Violencia intrafamiliar durante el confinamiento por la pandemia del Covid-19 en mujeres de Malambo Atlántico
Blanco Moscarella, Claudia
Pertuz Acosta, Juliza
Guevara Barbosa, Sthefani
Román Goez, Adriana Sofía
Guerrero Sanjuan, Naileth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia intrafamiliar históricamente ha sido una de las grandes problemáticas que los seres humanos han tenido que enfrentar, situación que se agudizó durante el confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19, donde los factores emergentes en el ámbito económico, político, social, laboral influenciaron en las familias detonando un incremento de la violencia.
Marín et al (2020) en una investigación titulada “Covid-19 y violencia de género e intrafamiliar, planteó como objetivo promover reflexiones por parte de estudiantes del grado sexto (entre 10 y 12 años) de una Institución Educativa privada de la ciudad de Bogotá Colombia, desde las clases de biología, sobre las dinámicas sociales asociadas al incremento de la violencia de género e intrafamiliar durante el periodo de cuarentena, por causa del COVID-19; el trabajo se enfocó en una metodología descriptiva, la cual contó con una muestra de 50 estudiantes de grado sexto y sus familias. Esta investigación concluyó que parte del estudiantado destaca el aumento del trabajo doméstico para las mujeres en su hogar como factor incidente en la violencia intrafamiliar, además que algunos integrantes de sus familias (incluyendo madre, padre, abuelas y ellos mismos) han pasado por episodios de violencia de género o intrafamiliar durante el periodo de confinamiento por la pandemia de covid-19.
Domestic violence has historically been one of the great problems that human beings have had to face, a situation that worsened during the confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic, where emerging factors in the economic, political, social, and labor spheres influenced the families triggering an increase in violence. Background: Marín et al (2020) in an investigation entitled "Covid-19 and gender and intrafamily violence, set out to promote reflections by sixth grade students (between 10 and 12 years old) of a private Educational Institution in the city of Bogotá Colombia, from biology classes, on the social dynamics associated with the increase in gender and intrafamily violence during the quarantine period, due to COVID-19; the work focused on a descriptive methodology, which had a sample of 50 sixth grade students and their families. This investigation concluded that part of the student body highlights the increase in domestic work for women in their homes as an incident factor in intrafamily violence, in addition to the fact that some members of their families (including mother, father, grandmothers and themselves) have gone through episodes of gender or intrafamily violence during the period of confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic.
Domestic violence has historically been one of the great problems that human beings have had to face, a situation that worsened during the confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic, where emerging factors in the economic, political, social, and labor spheres influenced the families triggering an increase in violence. Background: Marín et al (2020) in an investigation entitled "Covid-19 and gender and intrafamily violence, set out to promote reflections by sixth grade students (between 10 and 12 years old) of a private Educational Institution in the city of Bogotá Colombia, from biology classes, on the social dynamics associated with the increase in gender and intrafamily violence during the quarantine period, due to COVID-19; the work focused on a descriptive methodology, which had a sample of 50 sixth grade students and their families. This investigation concluded that part of the student body highlights the increase in domestic work for women in their homes as an incident factor in intrafamily violence, in addition to the fact that some members of their families (including mother, father, grandmothers and themselves) have gone through episodes of gender or intrafamily violence during the period of confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic.
Palabras clave
Violencia intrafamiliar, Violencia psicológica, Violencia física, Violencia económica, COVID-19, Domestic violence, psychological violence, physical violence, economic violence