Trabajo Sexual: efectos jurídicos en el ámbito social
Chacon Florez, Jessica Paola
Claro Sánchez, Yolanda Carolina
Franco Valderrama, Juliana Margarita
Gomez Morales, Yhan Piero
Sanabria Florez, Doriam Leandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El trabajo sexual es considerado el más antiguo en la historia, siendo sin duda una comunidad con un alto índice de vulnerabilidad, ya que muchas de las mujeres que ejercen dicha labor la realizan por necesidad, por ello se busca determinar las normas que han regulado el trabajo sexual en Colombia, analizando así el alcance de estas para proteger las garantías y derechos de aquellas personas que ejercen dicha labor. Se realizó una investigación de corte cualitativo con un enfoque hermenéutico-jurídico. Debido al gran índice de vulnerabilidad que presentaba esta comunidad, el ministerio del trabajo se interesara en formalizar esta actividad laboral, realizando campañas de sensibilización en las zonas de influencia de las trabajadoras sexuales, con el fin de darles a conocer sus derechos y deberes. Por otra parte, la corte constitucional en pro de velar por la protección de sus derechos fundamentales en cuanto a la igualdad de trato ante la ley, enmarca de manera específica como deber, el considerar a las trabajadoras sexuales como sujeto de especial protección. Este análisis de la prostitución en Colombia referenciada como una actividad laboral en situación de vulnerabilidad generada por la falta de oportunidades y la pobreza, pues la participación por parte del estado es ausente y es casi inexistente la normatividad que regula esta actividad.
Sex work is considered the oldest in history, being without a doubt a community with a high vulnerability index, since many of the women who carry out this work do it out of necessity, which is why it seeks to determine the norms that have regulated the sex work in Colombia, thus analyzing the scope of these to protect the guarantees and rights of those who carry out such work. A qualitative research was carried out with a hermeneutic-legal approach. Due to the high vulnerability index that this community presented, the Ministry of Labor was interested in formalizing this labor activity, carrying out awareness campaigns in the areas of influence of sex workers, in order to make them aware of their rights and duties. On the other hand, the constitutional court in order to ensure the protection of their fundamental rights in terms of equal treatment before the law, specifically frames as a duty, considering sex workers as a subject of special protection. This analysis of prostitution in Colombia referenced as a work activity in a situation of vulnerability generated by the lack of opportunities and poverty, since participation by the state is absent and the regulations that regulate this activity are almost non-existent.
Sex work is considered the oldest in history, being without a doubt a community with a high vulnerability index, since many of the women who carry out this work do it out of necessity, which is why it seeks to determine the norms that have regulated the sex work in Colombia, thus analyzing the scope of these to protect the guarantees and rights of those who carry out such work. A qualitative research was carried out with a hermeneutic-legal approach. Due to the high vulnerability index that this community presented, the Ministry of Labor was interested in formalizing this labor activity, carrying out awareness campaigns in the areas of influence of sex workers, in order to make them aware of their rights and duties. On the other hand, the constitutional court in order to ensure the protection of their fundamental rights in terms of equal treatment before the law, specifically frames as a duty, considering sex workers as a subject of special protection. This analysis of prostitution in Colombia referenced as a work activity in a situation of vulnerability generated by the lack of opportunities and poverty, since participation by the state is absent and the regulations that regulate this activity are almost non-existent.
Palabras clave
Trabajo sexual, Vulnerabilidad, Derechos y deberes constitucionales, Sex work, Vulnerability, Rights and constitutional duties