Las prácticas de cuidado del agua como herramienta para la apropiación de la cultura ambiental
Fuentes Torres, Karen Yurlecxy
Pacheco Castro, Yurgelis Dariuska
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En el pasado, la escasez de agua solía ser un problema relegado principalmente a las áreas áridas. Sin embargo, en la época actual, se ha transformado en una limitación que afecta de manera generalizada tanto a las zonas urbanas como rurales. Incluso en lugares con niveles de humedad considerable, como sucede en América Latina, el agua se ha convertido en un recurso escaso. Aunque pueda parecer contradictorio hablar de escasez en esta región, donde se concentra el 75% de las reservas de agua dulce del mundo, equivalente a unos 22.929 metros cúbicos por persona, es importante considerar que esta cifra está tres veces por encima del promedio global (CAF, 2017). No obstante, la realidad es que en ciertas áreas la escasez de agua es un problema genuino, principalmente debido a la distribución desigual de las fuentes hídricas. Esto provoca que el costo de distribución sea elevado y limite el acceso en diversas regiones. Además, otros factores determinantes incluyen el aumento demográfico, el considerable incremento en el consumo (tanto para riego como para la industria y los estándares de vida), la contaminación de las fuentes de agua y las alteraciones en los ciclos hidrológicos locales. Estos últimos incluyen problemas como la deforestación, la gestión deficiente de cuencas y la disminución de los niveles freáticos. Todo esto contribuye a que la disponibilidad de agua sea menor en las áreas donde más se necesita. Este panorama se complica aún más por situaciones climáticas de mayor envergadura que se desarrollan de manera impredecible, como es el caso del efecto invernadero y el fenómeno del Niño. A esto se suma el hecho de que históricamente se ha recurrido al agua de fácil acceso, y las nuevas fuentes u opciones a menudo implican costos más elevados. El presente artículo se propuso como objetivo proponer prácticas del cuidado del agua para apropiación de cultura ambiental. Con el fin de lograr el cumplimiento del objetivo propuesto, se realiza con enfoque cualitativo, la cual se refiere a un proceso de interpretación cuyo objetivo es investigar con la intención de crear una representación integral y compleja de los fenómenos. Para ello, se analiza el lenguaje y se presentan detalles de la visión que los informantes tienen sobre el tema (Creswell, 1998, citado en de Gialdino, 2006). Esto es relevante ya que la investigación busca interpretar las teorías y prácticas relacionadas con el cuidado del agua, así como su relevancia.
En cuanto al diseño de la investigación, se adopta el enfoque documental. Según Ramírez (1999), este enfoque tiene como propósito analizar minuciosamente los fenómenos, investigando de manera rigurosa y sistemática. La información se extrae de documentos existentes, que en cierta medida proporcionan los datos necesarios para abordar la problemática de estudio. En este caso, se llevará a cabo una revisión de los aportes teóricos en torno al cuidado del agua, los elementos que caracterizan las buenas prácticas relacionadas con su conservación y la importancia del acceso a agua potable. Como conclusión, la investigación parte reconociendo que la cantidad de agua que existe en el mundo para el consumo humano es limitada. De igual manera se presentan conceptos como cuidado del agua, calidad de vida, cultural ambiental y calidad de vida. Se concluye que, si bien es cierto que el planeta en su mayoría está constituido por agua, esta no es para el consumo humano y, por lo tanto, se hace necesario que todas las personas tomen conciencia de la necesidad de cuidar los recursos hídricos, y para ello se requiere tomará acciones tan simples como cerrar el grifo mientras se lavan los dientes o se toma una ducha. En pocas palabras, pequeñas acciones individuales, que vistas de forma global pueden contribuir a un ahorro importante de agua
In the past, water scarcity used to be a problem mainly relegated to arid areas. However, in the current era, it has become a limitation that affects both urban and rural areas in a general way. Even in places with considerable humidity levels, as in Latin America, water has become a scarce resource. Although it may seem contradictory to talk about scarcity in this region, where 75% of the world's freshwater reserves are concentrated, equivalent to some 22,929 cubic meters per person, it is important to consider that this figure is three times above the global average ( CAF, 2017). However, the reality is that in certain areas water scarcity is a genuine problem, mainly due to the uneven distribution of water sources. This causes the cost of distribution to be high and limits access in various regions. In addition, other determining factors include population growth, the considerable increase in consumption (both for irrigation and for industry and living standards), contamination of water sources, and alterations in local hydrological cycles. The latter include problems such as deforestation, poor watershed management, and declining groundwater tables. All of this contributes to lower water availability in the areas where it is most needed. This panorama is further complicated by larger-scale climatic events that develop unpredictably, such as the greenhouse effect and the El Niño phenomenon. Added to this is the fact that easily accessible water has historically been used, and new sources or options often come with higher costs. The objective of this article was to propose water care practices for the appropriation of environmental culture. In order to achieve compliance with the proposed objective, it is carried out with qualitative approach, which refers to an interpretation process whose objective is to investigate with the intention of creating a comprehensive and complex representation of the phenomena. To do this, the language is analyzed and details of the vision that the informants have on the subject are presented (Creswell, 1998, cited in de Gialdino, 2006). This is relevant since the research seeks to interpret the theories and practices related to water care, as well as their relevance. Regarding the research design, the documentary approach is adopted. According to Ramírez (1999), the purpose of this approach is to thoroughly analyze the phenomena, investigating rigorously and systematically. The information is extracted from existing documents, which to a certain extent provide the necessary data to address the study problem. In this case, a review of the theoretical contributions regarding water care will be carried out, the elements that characterize good practices related to its conservation and the importance of access to drinking water. As a conclusion, the research starts by recognizing that the amount of water that exists in the world for human consumption is limited. In the same way, concepts such as water care, quality of life, environmental culture and quality of life are presented. It is concluded that, although it is true that the planet is mostly made up of water, this is not for human consumption and, therefore, it is necessary for all people to become aware of the need to care for water resources, and for this it is required to take actions as simple as turning off the tap while brushing their teeth or taking a shower. In short, small individual actions, which seen globally can contribute to significant water savings.
In the past, water scarcity used to be a problem mainly relegated to arid areas. However, in the current era, it has become a limitation that affects both urban and rural areas in a general way. Even in places with considerable humidity levels, as in Latin America, water has become a scarce resource. Although it may seem contradictory to talk about scarcity in this region, where 75% of the world's freshwater reserves are concentrated, equivalent to some 22,929 cubic meters per person, it is important to consider that this figure is three times above the global average ( CAF, 2017). However, the reality is that in certain areas water scarcity is a genuine problem, mainly due to the uneven distribution of water sources. This causes the cost of distribution to be high and limits access in various regions. In addition, other determining factors include population growth, the considerable increase in consumption (both for irrigation and for industry and living standards), contamination of water sources, and alterations in local hydrological cycles. The latter include problems such as deforestation, poor watershed management, and declining groundwater tables. All of this contributes to lower water availability in the areas where it is most needed. This panorama is further complicated by larger-scale climatic events that develop unpredictably, such as the greenhouse effect and the El Niño phenomenon. Added to this is the fact that easily accessible water has historically been used, and new sources or options often come with higher costs. The objective of this article was to propose water care practices for the appropriation of environmental culture. In order to achieve compliance with the proposed objective, it is carried out with qualitative approach, which refers to an interpretation process whose objective is to investigate with the intention of creating a comprehensive and complex representation of the phenomena. To do this, the language is analyzed and details of the vision that the informants have on the subject are presented (Creswell, 1998, cited in de Gialdino, 2006). This is relevant since the research seeks to interpret the theories and practices related to water care, as well as their relevance. Regarding the research design, the documentary approach is adopted. According to Ramírez (1999), the purpose of this approach is to thoroughly analyze the phenomena, investigating rigorously and systematically. The information is extracted from existing documents, which to a certain extent provide the necessary data to address the study problem. In this case, a review of the theoretical contributions regarding water care will be carried out, the elements that characterize good practices related to its conservation and the importance of access to drinking water. As a conclusion, the research starts by recognizing that the amount of water that exists in the world for human consumption is limited. In the same way, concepts such as water care, quality of life, environmental culture and quality of life are presented. It is concluded that, although it is true that the planet is mostly made up of water, this is not for human consumption and, therefore, it is necessary for all people to become aware of the need to care for water resources, and for this it is required to take actions as simple as turning off the tap while brushing their teeth or taking a shower. In short, small individual actions, which seen globally can contribute to significant water savings.
Palabras clave
Cuidado del agua, Cultura ambiental, Ahorro del agua, Calidad de vida, Agua potable, Water care, Environmental culture, water saving, Quality of life, Drinking water