Ventajas y desventajas de la reforma pensional frente a la normativa vigente en Colombia
Ballesteros Suárez, Daniela
Peñaloza Rincón, Jhonatan
Rodriguez Cegarra, Andrea Elizabeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El tema Pensional en Colombia es poseedor de un debate que lleva décadas, cuando la Ley
100 de 1993 es integrada al marco legal del país es una propuesta que resultó atractiva, sin
embargo, años después ha sufrido varios cambios con diversas reformas y cambios. Por esta
razón el objetivo de este ensayo es analizar las ventajas y desventajas de la reforma pensional
en comparación con la normativa vigente en Colombia. El estudio se enmarca en un enfoque
cualitativo, utilizando un paradigma histórico-hermenéutico y una metodología en base a una
revisión documental de 30 documentos.
Como resultados obtuvimos que existen ventajas y desventajas de la Reforma Pensional en
razón a la normativa vigente, ya que existen retos tanto para el Gobierno como las entidades
que se vuelven el fuerte de esta nueva Reforma. Entre las ventajas se destaca la intención de
aumentar la cobertura incluyendo a los trabajadores informales y las mujeres y otra la del
pilar solidario que proporciona una renta básica a todos los mayores de 65 años sin pensión.
En conclusión, la reforma Pensional presenta varias ventajas importantes como una mejor
cobertura y una equidad equivalente al esfuerzo para asegurar la sostenibilidad del sistema
en materia financiera; sin embargo, enfrenta desafíos significativos específicamente em
términos de viabilidad a largo plazo y una implementación efectiva. Lo cual trae como una
de las recomendaciones que se consideren las variables e impactos para evitar consecuencias
negativas a largo plazo.
The pension issue in Colombia is the subject of a debate that has been going on for decades. When Law 100 of 1993 was integrated into the country's legal framework, it was an attractive proposal; however, years later it has undergone several changes with various reforms and changes. For this reason, the objective of this essay is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the pension reform in comparison with the current regulations in Colombia. The study is framed in a qualitative approach, using a historical-hermeneutic paradigm and a methodology based on a documentary review of 30 documents. As results we obtained that there are advantages and disadvantages of the Pension Reform due to the current regulations, since there are challenges for both the Government and the entities that become the strength of this new Reform. Among the advantages are the intention to increase coverage by including informal workers and women, and the solidarity pillar that provides a basic income to all those over 65 years of age without a pension. In conclusion, the pension reform presents several important advantages such as improved coverage and equity equivalent to the effort to ensure the financial sustainability of the system; however, it faces significant challenges specifically in terms of long-term viability and effective implementation. One of the recommendations is to consider the variables and impacts in order to avoid negative consequences in the long term.
The pension issue in Colombia is the subject of a debate that has been going on for decades. When Law 100 of 1993 was integrated into the country's legal framework, it was an attractive proposal; however, years later it has undergone several changes with various reforms and changes. For this reason, the objective of this essay is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the pension reform in comparison with the current regulations in Colombia. The study is framed in a qualitative approach, using a historical-hermeneutic paradigm and a methodology based on a documentary review of 30 documents. As results we obtained that there are advantages and disadvantages of the Pension Reform due to the current regulations, since there are challenges for both the Government and the entities that become the strength of this new Reform. Among the advantages are the intention to increase coverage by including informal workers and women, and the solidarity pillar that provides a basic income to all those over 65 years of age without a pension. In conclusion, the pension reform presents several important advantages such as improved coverage and equity equivalent to the effort to ensure the financial sustainability of the system; however, it faces significant challenges specifically in terms of long-term viability and effective implementation. One of the recommendations is to consider the variables and impacts in order to avoid negative consequences in the long term.
Palabras clave
Reforma Pensional, Sistema General de Pensiones, Sostenibilidad financiera, Eficiencia administrativa