Factores de riesgo asociados al trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en la población de 5 a 18 años de consulta externa de psiquiatría del hospital universitario E.S.E Cari de Barranquilla
Acosta Sánchez, Milagros Esther
Huérfano Forero, Claudia Patricia
Torres Freyle, Cheris Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a Trastorno por Déficit de
Atención e Hiperactividad - TDAH, en la población de 5 a 18 años de consulta
externa de psiquiatría del Hospital Universitario ESE CARI de la ciudad de
Barranquilla, período de mayo del 2016 a mayo del 2017. Materiales y métodos:
el presente trabajo es de enfoque cuantitativo y retrospectivo, de alcance
descriptivo. La muestra fueron 329 pacientes de la consulta externa de psiquiatría
infantil del Hospital Universitario ESE CARI, seleccionados bajo los criterios
diagnósticos DSM V y CIE 10 para TDAH. Resultados: de los 329 pacientes, 265
(81%) eran masculino, con una relación (niño/niña) 4:1, promedio de edad 8.61
años con una desviación estándar de 3 años, el 86.9% corresponde al subtipo de
TDAH Mixto, un 10.3% Hiperactivo y 2.7% Inatento, los factores de riesgos
prenatales aumenta 4.5 veces el riesgo de TDAH, entre los que se encontraron las
Infecciones, el antecedentes de amenaza de aborto de parto prematuro y la
Heredabilidad. Conclusión: los factores de riesgos prenatales fueron los de
mayor predominio en la población de estudio, se encontró mayor frecuencia en
sexo masculino, el subtipo de TDAH más predominante fue el mixto.
Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD, in the population of 5 to 18 years of outpatient psychiatry at the ESE CARI University Hospital in the city of Barranquilla, from May 2016 to May of 2017. Materials and methods: the present work is of a quantitative and retrospective approach, of descriptive scope. The sample consisted of 329 patients from the outpatient clinic of child psychiatry of the ESE CARI University Hospital, selected under the diagnostic criteria DSM V and CIE 1 O for ADHD. Results: Of the 329 patients, 265 (81%) were male, with a 4: 1 ratio (child), average age of 8.61 years with a standard deviation of 3 years, 86.9% corresponds to the subtype of Mixed ADHD, 10.3% Hyperactive and 2.7% lnattentive, the factors of prenatal risks increases 4.5 times the risk of ADHD, among which were found the lnfections, the antecedent of threat of abortion of premature birth and the Heritability. Conclusion: prenatal risk factors were the most prevalent in the study population, it was found higher frequency in male sex, and the most predominant subtype of ADHD was mixed
Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD, in the population of 5 to 18 years of outpatient psychiatry at the ESE CARI University Hospital in the city of Barranquilla, from May 2016 to May of 2017. Materials and methods: the present work is of a quantitative and retrospective approach, of descriptive scope. The sample consisted of 329 patients from the outpatient clinic of child psychiatry of the ESE CARI University Hospital, selected under the diagnostic criteria DSM V and CIE 1 O for ADHD. Results: Of the 329 patients, 265 (81%) were male, with a 4: 1 ratio (child), average age of 8.61 years with a standard deviation of 3 years, 86.9% corresponds to the subtype of Mixed ADHD, 10.3% Hyperactive and 2.7% lnattentive, the factors of prenatal risks increases 4.5 times the risk of ADHD, among which were found the lnfections, the antecedent of threat of abortion of premature birth and the Heritability. Conclusion: prenatal risk factors were the most prevalent in the study population, it was found higher frequency in male sex, and the most predominant subtype of ADHD was mixed
Palabras clave
Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, Factores de riesgos, Neurodesarrollo, Adversidad temprana, Heredabilidad, ADHD, Risk factors, Neurodevelopment, Early adversity, Heredity