Factores relacionados a la asimetría de mmii en jugadores de baloncesto en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Lascarro Silva, Yeisa
Niebles Alarcón, María Fernanda
Salcedo Álvarez, Lya Camila
Gonzales De La Hoz, Juan Sebastián
Blanco Vásquez, Hayder Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: Los antecedentes investigativos sobre la temática muestran como las asimetrías de miembros inferiores se han convertido en elementos determinantes de la práctica deportiva y de lesiones en la misma. Diferentes autores presentan la contribución de la práctica deportiva a la presencia de asimetrías, planteando que existen distintos deportes que incrementan la aparición de asimetrías, habiéndose comprobado en la gimnasia, el fútbol, el remo, el atletismo, el baloncesto, asimetrías que se pueden encontrar tanto en miembros superiores, e inferiores como en la zona del Core. Por otro lado, se ha encontrado como los simétricos tienen mejor rendimiento que los asimétricos y estas asimetrías en la producción de fuerza horizontal y vertical están relacionadas con una capacidad de esprint y de salto vertical menor en jugadoras jóvenes de fútbol femenino de élite. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgos relacionados a la asimetría de miembros inferiores en jugadores de baloncestos entre 15 y 20 años de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: Fue un estudio desde el enfoque empírico analítico, de tipo descriptivo transversal. Participaron 46 deportistas en edades entre 15 y 20 años de la ciudad de Barranquilla, los cuales cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados fueron la encuesta y observación a partir del diligenciamiento de una encuesta sociodemográfica y deportiva y la realización de las pruebas hops test para la valoración funcional de asimetría. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo donde se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de variabilidad o dispersión para variables cuantitativas y para las cualitativas se usaron frecuencias y porcentajes absolutos y relativos. Resultados: Participaron 49 jugadores de baloncesto, de los cuales el 67.3% fueron hombres y el 32.7% fueron mujeres, todos con edades entre los 15-20 años donde la mayoría tienen 18 años, en su mayoría bachilleres y con menos de un año en el club deportivo. En cuanto a la asimetría de miembros inferiores en los participantes se encontró como en mayor porcentaje son asimétricos con un 59.2%. En la distribución de los factores extrínsecos en los participantes se presentó que el 100% realiza calentamiento, recuperación, realiza programas preventivos y estiramientos, no consumen ayudas ergogénicas, juegan en cancha de piso liso, usan plantillas y el 20,4% taloneras, y un 4,1% % usa vendajes. En la descripción de factores de riesgos intrínsecos la media del IMC es normal según lo establece la OMS, hay unos perímetros adecuados a 10 y 20 cm de muslo y pierna, una velocidad media de 8.62 segundos, una adecuada flexibilidad en miembro inferior y y una fuerza de muslo en la prueba de sentadilla de 40,4 y 34, 87 segundos respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se evidencia como los factores de riesgo se convierten en elementos a tener presente frente a las asimetrías en miembros inferiores de los practicantes de baloncesto, aunque en este estudio son se encontraron relaciones entre estas variables se debe propiciar aspectos que redunden en que estos se conviertan en protectores de las asimetrías
Background: The research background on the subject shows how the asymmetries of the lower limbs have become determining elements of sports practice and injuries in it. Different authors present the contribution of sports practice to the presence of asymmetries, proposing that there are different sports that increase the appearance of asymmetries, having been verified in gymnastics, football, rowing, athletics, basketball, asymmetries that can be found both in upper and lower limbs as well as in the Core area. On the other hand, it has been found that the symmetric ones have better performance than the asymmetric ones and these asymmetries in the production of horizontal and vertical force are related to a lower sprint and vertical jump capacity in young elite female soccer players. Objective: To determine the risk factors related to lower limb asymmetry in basketball players between 15 and 20 years of age in the city of Barranquilla Materials and Methods: It was a study from the analytical empirical approach, of a transversal descriptive type. Forty-six athletes aged between 15 and 20 years from the city of Barranquilla participated, who met the inclusion criteria. The techniques and instruments used were the survey and observation from the completion of a sociodemographic and sports survey and the performance of the hops test for the functional assessment of asymmetry. Statistical analysis was descriptive where measures of central tendency and variability or dispersion were calculated for quantitative variables and for qualitative variables frequencies and absolute and relative percentages were used. Results: 49 basketball players participated, of which 67.3% were men and 32.7% were women, all aged between 15-20 years, most of whom are 18 years old, mostly high school graduates and with less than one year in the club. sports. Regarding the asymmetry of the lower limbs in the participants, it was found that in a higher percentage they are asymmetric with 59.2%. In the distribution of extrinsic factors in the participants, it was found that 100% perform warm-up, recovery, carry out preventive programs and stretching, do not consume ergogenic aids, play on a smooth floor court, use insoles and 20.4% heel pads, and 4.1%% use bandages. In the description of intrinsic risk factors, the average BMI is normal as established by the WHO, there are adequate perimeters of 10 and 20 cm of thigh and leg, an average speed of 8.62 seconds, adequate flexibility in the lower limb and a strength of thigh in the squat test of 40.4 and 34.87 seconds respectively. Conclusions: It is evident how the risk factors become elements to keep in mind in the face of asymmetries in the lower limbs of basketball practitioners, although in this study relationships were found between these variables, aspects that result in these becoming protectors of asymmetries
Background: The research background on the subject shows how the asymmetries of the lower limbs have become determining elements of sports practice and injuries in it. Different authors present the contribution of sports practice to the presence of asymmetries, proposing that there are different sports that increase the appearance of asymmetries, having been verified in gymnastics, football, rowing, athletics, basketball, asymmetries that can be found both in upper and lower limbs as well as in the Core area. On the other hand, it has been found that the symmetric ones have better performance than the asymmetric ones and these asymmetries in the production of horizontal and vertical force are related to a lower sprint and vertical jump capacity in young elite female soccer players. Objective: To determine the risk factors related to lower limb asymmetry in basketball players between 15 and 20 years of age in the city of Barranquilla Materials and Methods: It was a study from the analytical empirical approach, of a transversal descriptive type. Forty-six athletes aged between 15 and 20 years from the city of Barranquilla participated, who met the inclusion criteria. The techniques and instruments used were the survey and observation from the completion of a sociodemographic and sports survey and the performance of the hops test for the functional assessment of asymmetry. Statistical analysis was descriptive where measures of central tendency and variability or dispersion were calculated for quantitative variables and for qualitative variables frequencies and absolute and relative percentages were used. Results: 49 basketball players participated, of which 67.3% were men and 32.7% were women, all aged between 15-20 years, most of whom are 18 years old, mostly high school graduates and with less than one year in the club. sports. Regarding the asymmetry of the lower limbs in the participants, it was found that in a higher percentage they are asymmetric with 59.2%. In the distribution of extrinsic factors in the participants, it was found that 100% perform warm-up, recovery, carry out preventive programs and stretching, do not consume ergogenic aids, play on a smooth floor court, use insoles and 20.4% heel pads, and 4.1%% use bandages. In the description of intrinsic risk factors, the average BMI is normal as established by the WHO, there are adequate perimeters of 10 and 20 cm of thigh and leg, an average speed of 8.62 seconds, adequate flexibility in the lower limb and a strength of thigh in the squat test of 40.4 and 34.87 seconds respectively. Conclusions: It is evident how the risk factors become elements to keep in mind in the face of asymmetries in the lower limbs of basketball practitioners, although in this study relationships were found between these variables, aspects that result in these becoming protectors of asymmetries
Palabras clave
Baloncesto, Factores de riesgo, Rendimiento físico funcional