Análisis de la implementación de las TICs en el proceso judicial colombiano
Manga Escorcia, Alexander Rafael
Urbina Rodríguez, María
Martínez Martínez, Vanessa Beatriz
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La implementación y aplicabilidad de las TICs en el proceso judicial colombiano, no es una novedad en Colombia introducida con el Decreto 806 del 2020, toda vez que desde 1996 se ha legislado sobre dicha materia. Dada la inaplicabilidad visible de estas normas y la subestimación de las herramientas tecnológicas existentes, se crea la necesidad de analizar si estas normas y herramientas actuales correspondientes a la implementación y aplicabilidad de TICs dentro del proceso judicial colombiano son apropiadas y beneficiosas para el mismo, así mismo se pretende analizar cómo se encuentra Colombia frente a otros países que han
implementado o se encuentran implementando las TICs, para ello, nuestros referentes serán Perú, México y Estonia. Para el análisis planteado, se hablará de leyes como: 270 de 1996, 527 de 1999, 1564 de 2012, 1437 de 2011, el Decreto 806. El punto de partida es la implementación y aplicabilidad de las TICs en todos los procesos de la vida diaria, de la industria, el comercio y la economía, y por supuesto la administración de justicia, el sistema y el proceso judiciales no pueden ser la excepción, de como la utilización de estas, busca agilizar y facilitar el desarrollo de los procesos.
The implementation and applicability of ICTs in the Colombian judicial process is not a novelty in Colombia introduced with Decree 806 of 2020, since since 1996 there has been legislation on this matter. Given the visible inapplicability of these rules and the underestimation of existing technological tools, there is a need to analyze whether these current rules and tools corresponding to the implementation and applicability of ICTs within the Colombian judicial process are appropriate and beneficial for it, as well The same is intended to analyze how Colombia is compared to other countries that have implemented or are implementing ICTs, for this, our references will be Peru, Mexico and Estonia. For the proposed analysis, we will talk about laws such as: 270 of 1996, 527 of 1999, 1564 of 2012, 1437 of 2011, Decree 806. The starting point is the implementation and applicability of ICTs in all life processes of industry, commerce and the economy, and of course the administration of justice, the judicial system and process cannot be the exception, as the use of these seeks to speed up and facilitate the development of processes.
The implementation and applicability of ICTs in the Colombian judicial process is not a novelty in Colombia introduced with Decree 806 of 2020, since since 1996 there has been legislation on this matter. Given the visible inapplicability of these rules and the underestimation of existing technological tools, there is a need to analyze whether these current rules and tools corresponding to the implementation and applicability of ICTs within the Colombian judicial process are appropriate and beneficial for it, as well The same is intended to analyze how Colombia is compared to other countries that have implemented or are implementing ICTs, for this, our references will be Peru, Mexico and Estonia. For the proposed analysis, we will talk about laws such as: 270 of 1996, 527 of 1999, 1564 of 2012, 1437 of 2011, Decree 806. The starting point is the implementation and applicability of ICTs in all life processes of industry, commerce and the economy, and of course the administration of justice, the judicial system and process cannot be the exception, as the use of these seeks to speed up and facilitate the development of processes.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TICs), Justicia digital, e-justicia, Justicia electrónica, Proceso judicial colombiano, Sistema judicial, Administración de justicia, Comparativo Estonia, Perú y México, Information and Communication Technologies, Digital justice, e-justice, Electronic justice, Colombian judicial process, Judicial system, Administration of justice, Comparative Estonia, Peru and Mexico