Caso de estudio para la enseñanza gerencial. Caso: E Y S Inversiones SAS: Innovación en Tiempos de Crisis
Romero Martínez, Rigail
Rivera Salem, Angélica Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El caso empresarial “E Y S Inversiones SAS: Innovación en Tiempos de Crisis” se enmarca en la línea investigativa “Innovación”, que tiene como propósito conocer las diferentes practicas gerenciales, organizacionales y empresariales en el campo de la Administración y la Innovación desarrolladas por empresas del Caribe Colombiano, las cuales pueden enseñar cuales han sido los factores clave de éxito o fracaso en el marco de la ejecución de estrategias aplicadas para alcanzar un posicionamiento competitivo superior, además de identificar como las empresas se han sobrepuesto o no a las crisis como resultado de factores internos y externos.
El siguiente caso, fue desarrollado en una empresa de operación comercial y logística que tiene a su cargo la distribución de mercancías en el canal tienda a tienda para la multinacional NESTLE. El caso evidencia como la empresa logra
adaptarse a situaciones de crisis en las que la única opción viable era el cierre operativo, implementado estrategias logísticas simples e innovadoras.
EYS Inversiones SAS es una pequeña compañía fundada por dos socios en el año 2.009, fruto de haber ganado una licitación para la operación comercial, logística y de almacenamiento en bodega de la Multinacional Nestlé de Colombia en el canal Tienda a Tienda en el Sur de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Ernesto, su gerente, era uno de los socios y aunque era un profesional idóneo no tenía mucha experiencia comercial y solo poseía un conocimiento empírico en el reparto de mercancías. Su segundo socio tampoco tenía ninguna experiencia, no participaba directamente en la operación del negocio y solo se limitaba a cuidar su inversión.
Aunque su inicio no fue fácil, Ernesto logra rápidamente entender el negocio y generar la dinámica necesaria para ir avanzando. Pero una mala decisión en la inversión de un activo fijo inducida por Nestlé generó un impacto devastador en el flujo de caja de la empresa, que a su vez derivó en un conflicto entre los socios. Por un lado, Ernesto que creía que con trabajo y perseverancia se podía salir a delante y por el otro lado el segundo socio que entró en pánico y exigía la liquidación de la compañía y la devolución de su inversión intentado no perder o salir lo mejor librado del negocio.
La empresa se encontraba en una crisis sin salida y con tendencia a empeorar. Todo indicaba que la opción más viable era cerrar operaciones. Pero Ernesto no se dio por vencido, para él la palabra derrota parecía no existir y emprendió una serie de acciones para salvar su emprendimiento que le costó mucho más que sudor y sangre.
En conclusión podemos decir que en la vida real se presentan situaciones que no son enseñadas en la academia pero que hacen parte de la vida, este tipo de casos ayudan a transmitir conocimiento que pueden ayudar a dar pautas en la resolución de problemas que aunque parezcan sin salida al final siempre se podrá encontrar una solución cuando todas las actores involucrados en una situación ponen de su parte. Lo importante no es perder el norte de lo que se quiere y tener objetivos claros, de esta manera lo que se ve imposible termina sucediendo.
The business case "EYS Inversiones SAS: Innovation in Times of Crisis" is part of the research line "Innovation", which aims to know the different management, organizational and business practices in the field of Administration and Innovation developed by companies of the The Colombian Caribbean, which can show what the key success or failure factors have been in the framework of the execution of strategies applied to achieve a superior competitive positioning, in addition to identifying how companies have overcame or not overcoming crises as a result of internal and external factors. The following case was developed in a commercial and logistics operation company that is responsible for the distribution of goods in the store-to-store channel for the NESTLE multinational. The case shows how the company manages to adapt to crisis situations in which the only viable option was the operational closure, implemented simple and innovative logistics strategies. EYS Inversiones SAS is a small company founded by two partners in 2009, the result of having won a tender for the commercial, logistics and storage operation of the Nestlé Multinational in Colombia in the Store to Store channel in the South of the Barranquilla city. Ernesto, his manager, was one of the partners and although he was a suitable professional he did not have much commercial experience and only had an empirical knowledge in the distribution of goods. His second partner also had no experience, did not participate directly in the operation of the business and only limited himself to taking care of his investment. Although its start was not easy, Ernesto quickly understood the business and generated the dynamics necessary to move forward. But a bad decision in the investment of a fixed asset induced by Nestlé generated a devastating impact on the cash flow of the company, which in turn resulted in a conflict between the partners. On the one hand, Ernesto who believed that with work and perseverance he could get ahead and on the other hand the second partner who panicked and demanded the liquidation of the company and the return of his investment tried not to lose or leave the best of the business. The company was in a crisis with no way out and with a tendency to get worse. Everything indicated that the most viable option was to close operations. But Ernesto did not give up, for him the word defeat seemed not to exist and he undertook a series of actions to save his venture that cost him much more than sweat and blood. In conclusion we can say that in real life there are situations that are not taught in the academy but that are part of life, these types of cases help to transmit knowledge that can help to give guidelines in the resolution of problems that seem to be without In the end, you can always find a solution when all the actors involved in a situation do their part. The important thing is not to lose the north of what is wanted and to have clear objectives, in this way what looks impossible ends up happening.
The business case "EYS Inversiones SAS: Innovation in Times of Crisis" is part of the research line "Innovation", which aims to know the different management, organizational and business practices in the field of Administration and Innovation developed by companies of the The Colombian Caribbean, which can show what the key success or failure factors have been in the framework of the execution of strategies applied to achieve a superior competitive positioning, in addition to identifying how companies have overcame or not overcoming crises as a result of internal and external factors. The following case was developed in a commercial and logistics operation company that is responsible for the distribution of goods in the store-to-store channel for the NESTLE multinational. The case shows how the company manages to adapt to crisis situations in which the only viable option was the operational closure, implemented simple and innovative logistics strategies. EYS Inversiones SAS is a small company founded by two partners in 2009, the result of having won a tender for the commercial, logistics and storage operation of the Nestlé Multinational in Colombia in the Store to Store channel in the South of the Barranquilla city. Ernesto, his manager, was one of the partners and although he was a suitable professional he did not have much commercial experience and only had an empirical knowledge in the distribution of goods. His second partner also had no experience, did not participate directly in the operation of the business and only limited himself to taking care of his investment. Although its start was not easy, Ernesto quickly understood the business and generated the dynamics necessary to move forward. But a bad decision in the investment of a fixed asset induced by Nestlé generated a devastating impact on the cash flow of the company, which in turn resulted in a conflict between the partners. On the one hand, Ernesto who believed that with work and perseverance he could get ahead and on the other hand the second partner who panicked and demanded the liquidation of the company and the return of his investment tried not to lose or leave the best of the business. The company was in a crisis with no way out and with a tendency to get worse. Everything indicated that the most viable option was to close operations. But Ernesto did not give up, for him the word defeat seemed not to exist and he undertook a series of actions to save his venture that cost him much more than sweat and blood. In conclusion we can say that in real life there are situations that are not taught in the academy but that are part of life, these types of cases help to transmit knowledge that can help to give guidelines in the resolution of problems that seem to be without In the end, you can always find a solution when all the actors involved in a situation do their part. The important thing is not to lose the north of what is wanted and to have clear objectives, in this way what looks impossible ends up happening.
Palabras clave
Administración e innovación, Distribución de mercancías