Guía práctica para el análisis de vulnerabilidades de un entorno cliente-servidor GNU/Linux mediante una metodología de pentesting
Ovallos-Ovallos, Jesús Andrés
Rico-Bautista, Dewar
Medina-Cárdenas, Yurley
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AISTI (Asociación Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información)
La seguridad de la información se ha convertido en uno de los temas
centrales de toda organización en especial si esta se transmite a través de la red.
Tomando en cuenta que el principal activo de estas organizaciones es la información,
se hace necesario no escatimar esfuerzos para blindar a dicho elemento de eventos
que busquen crear daño. En la red se encuentra todo tipo de amenazas que buscan
vulnerar cualquier sistema. Generalmente son ataques dirigidos por personas cuyo
objetivo es crear caos y obtener beneficios económicos. Diferentes procesos se
utilizan hoy en día para mejorar el trato que se le da a la información y su seguridad,
desde aplicación de estándares hasta la certificación de estos procesos. Este artículo
contiene un análisis de vulnerabilidad a un entorno Cliente-Servidor con el fin de
encontrar fallos de seguridad y gestionar los resultados en pro de la seguridad.
Information security has become one of the central themes of any organization, especially if it is transmitted through the network. Taking into account that the main asset of these organizations is information, it is necessary to spare no effort to shield this element from events that seek to create damage. In the network there are all kinds of threats that seek to harm any system. They are generally attacks directed by people whose objective is to create chaos and obtain economic benefits. Different processes are used today to improve the treatment of information and its security, from the application of standards to the certification of these processes. This article contains a vulnerability analysis to a Client - Server environment in order to find security flaws and manage the results in favor of security.
Information security has become one of the central themes of any organization, especially if it is transmitted through the network. Taking into account that the main asset of these organizations is information, it is necessary to spare no effort to shield this element from events that seek to create damage. In the network there are all kinds of threats that seek to harm any system. They are generally attacks directed by people whose objective is to create chaos and obtain economic benefits. Different processes are used today to improve the treatment of information and its security, from the application of standards to the certification of these processes. This article contains a vulnerability analysis to a Client - Server environment in order to find security flaws and manage the results in favor of security.
Palabras clave
Evidencia digital, Análisis forense, Seguridad informática, Metodologías, Delito informático, Digital evidence, Forensic analysis, Computer security, Cybercrime