Imaginarios sociales acerca de la muerte anticipada y enfermedad en familiares de pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento
Barón Ortiz, María Fernanda
Rodríguez Luna, Sammy Alejandra
Velásquez Cisneros, Mayra Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Objetivo: Analizar los imaginarios sociales acerca de la muerte anticipada y enfermedad en familiares de pacientes
oncológicos, un niño (en edad de 6 a 12 años) y un adulto (medio) en tratamiento. Enfoque cualitativo; diseño,
fenomenológico, de alcance descriptivo y corte trasversal, población, familiares de un paciente adulto y un
paciente niño. La muestra es de tres familiares por cada paciente. Los principales resultados frente a la concepción
acerca de los imaginarios sociales, en las tres categorías; la dimensión, que ambas familias coincidieron que el
concepto que tenían de enfermedad cambio a raíz de que su familiar lo padeciera, ya que si para ellos antes era
sinónimo de muerte ahora lo veían como algo normal, natural de la vida, hereditario y de mucho cuidado. Para la
dimensión de muerte, En esta categoría se puede valorar que los participantes, ven la muerte como un estado
natural del hombre. Bajo las circunstancias que sea la muerte está presente sin importar la persona. La categoría
de veracidad en la enfermedad consideraron que El diagnostico influyo en fortalecer las creencias religiosas que
las familias tenían. Ambos coincidieron que gracias a la fé lograron aceptar y ver de forma positiva la enfermedad.
Mientras que en muerte, En la familia número uno la muerte está relacionada a la partida del cuerpo, es el paso a
otra dimensión espiritual. La tercera categoría utilidad la enfermedad, las familias coincidieron que la enfermedad
los unió más como familia, apoyarse mutuamente, a compartir al máximo el tiempo juntos. Como la muerte, Los
participantes coinciden que la muerte para la sociedad es lago doloroso, malo y terrible.
Objective: to analyze the results of the anticipated death and the illness in the relatives of the oncological patients, a child (from 6 to 12 years old) and an adult in the treatment. Qualitative approach; Design, phenomenological, descriptive and cross-sectional scope, population, relatives of an adult patient and a patient. The sample is three relatives for each patient. The main results in front of the conception about the social imaginaries, in the three categories; the dimension, that both families agreed that the concept that we had of the disease a root of your family what was familiar, and that if for you before it was synonymous with death now what had been something normal, natural of life, hereditary and of great care For the dimension of death, in this category it can be assessed that the participants, like death as a natural state of man. Under the circumstances that the sea death is present regardless of the person. The category of veracity in the disease is considered that the diagnosis influences in strengthening the religious beliefs that the families had. Both coincided with the best way to achieve it. While in death, in the number one family, death is related to the departure of the body, it is the passage to another spiritual dimension. The third category The disease, the families agreed that the disease was more united as a family, supporting each other, and sharing the maximum time together. Like death, the participants coincide with the death of society in the painful, bad and terrible lake.
Objective: to analyze the results of the anticipated death and the illness in the relatives of the oncological patients, a child (from 6 to 12 years old) and an adult in the treatment. Qualitative approach; Design, phenomenological, descriptive and cross-sectional scope, population, relatives of an adult patient and a patient. The sample is three relatives for each patient. The main results in front of the conception about the social imaginaries, in the three categories; the dimension, that both families agreed that the concept that we had of the disease a root of your family what was familiar, and that if for you before it was synonymous with death now what had been something normal, natural of life, hereditary and of great care For the dimension of death, in this category it can be assessed that the participants, like death as a natural state of man. Under the circumstances that the sea death is present regardless of the person. The category of veracity in the disease is considered that the diagnosis influences in strengthening the religious beliefs that the families had. Both coincided with the best way to achieve it. While in death, in the number one family, death is related to the departure of the body, it is the passage to another spiritual dimension. The third category The disease, the families agreed that the disease was more united as a family, supporting each other, and sharing the maximum time together. Like death, the participants coincide with the death of society in the painful, bad and terrible lake.
Palabras clave
Imaginarios sociales, Familia, Enfermedad, Muerte, Social imaginaries, Family, Illness, Death