Estructura y funcionamiento familiar de los trabajadores vinculados a la organización Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A. de la regional Barranquilla
Ardila Gónzalez, Zilena
Lázaro Quintero, Leddy Ann
Polo Pedrozo, Luz Amanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación caracteriza la estructura y funcionamiento de los trabajadores vinculados a la organización Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S. A. de la regional barranquilla a través de instrumentos de evaluación APGAR familia, FACES III y encuesta sociodemográfica, aplicado a 145 trabajadores del periodo Junio-Julio 2015, los datos fueron tratados en el programa estadístico (SPSS18.0). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que un 52.51% de las familias de los empleados de las Súpertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S. A. de la regional Barranquilla tienen la capacidad de adaptarse cuando las circunstancias cambian, con respecto a las diferentes dimensiones mediadas por APAGAR, se encontró para la función de adaptación el 62.6% de las familias dijeron que siempre las la ayuda de sus familiar cuando tienen algún problema y/o necesidad ; en función de participación el 63.1% de las familias expresaron que siempre les satisface la participación que la familia les brinda; en la función de ganancia el 66.7% de los hogares manifestaron que siempre le satisface como su familia acepta y apoya sus deseos de emprender nuevas actividades; en la función de afecto; solo el 45.3% de las familias manifestó que siempre le satisface como le expresa afectos y responde a sus emociones; y en la función de recursos; el 59.2% de las familias expresó que siempre le satisface como se comparte en familia el tiempo, el espacio y el dinero
The study characterizes the structure and functioning of labor linked to the superstores and drugstores Olympic organization S.A. regional Barranquilla through assessment tools APGAR family, FACES 111 and demographic survey, applied to 145 workers in the period June-July 2015, the data were treated in statistical software (SPSS18.0). The results showed that 52.51 % of the familias of the employees of the superstores and drugstores Olympic S.A. regional Barranquilla have the ability to adapt when circumstances change with respect to the various dimensions measured by the APGAR, was found for the adaptation function 62.6% of familias said they always satisfies the help of their familias when they have a problem and I or need; the role of participation 63.1 % of familias said they provided you meet their participation gives the family; gain function in 66.7% of households said they always satisfies and his family accepts and supports their desire to undertake new activities; the role of affection; Only 45.3% of households said that always meets as he expresses feelings and responds to your emotions; and resource function; 59.2% of familias said that always satisfies and shared family time, space and money.
The study characterizes the structure and functioning of labor linked to the superstores and drugstores Olympic organization S.A. regional Barranquilla through assessment tools APGAR family, FACES 111 and demographic survey, applied to 145 workers in the period June-July 2015, the data were treated in statistical software (SPSS18.0). The results showed that 52.51 % of the familias of the employees of the superstores and drugstores Olympic S.A. regional Barranquilla have the ability to adapt when circumstances change with respect to the various dimensions measured by the APGAR, was found for the adaptation function 62.6% of familias said they always satisfies the help of their familias when they have a problem and I or need; the role of participation 63.1 % of familias said they provided you meet their participation gives the family; gain function in 66.7% of households said they always satisfies and his family accepts and supports their desire to undertake new activities; the role of affection; Only 45.3% of households said that always meets as he expresses feelings and responds to your emotions; and resource function; 59.2% of familias said that always satisfies and shared family time, space and money.
Palabras clave
Familia, Violencia familiar, Relaciones de familia