Percepción del programa crecimiento y desarrollo E.S.E San Rafael de Sanjuan del Cesar Guajira 2021
Suárez C., Manuel Alejandro
García De La Hoz, Karolin
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Introducción: la búsqueda por una mejor prestación en la calidad en salud debe ser un constante para las entidades médicas, es por esto que en la vigilancia y control se deben tener en cuenta diversos aspectos.
Objetivo: Evaluar la Percepción del Programa Crecimiento y Desarrollo E.S.E san Rafael de Sanjuan del cesar la guajira 2021.
Material y método: La investigación es descriptivo correlacional de tipo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, donde se hizo uso de la escala de evaluación de la calidad SERVQUAL.
Resultados: el Programa Crecimiento y Desarrollo E.S.E san Rafael de Sanjuan del Cesar atiende en su mayoría mujeres de la etnia mestiza, negra y mulata, con un régimen subsidiado casi en su totalidad, también se halló que la asignación de citas por los profesionales y la atención en salud de la población infantil es excelente
Conclusión: se halló que de manera general la percepción sobre las dimensiones estudiadas tales como elementos tangibles, fiabilidad/responsabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad y empatía son excelentes, según la moda de los resultados.
Introduction: the search for a better provision in health quality must be constant for medical entities, that is why various aspects must be taken into account in the surveillance and control. Objective: Evaluate the Attention Perception of the San Rafael de San Juan E.S.E Growth and Development Program del cesar la guajira 2021. Material and method: The research is descriptive correlational of a cross-sectional type with a quantitative approach, where the SERVQUAL quality assessment scale was used. Results: the ESE San Rafael de San Juan del Cesar Growth and Development Program serves mostly women of the mestizo, black and mulatto ethnic group, with an almost entirely subsidized regime, it was also found that the allocation of appointments by professionals and health care for the child population is excellent Conclusion: it was found that in a general way the perception of the dimensions studied stories such as tangible elements, reliability / responsibility, responsiveness, security and empathy are excellent, according to the mode of the results.
Introduction: the search for a better provision in health quality must be constant for medical entities, that is why various aspects must be taken into account in the surveillance and control. Objective: Evaluate the Attention Perception of the San Rafael de San Juan E.S.E Growth and Development Program del cesar la guajira 2021. Material and method: The research is descriptive correlational of a cross-sectional type with a quantitative approach, where the SERVQUAL quality assessment scale was used. Results: the ESE San Rafael de San Juan del Cesar Growth and Development Program serves mostly women of the mestizo, black and mulatto ethnic group, with an almost entirely subsidized regime, it was also found that the allocation of appointments by professionals and health care for the child population is excellent Conclusion: it was found that in a general way the perception of the dimensions studied stories such as tangible elements, reliability / responsibility, responsiveness, security and empathy are excellent, according to the mode of the results.
Palabras clave
Calidad en salud, SERVQUAL, Percepción, Servicios de salud, Quality in health, SERVQUAL, Perception, Health services