Factores relacionados con la efectividad del programa gestión de riesgos en gestantes de una aseguradora de salud en la Costa norte colombiana 2018-2023-I
Hernández Sánchez, José Alfonso
Navarro Barreto, Mauris Lorena
Márquez González, Patricia Pilar
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Objetivo: Determinar los factores relacionados con la efectividad del Programa Gestión de Riesgos en Gestantes de una aseguradora de salud en la costa norte colombiana 2018-2023-I.
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal, se analizó la relación de las variables sociodemográficas, indicadores de captación temprana que se identificó con la variable fecha de ingreso y los resultados del programa a través de indicadores trazadores como mortalidad materna en el programa. Para estimar la relación de las variables de oportunidad (Captación temprana) y estado (efectividad del programa) se realizó un modelo de regresión lineal R de Pearson. En el estudio se utilizó una base de datos de la aseguradora, la cual indica el ingreso de 144211 gestantes al Programa en el período comprendido entre el 2018 y 2023-I.
Resultados: 204 pacientes fallecidas en el periodo estudiado, 85% (174) de ellas estuvieron categorizadas con captación tardía. No obstante, existe una relación lineal débil entre las variables de oportunidad (captación temprana) y la efectividad de un programa de gestión de riesgo de gestantes Rp=-0,004.
Conclusión: Se evidenció que las gestantes del programa pertenecen al ciclo de vida de juventud, seguida de la adultez y adolescencia; vinculadas al régimen subsidiado, con una mayor concentración en el departamento de Bolívar y con una oportunidad en la captación al programa en una fase tardía. Por su parte, No se evidencia significancia estadística en la correlación entre la oportunidad de ingreso y la efectividad de los resultados de salud en las gestantes que pertenecen al programa.
Objective: Determine the factors related to the effectiveness of the Pregnant Risk Management Program of a health insurer on the Colombian north coast 2018-2023-I. Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, the relationship of sociodemographic variables, indicators of early recruitment that was identified with the variable date of admission and the results of the program were analyzed through tracer indicators such as maternal mortality in the program. To estimate the relationship between the opportunity variables (Early uptake) and status (program effectiveness), a Pearson R linear regression model was carried out. The study used an insurance database, which indicates the entry of 144,211 pregnant women to the Program in the period between 2018 and 2023-I. Results: 204 patients died in the period studied, 85% (174) of them were categorized as having late uptake. However, there is a weak linear relationship between the opportunity variables (early catchment) and the effectiveness of a pregnant risk management program Rp=-0.004. Conclusion: It was evident that the pregnant women in the program belong to the life cycle of youth, followed by adulthood and adolescence; linked to the subsidized regime, with a greater concentration in the department of Bolívar and with an opportunity to attract the program in a late phase. For its part, no statistical significance is evident in the correlation between the opportunity for admission and the effectiveness of health outcomes in pregnant women who belong to the program.
Objective: Determine the factors related to the effectiveness of the Pregnant Risk Management Program of a health insurer on the Colombian north coast 2018-2023-I. Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, the relationship of sociodemographic variables, indicators of early recruitment that was identified with the variable date of admission and the results of the program were analyzed through tracer indicators such as maternal mortality in the program. To estimate the relationship between the opportunity variables (Early uptake) and status (program effectiveness), a Pearson R linear regression model was carried out. The study used an insurance database, which indicates the entry of 144,211 pregnant women to the Program in the period between 2018 and 2023-I. Results: 204 patients died in the period studied, 85% (174) of them were categorized as having late uptake. However, there is a weak linear relationship between the opportunity variables (early catchment) and the effectiveness of a pregnant risk management program Rp=-0.004. Conclusion: It was evident that the pregnant women in the program belong to the life cycle of youth, followed by adulthood and adolescence; linked to the subsidized regime, with a greater concentration in the department of Bolívar and with an opportunity to attract the program in a late phase. For its part, no statistical significance is evident in the correlation between the opportunity for admission and the effectiveness of health outcomes in pregnant women who belong to the program.
Palabras clave
Factores desencadenantes, Gestantes, Efectividad, Gestión de riesgos, Seguridad social, Triggering factors, Pregnant women, Effectiveness, Risk management, Social security