Diseño de un modelo estándar para el abastecimiento de inventario fijo en la empresa Carethy E-Commerce S.
Aristizábal Acosta, José Alejandro
Diaz Soto, Kenny Johanna
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Faculta de Ingenierías
Faculta de Ingenierías
Carethy E-Commerce S.L. es una empresa líder española en el sector del comercio
electrónico de productos de belleza, salud y cuidado personal. La empresa ha
crecido rápidamente desde su fundación en 2012 y ha expandido sus operaciones
a varios países europeos. Sin embargo, Carethy está enfrentando desafíos en la
gestión de su inventario y el nivel de servicio al cliente debido a problemas en su
cadena de suministro y gestión de inventario. La empresa sigue un modelo de
fabricación por pedido donde solo se realizan pedidos de productos disponibles.
Este modelo no tiene en cuenta factores cruciales como la demanda fluctuante, los
tiempos de espera de los proveedores y la necesidad de ciertos niveles de inventario
para satisfacer la demanda de los clientes. Como resultado, la empresa está
experimentando problemas como agotamientos y excedentes de stocks, retrasos
importantes en la entrega a los clientes, altos costos de inventario y baja satisfacción
del cliente. Actualmente existe una acumulación de más de 700 pedidos pendientes
de despacho, generando demoras de semanas y meses, llevando a que numerosos
clientes cancelen sus pedidos y se quejen en las redes sociales. Por lo tanto, este
proyecto propone diseñar e implementar un modelo estándar de reposición de
inventario fijo para la empresa. Este modelo determinará de forma más inteligente
y precisa los niveles de inventarios óptimos para cada producto, en base a factores
como la demanda histórica y pronosticada, los tiempos de entrega, los costos de
almacenamiento, los costos de agotamiento y la rotación de productos. La política
de reposición considerará puntos de reorden adecuados, cantidades económicas
de pedido y rangos seguros de niveles mínimos y máximos por producto. Asimismo,
se emplearán herramientas estadísticas y simulaciones para mejorar los
pronósticos de demanda y la eficiencia logística.
El modelo se validará evaluando su impacto en reducir costos totales de inventario,
tiempo de entrega y mejorar el nivel de servicio y satisfacción del cliente. Se espera
que el nuevo modelo permita a Carethy optimizar sus inventarios existentes, reducir
costos de almacenamiento y entregar los pedidos de forma más rápida y eficiente.
Esto otorgará una mayor competitividad gracias a una mejor planificación
estratégica, servicios superiores y considerables ahorros.
Los objetivos de este proyecto son identificar los métodos estándar más adecuados
de reposición de inventario fijo, construir un modelo eficiente utilizando
metodologías y variables específicas, y validar su impacto en términos de control de
inventario, reducción de costos y mejora del servicio al cliente. El nuevo modelo
busca garantizar que la empresa cuente con los productos necesarios para
satisfacer la demanda de los clientes y maximizar su rentabilidad.
Carethy E-Commerce S.L. is a leading Spanish e-commerce company in the beauty, health and personal care products sector. The company has grown rapidly since its founding in 2012 and has expanded its operations to several European countries. However, Carethy is currently facing challenges in managing its inventory and customer service levels due to issues in its supply chain and inventory management. The company follows a make-to-order model where orders are only placed for available products. This model does not take into account crucial factors such as fluctuating demand, supplier lead times and the need for certain inventory levels to meet customer demand. As a result, the company is experiencing problems like stockouts and inventory excesses, significant delivery delays for customers, high inventory costs and low customer satisfaction. There is currently a backlog of more than 700 pending orders, generating delays of weeks to months, leading many customers to cancel orders and complain on social media. Therefore, this project proposes designing and implementing a standard fixed inventory replenishment model for the company. This model will more intelligently and accurately determine the optimal inventory levels for each product based on factors such as historical and forecasted demand, lead times, storage costs, out-of-stock costs and product turnover. The replenishment policy will consider appropriate reorder points, economic order quantities and safe minimum and maximum ranges per product. Statistical tools and simulations will also be used to improve demand forecasting and logistic efficiency. The model will be validated by evaluating its impact on reducing total inventory costs, delivery time and improving customer service level and satisfaction. It is expected that the new model will allow Carethy to optimize its existing inventories, reduce storage costs and deliver orders more quickly and efficiently. This will provide greater competitiveness through better strategic planning, superior services and substantial savings. The objectives of this project are to identify the most suitable standard fixed inventory replenishment methods, build an efficient model using specific methodologies and variables, and validate its impact in terms of inventory control, cost reduction and improved customer service. The new model aims to ensure the company has the products needed to meet customer demand and maximize profitability.
Carethy E-Commerce S.L. is a leading Spanish e-commerce company in the beauty, health and personal care products sector. The company has grown rapidly since its founding in 2012 and has expanded its operations to several European countries. However, Carethy is currently facing challenges in managing its inventory and customer service levels due to issues in its supply chain and inventory management. The company follows a make-to-order model where orders are only placed for available products. This model does not take into account crucial factors such as fluctuating demand, supplier lead times and the need for certain inventory levels to meet customer demand. As a result, the company is experiencing problems like stockouts and inventory excesses, significant delivery delays for customers, high inventory costs and low customer satisfaction. There is currently a backlog of more than 700 pending orders, generating delays of weeks to months, leading many customers to cancel orders and complain on social media. Therefore, this project proposes designing and implementing a standard fixed inventory replenishment model for the company. This model will more intelligently and accurately determine the optimal inventory levels for each product based on factors such as historical and forecasted demand, lead times, storage costs, out-of-stock costs and product turnover. The replenishment policy will consider appropriate reorder points, economic order quantities and safe minimum and maximum ranges per product. Statistical tools and simulations will also be used to improve demand forecasting and logistic efficiency. The model will be validated by evaluating its impact on reducing total inventory costs, delivery time and improving customer service level and satisfaction. It is expected that the new model will allow Carethy to optimize its existing inventories, reduce storage costs and deliver orders more quickly and efficiently. This will provide greater competitiveness through better strategic planning, superior services and substantial savings. The objectives of this project are to identify the most suitable standard fixed inventory replenishment methods, build an efficient model using specific methodologies and variables, and validate its impact in terms of inventory control, cost reduction and improved customer service. The new model aims to ensure the company has the products needed to meet customer demand and maximize profitability.
Palabras clave
Inventario, Gestión de inventario, Servicio al cliente, Cadena de suministro, Demanda, Costos, Satisfacción del cliente, Reposición, Niveles de Inventario, Modelo, Inventory, Inventory management, Customer service, Supply chain, Demand,Costs, Customer satisfaction, Replenishment, Inventory levels, Model