An integrated approach of multiple correspondences analysis (MCA) and fuzzy AHP method for occupational health and safety performance evaluation in the land cargo transportation

dc.contributor.authorJimenez-Delgado, Genett
dc.contributor.authorBalmaceda-Castro, Nidia
dc.contributor.authorHernández-Palma, Hugo
dc.contributor.authorDe la Hoz-Franco, Emiro
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Guiliany, Jesus
dc.contributor.authorMartinez-Ventura, Jairo
dc.description.abstractLand cargo transportation is one of the components of the logistics chain with high impact on economic and social development worldwide. However, problems such as top logistics costs, deficiencies in transportation infrastructure and the failure to adopt good operating practices in aspects such as quality, environment, and occupational safety and health affect the ability of companies to comply with the agreements, requirements, and regulations of the clients and other interested parties. One of the most relevant problems for the sector is associated with the high accident rates that make this medium less advantageous compared to other means of transport with impact on operational costs, on logistics indicators, on compliance with legal regulations and customer satisfaction. However, although there are legal standards and management standards in occupational safety and health, evaluating performance can become a difficult and subjective process, due to the complexity of the land cargo transportation and the different interest groups involved. Besides, there is little information in the literature that provides solutions for the industry. Therefore, this document presents an integrated approach between multi-criterion decision making models (MCDM) and the Multiple Correspondences Analysis (MCA) to facilitate the evaluation and improvement of occupational health and safety performance, with a logical process, objective, robust and using both qualitative and quantitative techniques, with real application in the land cargo transportation sector. First, the multivariate method of Multiple Correspondences Analysis (MCA) was used for the evaluation of a sample of companies in the industry, considering the factors and sub-factors identified in the first stage and performing correlational analyzes among the variables. Subsequently, a multicriteria decision-making model was designed to determine the factors and subfactors that affect occupational health and safety performance through the technique of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Finally, improvement strategies are proposed based on the approaches suggested in this document.eng
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionaleng
dc.sourceLecture Notes in Computer Scienceeng
dc.sourceVolumen 11581eng
dc.subjectFuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Processeng
dc.subjectFuzzy AHPeng
dc.subjectMulticriteria decision makingeng
dc.subjectFactorial analysiseng
dc.subjectMultiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)eng
dc.subjectOccupational health and safetyeng
dc.subjectISO 45001eng
dc.subjectLand cargo transportationeng
dc.subjectCargo logisticseng
dc.subjectPerformance evaluationeng
dc.titleAn integrated approach of multiple correspondences analysis (MCA) and fuzzy AHP method for occupational health and safety performance evaluation in the land cargo transportationeng
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