La Discrecionalidad administrativa en la vinculación y desvinculación al empleo público de libre nombramiento y remoción en Colombia
Uribe Sánchez, María Camila
Uribe Sánchez, María José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad indicar conforme a la jurisprudencia la doctrina y la ley la discrecionalidad de la administración conforme a la capacidad que tiene la función pública de tomar decisiones de manera autónoma. Se destaca que la facultad es habilitada por la Constitución y la Ley debido a que el poder discrecional no se refiere a la capacidad de realizar actos subjetivos, sino que esta debe atender a un marco normativo nacional; por tanto, las decisiones que se tomen en la Administración Pública no deben ser arbitrarias o contrarias a la norma, porque de otro modo se enfrentaría a una extralimitación de las potestades. En conclusión, la discrecionalidad tiene su límite conforme al ordenamiento jurídico nacional y las potestades para la toma de decisiones en la administración pública, dado que es necesario que se cumpla con eficiencia y eficacia lo establecido en la Ley.
The purpose of this essay is to indicate, according to the jurisprudence, doctrine and law, the discretionary power of the administration in accordance with the capacity of the public function to make decisions autonomously. It is emphasized that the power is enabled by the Constitution and the Law due to the fact that the discretionary power does not refer to the capacity to perform subjective acts, but that it must comply with a national normative framework; therefore, the decisions taken by the Public Administration must not be arbitrary or contrary to the norm, because otherwise it would face an overreach of the powers. In conclusion, discretionality has its limit according to the national legal system and the powers for decision making in the public administration, since it is necessary to comply efficiently and effectively with the provisions of the Law.
The purpose of this essay is to indicate, according to the jurisprudence, doctrine and law, the discretionary power of the administration in accordance with the capacity of the public function to make decisions autonomously. It is emphasized that the power is enabled by the Constitution and the Law due to the fact that the discretionary power does not refer to the capacity to perform subjective acts, but that it must comply with a national normative framework; therefore, the decisions taken by the Public Administration must not be arbitrary or contrary to the norm, because otherwise it would face an overreach of the powers. In conclusion, discretionality has its limit according to the national legal system and the powers for decision making in the public administration, since it is necessary to comply efficiently and effectively with the provisions of the Law.
Palabras clave
Discrecionalidad, Administración, Función pública, Toma de decisiones, Extralimitación, Discretionality, Administration, Public function, Decision making, Overreach