El cumplimiento de la asistencia alimentaria desde las laxitudes jurídicas colombianas
Echavarría, Carlos Arturo
Flórez Quintero, Yesika Andrea
Galvis Goyeneche, Jessica Alexandra
Mendoza Mendoza, Linda Arick
Quesada López, Astrid Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación que se presenta a continuación se basó en analizar la incidencia de la norma frente al cumplimiento de la asistencia alimentaria a los hijos, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, para lo cual se examinaron los criterios jurídicos que estimulan el incumplimiento de la asistencia alimentaria; se infirieron los efectos de la excarcelación en casos de inasistencia alimentaria a partir de la opinión de los Jueces Penales Municipales de Conocimiento y de Garantías de Cúcuta; y se establecieron medios alternativos para favorecer el cumplimiento de la asistencia alimentaria, por derecho comparado.
El estudio se enmarca en el paradigma histórico, hermenéutico o interpretativo, su enfoque es el cualitativo; el método utilizado es el hermenéutico; y, el diseño de la investigación es el de un estudio de caso. Los informantes clave de la investigación, fueron seleccionados a través de la técnica de muestreo probabilístico a conveniencia, y las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos, fueron la matriz de análisis legal, el guion de entrevista semi-estructurada, y la matriz de análisis documental.
Se concluye que aunque el delito de asistencia alimentaria se encuentra ampliamente regulado en materia civil y penal en Colombia, a los padres o progenitores poco parece importarles esto a la hora de cumplir con la obligación de suministrar alimentos a sus hijos, por lo que al padre que ha sido condenado, no debería otorgársele la libertad condicional bajo ningún presupuesto, a fin de que el castigo sea ejemplar, y permita evitar que otros evadan sus responsabilidad frente a sus hijos.
He research presented below was based on analyzing the incidence of the rule against compliance with food assistance to children, in the Colombian legal system, for which the legal criteria that encourage non-compliance with food assistance were examined; the effects of the release were inferred in cases of food non-attendance based on the opinion of the Municipal Judges of Knowledge and Guarantees of Cúcuta; and alternative means were established to favor compliance with food assistance, by comparative law. The study is framed in the historical paradigm, hermeneutic or interpretive, its approach is the qualitative one; the method used is the hermeneutic; and, the design of the research is that of a case study. The key informants of the research were selected through the technique of probabilistic sampling at convenience, and the techniques and instruments of data collection were the matrix of legal analysis, the semi-structured interview script, and the analysis matrix. documentary film. It is concluded that although the crime of food assistance is widely regulated in civil and criminal matters in Colombia, little seems to matter to parents or parents when it comes to fulfilling the obligation to provide food to their children, so the father that has been condemned, should not be granted conditional freedom under any budget, so that the punishment is exemplary, and prevent others from evading their responsibility to their children.
He research presented below was based on analyzing the incidence of the rule against compliance with food assistance to children, in the Colombian legal system, for which the legal criteria that encourage non-compliance with food assistance were examined; the effects of the release were inferred in cases of food non-attendance based on the opinion of the Municipal Judges of Knowledge and Guarantees of Cúcuta; and alternative means were established to favor compliance with food assistance, by comparative law. The study is framed in the historical paradigm, hermeneutic or interpretive, its approach is the qualitative one; the method used is the hermeneutic; and, the design of the research is that of a case study. The key informants of the research were selected through the technique of probabilistic sampling at convenience, and the techniques and instruments of data collection were the matrix of legal analysis, the semi-structured interview script, and the analysis matrix. documentary film. It is concluded that although the crime of food assistance is widely regulated in civil and criminal matters in Colombia, little seems to matter to parents or parents when it comes to fulfilling the obligation to provide food to their children, so the father that has been condemned, should not be granted conditional freedom under any budget, so that the punishment is exemplary, and prevent others from evading their responsibility to their children.
Palabras clave
Niños y Niñas, Inasistencia alimentaria, Delito, Excarcelación, Pena, Boys and Girls, Food non-attendance, Offense, Release, Sentence