Incidencia de la economía subterránea en la ciudad de Cúcuta
Díaz Hernández, Edgly Lisbeth
Buitrago Mora, Jhon Mario
Ortega Blanco, Glendy Yaleini
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Con el pasar del tiempo las preocupaciones asociadas con actividades informales en el contexto comercial del mundo comenzaron a ser protagonistas, ya que su aumento paulatino llevo a que la dinámica económica y social cambiara drásticamente en países de desarrollo como los latinoamericanos, en donde diversos estudios asociados con la economía en transición han dado cabida al termino informal, siendo este uno de los primeros conceptos en surgir, haga referencia, en la mayoría de los casos, a la producción en pequeña escala o a actividades artesanales que se llevan a cabo principalmente en los países en desarrollo, dando cabida al segundo término y más relevante de este proyecto el cual es economía “subterránea” siendo este último asociado de forma directa con la evasión de impuestos (Arango et al., 2006).
Lo cual deja entre ver que existen algunos determinantes para la economía subterránea son; los impuestos, la inflación, los salarios, el gobierno, el desempleo son características que para América Latina traen circunstancias difíciles para la creación de negocios como permisos, licencias, documentos, parafiscales, altos impuestos a la renta y a las ventas, lo cual hace crecer la informalidad; es el caso de Perú y Venezuela, donde, ya para fines del siglo pasado, la informalidad representaba el 60 y 50% del PIB, respectivamente (Gómez, 2007). Cabe mencionar que la economía subterránea o ilegal intercede en la economía monetaria debido a que compone un ingreso de divisas y transacciones monetarias, logrando entran a formar parte de la corriente monetaria nacional (La opinión, 2021). Por lo tanto, es importante generar estudios que permitan clarificar la situación en torno a la problemática que se efectúa en la ciudad de Cúcuta, se resalta que, aunque son pocos los estudios referidos, es significativo poder analizar y efecto que posee esta economía. Por medio de las estadísticas del problema en este caso la economía subterránea y el impacto que esta ejerce sobre el desarrollo económico se pretende delimitar y visibilizar el problema para tomar medidas que actúen beneficio de la población, lo cual lleva a que se plantee siguiente pregunta problema ¿Cuál es la incidencia de las economías subterráneas en la actividad comercial de la ciudad de Cúcuta?
With the passing of time, the concerns associated with informal activities in the commercial context of the world began to be protagonists, since their gradual increase led to a drastic change in the economic and social dynamics in developing countries such as Latin America, where various associated studies With the economy in transition, they have given place to the term informal, this being one of the first concepts to emerge, refer, in most cases, to small-scale production or artisan activities that are carried out mainly in the countries in development, making room for the second and most relevant term of this project, which is the "underground" economy, the latter being directly associated with tax evasion (Arango et al., 2006). Which leaves between seeing that there are some determinants for the underground economy are; taxes, inflation, salaries, government, unemployment are characteristics that for Latin America bring difficult circumstances for business creation such as permits, licenses, documents, parafiscal, high income and sales taxes, which makes growth informality; This is the case of Peru and Venezuela, where, by the end of the last century, informality represented 60 and 50% of GDP, respectively (Gómez, 2007). It is worth mentioning that the underground or illegal economy intercedes in the monetary economy because it makes up an income of foreign currency and monetary transactions, managing to become part of the national monetary current (La opinion, 2021). Therefore, it is important to generate studies that allow clarifying the situation around the problem that is carried out in the city of Cucuta, it is highlighted that, although there are few referred studies, it is significant to be able to analyze and effect that this economy has. Through the statistics of the problem, in this case the underground economy and the impact it has on economic development, it is intended to delimit and make visible the problem in order to take measures that benefit the population, which leads to the following problem question being posed. What is the incidence of underground economies in the commercial activity of the city of Cucuta?
With the passing of time, the concerns associated with informal activities in the commercial context of the world began to be protagonists, since their gradual increase led to a drastic change in the economic and social dynamics in developing countries such as Latin America, where various associated studies With the economy in transition, they have given place to the term informal, this being one of the first concepts to emerge, refer, in most cases, to small-scale production or artisan activities that are carried out mainly in the countries in development, making room for the second and most relevant term of this project, which is the "underground" economy, the latter being directly associated with tax evasion (Arango et al., 2006). Which leaves between seeing that there are some determinants for the underground economy are; taxes, inflation, salaries, government, unemployment are characteristics that for Latin America bring difficult circumstances for business creation such as permits, licenses, documents, parafiscal, high income and sales taxes, which makes growth informality; This is the case of Peru and Venezuela, where, by the end of the last century, informality represented 60 and 50% of GDP, respectively (Gómez, 2007). It is worth mentioning that the underground or illegal economy intercedes in the monetary economy because it makes up an income of foreign currency and monetary transactions, managing to become part of the national monetary current (La opinion, 2021). Therefore, it is important to generate studies that allow clarifying the situation around the problem that is carried out in the city of Cucuta, it is highlighted that, although there are few referred studies, it is significant to be able to analyze and effect that this economy has. Through the statistics of the problem, in this case the underground economy and the impact it has on economic development, it is intended to delimit and make visible the problem in order to take measures that benefit the population, which leads to the following problem question being posed. What is the incidence of underground economies in the commercial activity of the city of Cucuta?
Palabras clave
Economía, Subterránea, Cúcuta, Comercio, Informalidad, Economy, Underground, Cucuta, Commerce, Informality