prevalence was 15-20 years with 39%, the quarter with greater prevalence was second with 40% and in relation to parity multiparas were more prevalent with 55%.
We performed a descriptive study retrospectively, to identify the prevalence of urinary tract infection in pregnant women attending antenatal care program in the Maternity Hospital Ciudadela Metropolitan de Soledad, during 2012, the total population was 12,758 in which using a ratio formula A sample of 576 patients, which were distributed in different health centers, developed a tool by which the required information was collected from the medical records, the total patients studied 274 were affected with urinary infection equivalent to a 47.3% prevalence, the health center was most prevalent with 22% Ciudadela metropolitan, the age group with the highest prevalence was 15-20 years with 39%, the quarter with greater prevalence was second with 40% and in relation to parity multiparas were more prevalent with 55%.
Palabras clave
Prevalencia de infecciones de vías urinarias, Gestantes, Control prenatal, Prevalence, Infections urinary tract, Pregnant, Antenatal