La violencia infantil en la cuidad de Bogotá D.C y sus efectos jurídicos en periodo 2019-2020
Fontalvo Medrano, Lauren Andrea
García Mercado, Daniel Stiven
Miranda Villamizar, María Gabriela
Ospino Obredor, Camila Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia infantil fue una práctica de siglos atrás, pero es ahora. El abuso y violencia infantil es un inconveniente que compete a todas las naciones de todo el mundo, tanto en territorios desarrollados como en vías de desarrollo. Referente a la historia de la violencia infantil, desde luego que no se puede implantar una fecha precisa en la que se haya originado tal problemática, sino que se ha presentado de forma continua en todo el tiempo. Según ciertos autores, la violencia infantil fue una problemática que se ha naturalizado en la era ya que se han interiorizado.
En la antigua Roma los niños eran castigados siendo azotados en público y el apedreamiento entre muchos otros. Para los niños enfermos y malformados estos eran castigados de manera mortal; en Colombia los castigos implementados eran arrodillar a los niños sobre semillas de algodón, palmadas con reglas de madera sobre las palmas de las manos, también eran obligados a sostener piedras sobre sus brazos extendidos. En el siglo XIX aparecen por primera vez publicaciones en relación con este tema llamado el síndrome del niño golpeado fue descrito por primera vez en 1868 por Ambrosie Tardieu.
Originando la expresión síndrome del niño golpeado como un concepto que fue
ampliado por Fontana al indicar que los niños y niñas podían llegar a ser agredidos no
solo de manera física, sino también emocionalmente o por negligencia. Debido a todos
los hechos que se desarrollaron luego de esta publicación comenzaron a generar
cambios en esta situación, como el proceso de estudio de los derechos de los niños.
La violencia infantil ha estado presente en todos los instantes de la historia del
hombre, en la vida del núcleo familiar, la sociedad, las instituciones, empero no
continuamente con la misma magnitud ni de igual modo, puesto que sus protestas
fueron cambiando acorde a las múltiples condiciones de cada etapa y cultura. El
objetivo de esta investigación es examinar de qué modo afecta a los niños y niñas de
la ciudad de Bogotá D.C la violencia intrafamiliar y que respaldo jurídico tienen estos
niños por parte del estado colombiano en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2019-
2020. El trabajo investigativo aborda la problemática de la violencia infantil en
Colombia, con un enfoque cualitativo y un modelo de diseño de investigación no
experimental. Se enfoca en la primera infancia, de 4 a 10 años, y considera factores
como la pobreza, la inequidad, los conflictos, el desplazamiento y la violencia
intrafamiliar como circunstancias que aumentan la vulnerabilidad de los niños. Los
instrumentos utilizados en este trabajo fuero con el fin de ampliar información acerca
de la problemática del maltrato infantil, como se da, a quienes afecta, las formas en las
que se presenta y las normas que aparan a los niños y niñas de la ciudad de Bogotá. A
lo larga de esta investigación se han encontrado resultados alarmantes sobre la
prevalencia y los tipos de violencia que sufren los menores en diferentes ámbitos de la
sociedad. La violencia física y sexual son las formas más comunes de violencia infantil
en Bogotá, con el 30% de los niños y niñas sufriendo algún tipo de violencia física y el
9% sufriendo violencia sexual. La mayoría de los casos de violencia infantil
denunciados ocurren en el hogar, con el 55% de los perpetradores siendo los padres o
cuidadores. La violencia infantil puede tener consecuencias a largo plazo en la salud
física y mental de los niños y niñas. En el Informe mundial sobre la violencia, la salud y
la Consulta de la OMS sobre la prevención del abuso infantil se distinguen cuatro tipos
de maltrato infantil, Abusos físicos, Abusos sexuales, abusos
emocionales/psicológicos, desatención. Finalmente se concluye que la violencia infantil
en Bogotá es un grave problema que requiere acciones preventivas y de atención.
Durante 2019-2020, se registraron casos alarmantes de violencia contra niños, lo que
resalta la necesidad de aumentar los esfuerzos para abordar esta situación. Esta
investigación se enfoca en el maltrato y la violencia infantil, que afectan el bienestar y
los derechos de los niños dentro de su entorno familiar.
A pesar de las leyes existentes, hay desafíos en su implementación efectiva y en la garantía de los derechos de los niños. Se requiere colaboración entre instituciones y la sociedad para erradicar la violencia infantil y proteger a los niños en Bogotá.
Child violence was a practice centuries ago, but it is now. Child abuse and violence is a problem that concerns all nations around the world, both in developed and developing territories. Regarding the history of child violence, of course it is not possible to set a precise date on which such a problem originated, but rather it has been presented continuously throughout time. According to certain authors, child violence was a problem that has become naturalized in the era since it has been internalized. In ancient Rome, children were punished by public whipping and stoning, among many others. For sick and malformed children, these were punished in a mortal way; In Colombia, the punishments implemented were kneeling children on cotton seeds, slapping with wooden rulers on the palms of their hands, they were also forced to hold stones on their outstretched arms. In the 19th century, publications related to this topic appeared for the first time, called the battered child syndrome, which was first described in 1868 by Ambrosie Tardieu. Originating the expression battered child syndrome as a concept that was expanded by Fontana by indicating that boys and girls could become assaulted not only physically, but also emotionally or due to negligence. Due to all the events that took place after this publication, changes began to be generated in this situation, such as the process of studying the rights of children. Child violence has been present at all times in human history, in the life of the family nucleus, society, institutions, but not continuously with the same magnitude or in the same way, since their protests changed according to the multiple conditions of each stage and culture. The objective of this research is to examine how domestic violence affects boys and girls in the city of Bogotá D.C and what legal support these children have from the Colombian state in the period between 2019-2020. The investigative work addresses the problem of child violence in Colombia, with a qualitative approach and a non-experimental research design model. It focuses on early childhood, from 4 to 10 years old, and considers factors such as poverty, inequality, conflicts, displacement, and intrafamily violence as circumstances that increase the vulnerability of children. The instruments used in this work were in order to expand information about the problem of child abuse, how it occurs, who it affects, the ways in which it is presented and the regulations that apply to children in the city of Bogota. Throughout this research, alarming results have been found on the prevalence and types of violence suffered by minors in different spheres of society. Physical and sexual violence are the most common forms of child violence in Bogotá, with 30% of boys and girls suffering some type of physical violence and 9% suffering sexual violence. Most reported cases of child violence occur in the home, with 55% of perpetrators being parents or caregivers. Child violence can have long-term consequences on the physical and mental health of children. The World Report on Violence, Health and the WHO Consultation on the Prevention of Child Abuse distinguishes four types of child abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, neglect. Finally, it is concluded that child violence in Bogotá is a serious problem that requires preventive and care actions. During 2019-2020, alarming cases of violence against children were recorded, highlighting the need to increase efforts to address this situation. This research focuses on child abuse and violence, which affect the well-being and rights of children within their family environment. Despite existing laws, there are challenges in their effective implementation and in guaranteeing children's rights. Collaboration between institutions and society is required to eradicate child violence and protect children in Bogotá.
Child violence was a practice centuries ago, but it is now. Child abuse and violence is a problem that concerns all nations around the world, both in developed and developing territories. Regarding the history of child violence, of course it is not possible to set a precise date on which such a problem originated, but rather it has been presented continuously throughout time. According to certain authors, child violence was a problem that has become naturalized in the era since it has been internalized. In ancient Rome, children were punished by public whipping and stoning, among many others. For sick and malformed children, these were punished in a mortal way; In Colombia, the punishments implemented were kneeling children on cotton seeds, slapping with wooden rulers on the palms of their hands, they were also forced to hold stones on their outstretched arms. In the 19th century, publications related to this topic appeared for the first time, called the battered child syndrome, which was first described in 1868 by Ambrosie Tardieu. Originating the expression battered child syndrome as a concept that was expanded by Fontana by indicating that boys and girls could become assaulted not only physically, but also emotionally or due to negligence. Due to all the events that took place after this publication, changes began to be generated in this situation, such as the process of studying the rights of children. Child violence has been present at all times in human history, in the life of the family nucleus, society, institutions, but not continuously with the same magnitude or in the same way, since their protests changed according to the multiple conditions of each stage and culture. The objective of this research is to examine how domestic violence affects boys and girls in the city of Bogotá D.C and what legal support these children have from the Colombian state in the period between 2019-2020. The investigative work addresses the problem of child violence in Colombia, with a qualitative approach and a non-experimental research design model. It focuses on early childhood, from 4 to 10 years old, and considers factors such as poverty, inequality, conflicts, displacement, and intrafamily violence as circumstances that increase the vulnerability of children. The instruments used in this work were in order to expand information about the problem of child abuse, how it occurs, who it affects, the ways in which it is presented and the regulations that apply to children in the city of Bogota. Throughout this research, alarming results have been found on the prevalence and types of violence suffered by minors in different spheres of society. Physical and sexual violence are the most common forms of child violence in Bogotá, with 30% of boys and girls suffering some type of physical violence and 9% suffering sexual violence. Most reported cases of child violence occur in the home, with 55% of perpetrators being parents or caregivers. Child violence can have long-term consequences on the physical and mental health of children. The World Report on Violence, Health and the WHO Consultation on the Prevention of Child Abuse distinguishes four types of child abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, neglect. Finally, it is concluded that child violence in Bogotá is a serious problem that requires preventive and care actions. During 2019-2020, alarming cases of violence against children were recorded, highlighting the need to increase efforts to address this situation. This research focuses on child abuse and violence, which affect the well-being and rights of children within their family environment. Despite existing laws, there are challenges in their effective implementation and in guaranteeing children's rights. Collaboration between institutions and society is required to eradicate child violence and protect children in Bogotá.
Palabras clave
Violencia infantil, Violencia Intrafamiliar, Protección Derechos N.N.A., Child violence, Intrafamily violence, Protection of Rights N.N.A.