Propuesta de diseño de prototipo para el control de aforo y el distanciamiento social en Institución Educativa de Educación Superior Tecnológica en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Martínez Gandia, José Alfredo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito diseñar un prototipo para el control de los
aspectos tecnológicos requeridos en institución educativa de educación superior
tecnológica en la ciudad de Barranquilla, que apoye la implementación de la
política de bioseguridad de la institución para el cumplimiento de lo establecido en
la Resolución 666 de 2020 y la Resolución 1721 de 2020 emitida por el Ministerio
de Salud y Protección Social. El proyecto busca la implementación de tecnologías
que ayuden al control de los aspectos de distanciamiento social y aforo en la
entidad educativa.
Este trabajo está dividido en dos fases, una primera fase que busca analizar las
tecnologías y propuestas que existen actualmente en el mercado para el control
de distanciamiento social y la selección de la arquitectura tecnológica que soporta
el prototipo, posteriormente, se procede al diseño de la solución, definiendo los
componentes de la arquitectura propuesta, realizando el modelado de los mismos.
El diseño del prototipo buscará automatizar el cumplimiento de lo establecido en la
Resolución 1721 de 2020 en su anexo técnico, en su punto 3.1.4. “Garantizar el
distanciamiento físico entre personas de 1 metro al interior de las aulas y de 2
metros en otras áreas…”, 3.4.10. “Garantizar el distanciamiento de 2 metros entre
personas en cada espacio o área común fuera de las aulas de clase”, 3.4.11. “El
aforo máximo permitido será el que garantice mantener la distancia establecida en
las diferentes áreas de acuerdo con este protocolo y conforme el área que tiene la
infraestructura de cada institución”.
We proceed to the exploration of scientific articles related to the specific process of control of people who travel in a given space, in this topic we find articles related to cases of use of computer vision in the classification of people and their counting. , the article “Bidirectional People Counting System in Video Surveillance” by the authors Satish D. Pore and BF Momin exposes the evolution that the study of the automated counting of people through algorithms has had, thanks to the search for the implementation of solutions in the fields of surveillance and security, traffic control and monitoring. On the topic of detecting social distancing, a study of the article "Computer Vision Based Distance Measurement System using Stereo Camera View" is carried out, by the authors Emre Dandil and Kemrim Kusat in this article the key aspects that must be taken into account are mentioned In the aspect of distance measurements, the first is the use of stereo cameras, which are equipped with two cameras that seek to simulate the human vision system, the other aspect is the image obtained, where a map of disparity or difference map, where the difference between the two images taken by each lens is obtained. In the model presented by the authors, the comparison is made at the pixel level of the two resulting images, obtaining the separation between them.
We proceed to the exploration of scientific articles related to the specific process of control of people who travel in a given space, in this topic we find articles related to cases of use of computer vision in the classification of people and their counting. , the article “Bidirectional People Counting System in Video Surveillance” by the authors Satish D. Pore and BF Momin exposes the evolution that the study of the automated counting of people through algorithms has had, thanks to the search for the implementation of solutions in the fields of surveillance and security, traffic control and monitoring. On the topic of detecting social distancing, a study of the article "Computer Vision Based Distance Measurement System using Stereo Camera View" is carried out, by the authors Emre Dandil and Kemrim Kusat in this article the key aspects that must be taken into account are mentioned In the aspect of distance measurements, the first is the use of stereo cameras, which are equipped with two cameras that seek to simulate the human vision system, the other aspect is the image obtained, where a map of disparity or difference map, where the difference between the two images taken by each lens is obtained. In the model presented by the authors, the comparison is made at the pixel level of the two resulting images, obtaining the separation between them.
Palabras clave
Control de aforo, Distanciamiento social, Visión artificial, Computer vision, Capacity control, Social distancing