Relación entre la práctica de actividad física en embazadas y diabetes gestacional: un estudio transversal
Pinillos-Patiño, Yisel
Herazo-Beltrán, Yaneth
Mendoza-Charris, Humberto
Kuzmar, Isaac
Galeano-Muñoz, Luisa
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Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la práctica de actividad
física durante el embarazo y el diagnóstico de diabetes
Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 579 gestantes.
Se evaluó la actividad física, etapas de cambio y la percepción
de barreras para realizar actividad física. Se realizó la
prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa (PTOG), con carga
oral de 75 gr en ayunas.
Resultados: La frecuencia de actividad física fue 30,9%.
La inactividad física [OR 2,6 (IC 95% 1,5-4,4)], la falta de
tiempo [OR 11,9 (IC 95% 1,6-87,7)], y el miedo a lesionarse
[OR 4,3 (IC 95% 1,3-14)] son un riesgo para desarrollar
diabetes gestacional. Existen diferencias en los valores
de glicemia entre las activas e inactivas físicamente
(p<0,001), glicemia basal (96,5 ± 0,7 vs. 108,3 ± 27,2);
a una hora de la prueba oral (143,3 ± 14,1 vs. 158,4 ±
59,9); y a dos horas de la prueba oral (122,6 ± 25,8 vs.
140 ± 66).
Conclusión: La inactividad física es un factor de riesgo para
la diabetes gestacional y altos niveles de glicemia son evidentes
en las mujeres embarazadas inactivas físicamente.
Objective: To determine the relationship between physical activity during pregnancy and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Methods: A cross-sectional study performed in 579 cases of pregnant. Levels of physical activity, different stages of change, and perception of barriers for the performance of physical activity were evaluated. In week 24 an oral glucose tolerance test (PTOG) was performed with an oral load of 75 gr in fasting. Results: The frequency of physical activity of the participants was 30,9%. Physical inactivity [OR 2,6 (IC 95% 1,5- 4,4)], lack of time [OR 11,9 (IC 95% 1,6-87,7)], and fear to be injured [OR 4,3 (IC 95% 1,3-14)] are a risk to develop diabetes during pregnancy. The glycaemia values were significantly different (p<0,05) between women physically active and those inactive, being the basal glycaemia (96.5 ± 0.7 vs. 108.3 ± 27.2); glycemia one hour after the oral test (143.3 ± 14.1 vs. 158.4 ± 59.9) and glycemia two hours after the oral test (122.6 ± 25.8 vs.140 ± 66). Conclusion: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for diabetes during the pregnancy period and high glycaemia levels are evident in pregnant women with physical inactivity.
Objective: To determine the relationship between physical activity during pregnancy and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Methods: A cross-sectional study performed in 579 cases of pregnant. Levels of physical activity, different stages of change, and perception of barriers for the performance of physical activity were evaluated. In week 24 an oral glucose tolerance test (PTOG) was performed with an oral load of 75 gr in fasting. Results: The frequency of physical activity of the participants was 30,9%. Physical inactivity [OR 2,6 (IC 95% 1,5- 4,4)], lack of time [OR 11,9 (IC 95% 1,6-87,7)], and fear to be injured [OR 4,3 (IC 95% 1,3-14)] are a risk to develop diabetes during pregnancy. The glycaemia values were significantly different (p<0,05) between women physically active and those inactive, being the basal glycaemia (96.5 ± 0.7 vs. 108.3 ± 27.2); glycemia one hour after the oral test (143.3 ± 14.1 vs. 158.4 ± 59.9) and glycemia two hours after the oral test (122.6 ± 25.8 vs.140 ± 66). Conclusion: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for diabetes during the pregnancy period and high glycaemia levels are evident in pregnant women with physical inactivity.
Palabras clave
Gestación, Actividad Física, Embarazo, Diabetes gestacional, Pregnancy, Physical activity, Pregnancy, Diabetes during pregnancy