Adopción por parte de parejas del mismo sexo: desde su reconocimiento legal
Lozano Beltrán, Leidy Andrea
Ureña Peñaranda, Jesley Jessiny
Sánchez Contreras, Darwin
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este artículo se creó con el objetivo de determinar las normas que existen a nivel nacional e internacional respecto a las familias homoparentales y analizar el porqué de la dilación del reconocimiento de estas nuevas formaciones filiatorias, pues como se ha evidenciado en el lapso de esta investigación, la legislación colombiana frente a este tema es nulo y únicamente existen jurisprudencias libradas por la Corte Constitucional en las cuales por medio de la ratio decidendi expresan sus decisiones frente al tema.
Igualmente, es preciso aclarar que el alcance de la presente investigación ha sido inicialmente escudriñar las legislaciones universales frente a la adopción por parte de parejas del mismo sexo, y partiendo de allí, plantear una hipótesis para que en Colombia se expida la suficiente normatividad que pueda regular dicha adopción de una manera similar a como se opera en distintos países de los que se hará mención en el desarrollo de este texto, e igualmente, que se empleen unos parámetros semejantes, tanto para llevar a cabo la adopción por parejas del mismo sexo como para parejas heterosexuales.
A través del enfoque mixto ya que se hizo necesario hacer diferentes análisis de documentos y así mismo análisis jurisprudenciales de las sentencias dictadas por la corte constitucional colombiana y por otra parte se llevaron a cabo una serie de encuestas para determinar el nivel de aceptación y conocimiento sobre la materia objeto de estudio. , fue necesario basarse en una fase exploratoria, pues esta permitió estudiar algunos casos en particular que se dan en la vida cotidiana de algunas parejas del mismo sexo, y además, se escudriño en diferentes legislaciones a nivel internacional; países en donde se les reconoció a estas parejas homoparentales el derecho a la adopción.
This article was created with the objective of determining the norms that exist at national and international level with respect to homoparental families and analyzing the reason for the delay in the recognition of these new affiliation formations, since as evidenced in the period of this investigation, Colombian legislation on this issue is null and there are only jurisprudence waged by the Constitutional Court in which, through the ratio decision, they express their decisions on the issue. Likewise, it is necessary to clarify that the scope of the present investigation has been initially to scrutinize the universal laws against the adoption by same-sex couples, and starting from there, to propose a hypothesis so that in Colombia the sufficient normativity that can be issued is issued. regulate such adoption in a manner similar to how it operates in different countries that will be mentioned in the development of this text, and also that similar parameters are used, both to carry out the adoption by same-sex couples as for heterosexual couples. Through the mixed approach since it became necessary to make different analysis of documents and also jurisprudential analysis of the sentences issued by the Colombian constitutional court and on the other hand a series of surveys were carried out to determine the level of acceptance and knowledge about The subject matter of study. , it was necessary to be based on an exploratory phase, since this allowed to study some cases in particular that occur in the daily life of some couples of the same sex, and also, scrutinized in different legislations at international
This article was created with the objective of determining the norms that exist at national and international level with respect to homoparental families and analyzing the reason for the delay in the recognition of these new affiliation formations, since as evidenced in the period of this investigation, Colombian legislation on this issue is null and there are only jurisprudence waged by the Constitutional Court in which, through the ratio decision, they express their decisions on the issue. Likewise, it is necessary to clarify that the scope of the present investigation has been initially to scrutinize the universal laws against the adoption by same-sex couples, and starting from there, to propose a hypothesis so that in Colombia the sufficient normativity that can be issued is issued. regulate such adoption in a manner similar to how it operates in different countries that will be mentioned in the development of this text, and also that similar parameters are used, both to carry out the adoption by same-sex couples as for heterosexual couples. Through the mixed approach since it became necessary to make different analysis of documents and also jurisprudential analysis of the sentences issued by the Colombian constitutional court and on the other hand a series of surveys were carried out to determine the level of acceptance and knowledge about The subject matter of study. , it was necessary to be based on an exploratory phase, since this allowed to study some cases in particular that occur in the daily life of some couples of the same sex, and also, scrutinized in different legislations at international
Palabras clave
Adopción, Colombia, Homoparentales, Familias, Legislación, Adoption, Colombia, Homoparentales, Families, Legislation