Sobrepoblación y reincidencia delictiva en Colombia
Quintero Ortiz, Mateo José
Mercado Ripoll, Valery Inés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia ha persistido un estado de cosas inconstitucionales en centros penitenciarios desde el año 98, sin embargo es de conocimiento público que este estado proviene de mucho más atrás, y es que aun por más pronunciamientos de las altas cortes o los intentos del Estado Colombiano para poder corregir dicha situación, la misma no parece variar con el pasar de los años, en contraposición con ello el panorama parece empeorar, y es que cada vez se hace más visible el hecho de que los centros de reclusión se han salido de control para los gobiernos de turno, los mismos que solo ven como solución al problema el aumento de penas y la creación de nuevos cupos carcelarios, soluciones que obedecen más a una índole populista, y no a un real abordaje de la problemática. El aumento de penas y la cadena perpetua siempre se han postulado como solución al problema, empero estas quizá son útiles para personas que normalmente no cometen delitos ello debido que estas medidas refuerzan la decisión de no tomar este rumbo dado todo lo que tienen en juego, un trabajo, un ingreso económico importante, una posición social, entre otros aspectos. Más para las personas que han adoptado la delincuencia como su modo de vida, todo lo anterior carece de importa y por ende no ven un real peligro en el aumento de penas más allá del existente.
In Colombia, an unconstitutional state of affairs has persisted in penitentiary centers since 1998, however it is public knowledge that this state comes from much further back, and it is that even due to more pronouncements from the high courts or the attempts of the Colombian State to correct this situation, it does not seem to change over the years, in contrast to this the panorama seems to worsen, and it is that the fact that the detention centers have gotten out of control for the governments on duty, the same ones that only see the increase in sentences and the creation of new prison quotas as a solution to the problem, solutions that obey more to a populist nature, and not to a real approach to the problem. Increasing sentences and life imprisonment have always been postulated as a solution to the problem, however, these may be useful for people who normally do not commit crimes, because these measures reinforce the decision not to take this course given all that they have at stake. a job, a significant economic income, a social position, among other aspects. More for people who have adopted crime as their way of life, all the above does not matter and therefore they do not see a real danger in increasing penalties beyond the existing one.
In Colombia, an unconstitutional state of affairs has persisted in penitentiary centers since 1998, however it is public knowledge that this state comes from much further back, and it is that even due to more pronouncements from the high courts or the attempts of the Colombian State to correct this situation, it does not seem to change over the years, in contrast to this the panorama seems to worsen, and it is that the fact that the detention centers have gotten out of control for the governments on duty, the same ones that only see the increase in sentences and the creation of new prison quotas as a solution to the problem, solutions that obey more to a populist nature, and not to a real approach to the problem. Increasing sentences and life imprisonment have always been postulated as a solution to the problem, however, these may be useful for people who normally do not commit crimes, because these measures reinforce the decision not to take this course given all that they have at stake. a job, a significant economic income, a social position, among other aspects. More for people who have adopted crime as their way of life, all the above does not matter and therefore they do not see a real danger in increasing penalties beyond the existing one.
Palabras clave
Cárcel, Política criminal, Reincidencia, Resocialización, Sistema penitenciario, Prison, Criminal policy, Recidivism, Resocialization, Penitentiary system