Violencia intrafamiliar contra la niñez en el contexto del covid-19 en el municipio de Barranquilla, 2020-2021
Martínez Bernal, María José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Maltrato Infantil está directamente relacionado con la violencia familiar, entendiéndose por ella como: “toda forma de perjuicio, castigo, humillación o abuso físico o psicológico, descuido, omisión o trato negligente, malos tratos o explotación sexual, incluidos los actos sexuales abusivos y la violación y en general toda forma de violencia o agresión sobre el niño, la niña o el adolescente por parte de sus padres, representantes legales o cualquier otra persona” (Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, 2006). La violencia intrafamiliar para llevar a cabo esta investigación es ubicada en la ciudad de Barranquilla, debido que estas agresiones son cotidianas y casi que, aceptadas por toda la ciudadanía, sin generar una conciencia de cambio social y tratar de mitigar este tipo de situaciones. Durante esta ardua investigación encontramos como resultado el fuerte impacto de la violencia intrafamiliar contra la niñez durante el periodo del covid-19 en el municipio de Barranquilla 2020-2021, principalmente el daño se ve evidenciado en la salud mental y el desarrollo psicosocial de los niños.
Es importante señalar que existen unas subvariables que debemos seguir estudiando como lo es el desarrollo integral, psicomotor que conllevan otros factores como la alimentación, crianza positiva, seguridad infantil y preventiva, recreación, etc. Estas deben ser acompañadas por estrategias del gobierno para subsanar los efectos y posibles repercusiones ya que es una acción directa sobre
sus derechos fundamentales. Para comenzar, en relación a la Línea 141 del ICBF para las denuncias de violencia
en contra de la niñez en el periodo 2020-2021 fueron recibidas 15.370 solicitudes asociadas a casos de violencias, del cual hubo un incremento de 3.675 llamadas lo cual representa una elevación al 43% en relación al número de llamadas en el año 2019, en donde de 4 de cada 5 denuncias se asociaron a violencias psicológicas,
fiscas o negligencia. En segundo lugar, respecto de la Línea 141 del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar para el reporte de violencias contra la niñez En el periodo
señalado para 2020 se recibieron en total 15.369 solicitudes asociadas a casos de violencias, expresando un aumento de 3.672 llamadas lo que representa un
aumento del 43% respecto del número de interacciones atendidas en el mismo periodo de 2019. Tanto para 2019 como para 2020 la desagregación según el
tipo de violencia, indica que 4 de cada 5 solicitudes asociaron violencias física, psicológica o negligencia.
Además de ello, el incremento de casos en el periodo 2020-2021, las actualizaciones 2020 dejan los números de la siguiente manera: 972 casos de maltrato físico, 40 casos de maltrato psicológico, 42 casos de negligencia y
abandono, 499 casos de abuso sexual con un total de 1503 casos registrados. Lo anterior corresponde a las profesiones que dan origen a esta problemática, que
acoge principalmente a los jóvenes de la sociedad a la que pertenecemos; Según Fajardo y Sierra (2018) hubo un aumento del 75% de maltrato en los hogares
durante el periodo del Covid-19, sumando otros componentes como causas como: inseguridad, precariedad económica, miedo al contagio, distanciamiento social voluntario y aislamiento forzado (p.80) Así, las consecuencias sociales de la
violencia doméstica implican morbilidad, mortalidad, trastornos depresivos e incluso consumo de
alcohol y drogas. Múltiples fueron las denuncias encontradas de la población de Barranquilla, sobre
el problema de la violencia intrafamiliar contra los niños en el periodo pandémico 2020-2021 el cual es una preocupación de salud pública para la sociedad y una
alarma que se debe atender con urgencia. Como bien se conoció la metodología que maneja el estado para vigilar los focos de violencia intrafamiliar esta cimentada con (3) instancias, primeramente, unidad primaria de generación de datos, segundo unidades notificadoras y por ultimo las receptoras. De mucha relevancia resulta la propuesta innovadora, al hacer de un trabajo gubernamental e institucional aplicarlo al contexto educativo y ser llevado a instituciones privadas de carácter social para contrarrestar el problema de la violencia intrafamiliar el cual pasan los días y se refleja aumento de casos sin importar la condición ni la edad, ha llevado a dejar marcas visibles que intentaran o pudieran ser erradicadas por el tiempo o la ayuda de personas comprometidas en su tratamiento, de tal manera que se consiga contribuir a la edificación de una sociedad equilibrada que labore por la armonía social de su núcleo familiar.
Child Abuse is directly related to family violence, understood as: "all forms of harm, punishment, humiliation or physical or psychological abuse, neglect, omission or negligent treatment, mistreatment or sexual exploitation, including abusive sexual acts and rape and in general any form of violence or aggression against the child or adolescent by their parents, legal representatives or any other person” (Code for Children and Adolescents, 2006). Intrafamily violence to carry out this investigation is located in the city of Barranquilla, because these attacks are daily and almost accepted by all citizens, without generating an awareness of social change and trying to mitigate this type of situation. During this arduous investigation, we found as a result the strong impact of intrafamily violence against children during the covid-19 period in the municipality of Barranquilla 2020-2021, mainly the damage is evidenced in the mental health and psychosocial development of children. It is important to note that there are some subvariables that we must continue to study, such as comprehensive, psychomotor development that involves other factors such as diet, positive parenting, child and preventive safety, recreation, etc. These must be accompanied by government strategies to correct the effects and possible repercussions since it is a direct action on their fundamental rights. To begin with, in relation to ICBF Line 141 for complaints of violence against children in the 2020-2021 period, 15,370 requests associated with cases of violence were received, of which there was an increase of 3,675 calls, which represents an increase to 43% in relation to the number of calls in 2019, where 4 out of 5 complaints were associated with psychological, fiscal or negligence violence. Second, regarding Line 141 of the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare for reporting violence against children. In the period indicated for 2020, a total of 15,369 requests associated with cases of violence were received, expressing an increase of 3,672 calls, which represents a 43% increase compared to the number of interactions handled in the same period of 2019. For both 2019 and 2020, the breakdown according to the type of violence indicates that 4 out of 5 requests associated physical, psychological or negligence violence. In addition to this, the increase in cases in the 2020-2021 period, the 2020 updates leave the numbers as follows: 972 cases of physical abuse, 40 cases of psychological abuse, 42 cases of neglect and abandonment, 499 cases of sexual abuse with a total of 1503 registered cases. The foregoing corresponds to the professions that give rise to this problem, which mainly welcomes young people from the society to which we belong; According to Fajardo and Sierra (2018), there was a 75% increase in abuse in homes during the Covid-19 period, adding other components such as causes such as: insecurity, economic precariousness, fear of contagion, voluntary social distancing and forced isolation (p .80) Thus, the social consequences of domestic violence they involve morbidity, mortality, depressive disorders and even alcohol and drug use. There were multiple complaints found from the population of Barranquilla, about the problem of intrafamily violence against children in the 2020-2021 pandemic period, which is a public health concern for society and an alarm that must be addressed urgently. As it was well known, the methodology that the state manages to monitor the sources of intrafamily violence is based on (3) instances, firstly, the primary data generation unit, secondly reporting units and finally the receiving ones. The innovative proposal is very relevant, by making a governmental and institutional work apply it to the educational context and be taken to private institutions of a social nature to counteract the problem of intrafamily violence which days go by and an increase in cases is reflected regardless neither the condition nor the age, has led to leave visible marks that tried or could be eradicated by time or the help of people committed to their treatment, in such a way that it is possible to contribute to the building of a balanced society that works for harmony social of his nuclear family.
Child Abuse is directly related to family violence, understood as: "all forms of harm, punishment, humiliation or physical or psychological abuse, neglect, omission or negligent treatment, mistreatment or sexual exploitation, including abusive sexual acts and rape and in general any form of violence or aggression against the child or adolescent by their parents, legal representatives or any other person” (Code for Children and Adolescents, 2006). Intrafamily violence to carry out this investigation is located in the city of Barranquilla, because these attacks are daily and almost accepted by all citizens, without generating an awareness of social change and trying to mitigate this type of situation. During this arduous investigation, we found as a result the strong impact of intrafamily violence against children during the covid-19 period in the municipality of Barranquilla 2020-2021, mainly the damage is evidenced in the mental health and psychosocial development of children. It is important to note that there are some subvariables that we must continue to study, such as comprehensive, psychomotor development that involves other factors such as diet, positive parenting, child and preventive safety, recreation, etc. These must be accompanied by government strategies to correct the effects and possible repercussions since it is a direct action on their fundamental rights. To begin with, in relation to ICBF Line 141 for complaints of violence against children in the 2020-2021 period, 15,370 requests associated with cases of violence were received, of which there was an increase of 3,675 calls, which represents an increase to 43% in relation to the number of calls in 2019, where 4 out of 5 complaints were associated with psychological, fiscal or negligence violence. Second, regarding Line 141 of the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare for reporting violence against children. In the period indicated for 2020, a total of 15,369 requests associated with cases of violence were received, expressing an increase of 3,672 calls, which represents a 43% increase compared to the number of interactions handled in the same period of 2019. For both 2019 and 2020, the breakdown according to the type of violence indicates that 4 out of 5 requests associated physical, psychological or negligence violence. In addition to this, the increase in cases in the 2020-2021 period, the 2020 updates leave the numbers as follows: 972 cases of physical abuse, 40 cases of psychological abuse, 42 cases of neglect and abandonment, 499 cases of sexual abuse with a total of 1503 registered cases. The foregoing corresponds to the professions that give rise to this problem, which mainly welcomes young people from the society to which we belong; According to Fajardo and Sierra (2018), there was a 75% increase in abuse in homes during the Covid-19 period, adding other components such as causes such as: insecurity, economic precariousness, fear of contagion, voluntary social distancing and forced isolation (p .80) Thus, the social consequences of domestic violence they involve morbidity, mortality, depressive disorders and even alcohol and drug use. There were multiple complaints found from the population of Barranquilla, about the problem of intrafamily violence against children in the 2020-2021 pandemic period, which is a public health concern for society and an alarm that must be addressed urgently. As it was well known, the methodology that the state manages to monitor the sources of intrafamily violence is based on (3) instances, firstly, the primary data generation unit, secondly reporting units and finally the receiving ones. The innovative proposal is very relevant, by making a governmental and institutional work apply it to the educational context and be taken to private institutions of a social nature to counteract the problem of intrafamily violence which days go by and an increase in cases is reflected regardless neither the condition nor the age, has led to leave visible marks that tried or could be eradicated by time or the help of people committed to their treatment, in such a way that it is possible to contribute to the building of a balanced society that works for harmony social of his nuclear family.
Palabras clave
Violencia intrafamiliar, Maltrato infantil, Abuso físico, Prevención, Violencia de género, Domestic violence, Child abuse, Physical abuse, Prevention, Gender violence