Incidencia de la satisfacción laboral en el clima organizacional de los colaboradores en hoteles boutique en la ciudad de Cartagena
Caparroso Pomares, Liliana Margarita
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Los niveles de satisfacción laboral y su relación con el clima organizacional en el sector hotelero se consideran elementos relevantes en los procesos de gestión de recursos humanos, debido a su incidencia en la calidad de los servicios. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el clima organizacional en hoteles boutique A y B de la ciudad de Cartagena. La investigación se enmarcó en el paradigma positivista al ser de corte cuantitativo con una metodología basada en el tipo descriptivo-correlacional. Se llevó a cabo con una población conformada por 26 trabajadores en dos hoteles boutique de la ciudad. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó una encuesta que midió la escala general de la satisfacción laboral y el clima organizacional. Los resultados de esta investigación evidenciaron que no existe relación entre satisfacción laboral y el clima organizacional. Sin embargo, se encontró una correlación significativa entre liderazgo y toma de decisiones del clima con los factores extrínsecos de la satisfacción, así como también con la toma de decisiones del clima y los factores intrínsecos de la satisfacción. En conclusión, respecto a la satisfacción laboral, los factores determinantes están relacionados con la antigüedad, las condiciones laborales, la valoración que hace la empresa del trabajo realizado, entre otros. En lo que respecta al clima laboral, se observa que los trabajadores lo perciben con poca o ninguna satisfacción, no obstante, se observa de manera positiva los niveles de productividad.
The study of job satisfaction levels and their relationship with the organizational climate in the hotel sector is considered a relevant element in human resources management process as it has an impact on the quality of the services offered. This research is aimed at showing the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate at ranked A and B Boutique hotels in Cartagena City. The research was framed in the positivist paradigm as it was quantitative and proposes a methodology based on the descriptive and cross-sectional type. The data collection process included a survey applied to 26 individuals from two boutique hotels to measure both job satisfaction general scale and organizational climate. The results showed that there is no link between labor satisfaction and the organizational climate, however, a meaningful correlation between leadership and decision making related to organizational climate and the external factors of job satisfaction are shown; and so, with decision making and the internal factors of job satisfaction. As a conclusion, it can be said that seniority, labor conditions and how well the hotel values the job done by the workers are determining aspects in terms of job satisfaction. Regarding organizational climate, this is observed by workers with little or zero satisfaction, nevertheless a positive perspective of level productivity is perceived.
The study of job satisfaction levels and their relationship with the organizational climate in the hotel sector is considered a relevant element in human resources management process as it has an impact on the quality of the services offered. This research is aimed at showing the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate at ranked A and B Boutique hotels in Cartagena City. The research was framed in the positivist paradigm as it was quantitative and proposes a methodology based on the descriptive and cross-sectional type. The data collection process included a survey applied to 26 individuals from two boutique hotels to measure both job satisfaction general scale and organizational climate. The results showed that there is no link between labor satisfaction and the organizational climate, however, a meaningful correlation between leadership and decision making related to organizational climate and the external factors of job satisfaction are shown; and so, with decision making and the internal factors of job satisfaction. As a conclusion, it can be said that seniority, labor conditions and how well the hotel values the job done by the workers are determining aspects in terms of job satisfaction. Regarding organizational climate, this is observed by workers with little or zero satisfaction, nevertheless a positive perspective of level productivity is perceived.
Palabras clave
Satisfacción laboral, Clima organizacional, Productividad, Job satisfaction, Organizational climate, Productivity