Factores de riesgo asociados a el desarrollo de la hipertensión arterial en el grupo de adulto mayor del puesto de salud de San Carlos Boromeo ubicado en el barrio Los Olivos de la ciudad de Barranquilla Atlántico en el año 2009
Vivanco, Gloreine
Zambrano, Diana
Cardona, Fanny
Palencia, Saray
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Nuestro proyecto de investigación está basado en la importancia que ha tomado la hipertensión arterial en nuestra sociedad, para este estudio fue seleccionado una serie de características que fueron identificadas como factores de riesgo que están incidiendo en el desarrollo de la presión arterial afectando en mayor parte a la población adulto mayor.
Para este estudio tomamos como muestra la población adulto mayor del puesto de salud san Carlos Boromeo ubicado en el barrio los olivos de la ciudad de barranquilla; estudiando así mismo en ella factores de riesgo como lo son , la edad, sexo, peso , actividad física,. Consumo de tabaco, ingesta de grasa en las comidas, consumo de alcohol, ingesta de sodio, estrés, consumo de cafeína, nivel de escolaridad, estrato socioeconómico, antecedentes familiares. Y que inciden en el desarrollo de la presión arterial.
Una vez analizados los resultados podemos resaltar que esta población es de bajo recursos económicos, las edades que predominan son mayores de 50 años llevan una vida sedentaria, con alta ingesta de alimentos ricos en grada y sodio, y antecedentes familiares. por lo cual actualmente pertenecen al programa de hipertensión de este puesto de salud buscando mejorar su estilos de vida.
Our project of investigation is based on the importance that has taken the arterial hypertension in our society, for this study was selected a series of characteristics that were identified like risk factors which they are affecting the development of the arterial pressure affecting in greater part the greater adult population. For this study we took as it shows to the greater adult population of the health position san Carlos Boromeo located in the district the olive trees of the city of Barranquilla; studying also in her risk factors as they are it, the age, sex, weight, physical activity. Tobacco consumption, fat ingestion in the meals, alcohol consumption, sodium ingestion, caffein stress, consumption, level of schooling, socioeconomic layer, familiar antecedents. And that affects the development of the arterial pressure. Once analyzed the results we can stand out that this population is of low economic resources, the familiar ages that predominate are greater of 50 years take a sedentary life, with high rich food ingestion in launching slip and sodium, and antecedents. thus at the moment they belong to the program of hypertension of this position of health looking for to improve its styles of life
Our project of investigation is based on the importance that has taken the arterial hypertension in our society, for this study was selected a series of characteristics that were identified like risk factors which they are affecting the development of the arterial pressure affecting in greater part the greater adult population. For this study we took as it shows to the greater adult population of the health position san Carlos Boromeo located in the district the olive trees of the city of Barranquilla; studying also in her risk factors as they are it, the age, sex, weight, physical activity. Tobacco consumption, fat ingestion in the meals, alcohol consumption, sodium ingestion, caffein stress, consumption, level of schooling, socioeconomic layer, familiar antecedents. And that affects the development of the arterial pressure. Once analyzed the results we can stand out that this population is of low economic resources, the familiar ages that predominate are greater of 50 years take a sedentary life, with high rich food ingestion in launching slip and sodium, and antecedents. thus at the moment they belong to the program of hypertension of this position of health looking for to improve its styles of life
Palabras clave
Hipertensión arterial, Factores de riesgos, Epidemiología, Enfermedades cardiovasculares