Uso de medicamentos antifúngicos la unidad de cuidados intensivos de adulto en una institución prestadora de servicio
Sánchez-Güete, Lilibeth
Núñez-Bravo, Narledis
Galeano-Muñoz, Luisa
Rodríguez-López, Jorge
Gómez-Berrio, Rocío De Jesús
Lozano-Salcedo, Kelly Johanna
Pérez-Medina, María Clareth
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Determinar la indicación y frecuencia de prescripción
de medicamentos antifúngicos (AF) en el servicio de unidad
de cuidados intensivos (UCI) de adulto en una institución
prestadora de servicio (IPS) de tercer nivel.
Metodología: Estudio de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal,
con una muestra de 125 pacientes a los cuales se les
prescribió por lo menos un medicamento antifúngico durante
su estancia en los servicios de UCI. Se utilizó SPSS versión24
para hacer los análisis de los datos.
Resultados: Del total de los participantes, el 54,4% eran
mujeres, el 24,8% presentaban como enfermedad de base
una patología hematológica u oncológica y en un 8,3%, infección
por VIH. En los 125 pacientes se utilizaron alrededor de
1552 medicamentos antifúngicos, siendo el fluconazol el más
utilizado, representando el 51% del total de la prescripción.
Conclusión: El antifúngico más utilizado en pacientes que
se encuentra en la unidad de cuidados intensivos es el fluconazol.
Objective: To determine the indications and frequency at which antifungal (AF) medications is prescribed in the adult intensive care unit (ICU) service in a third-level service provider institution (IPS). Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a sample of 125 patients who were prescribed at least one antifungal medication during their stay in the ICU services. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Results: From total of the participants, 54.4% were women, 24.8% had a hematological or oncological disease as base disease and 8.3% a HIV infection. In the 125 patients around 1552 antifungal medications were prescribed, being fluconazole the more used with 51% of the total of the prescription. Conclusion: The most used antifungal in patients in the intensive care unit is fluconazole.
Objective: To determine the indications and frequency at which antifungal (AF) medications is prescribed in the adult intensive care unit (ICU) service in a third-level service provider institution (IPS). Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a sample of 125 patients who were prescribed at least one antifungal medication during their stay in the ICU services. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Results: From total of the participants, 54.4% were women, 24.8% had a hematological or oncological disease as base disease and 8.3% a HIV infection. In the 125 patients around 1552 antifungal medications were prescribed, being fluconazole the more used with 51% of the total of the prescription. Conclusion: The most used antifungal in patients in the intensive care unit is fluconazole.
Palabras clave
Antifúngicos, Unidad de cuidados intensivos, Pacientes, Antifungal agents, Intensive care unit, Patients