Fortalezas de carácter según género en personas de salinas de Guardas: perspectiva de intervención desde el Modelo PERMA a la economía solidaria
Cabrera-Gómez, Claudia-Carolina
Rengifo-Rengifo, Laurin
Suárez-Hernández, Javier Mauricio
Rivera-Porras, Diego
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra-Milena
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Las fortalezas del carácter son son características relativamente estables que se pueden manifestar a través de comportamientos, pensamientos o sentimientos y son la vía mediante la cual se puede llegar a una virtud tal y como lo plantea el modelo Values in Action (VIA). Objetivo: Determinar las
fortalezas de carácter representativas de las personas de Salinas de Guaranda, Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: Estudio
cuantitativo descriptivo, trasversal en una muestra de personas de Salinas de Guaranda de 370 personas, 162 hombres
y 208 mujeres entre 15 y 65 años de edad. La recolección de
la información se realizó mediante el cuestionario VIA de fortalezas, con previa autorización de uso y adaptación cultura,
fiabilidad de la prueba en coherencia con la prueba original
alfa de 966 Alfa de Cronbach, cuestionario VIA de fortalezas
de carácter de 120 ítems. En cuanto al procesamiento de los
datos se realizó análisis descriptivos y análisis de diferencias
estadísticas significativas con el test no paramétrico de la U
de Mann-Whitney en apoyo de SPSS 23. Resultados: Las
fortalezas de carácter representativas con la puntuación más
alta fue la esperanza, seguida de gratitud y en puntuaciones que le siguen están trabajo en equipo, curiosidad, justicia, honestidad, perseverancia, amabilidad, espiritualidad
y ánimo. Conclusiones: las fortalezas halladas en la población ecuatoriana de Salinas de Guardas son predictores de
conductas sustentables, además de favorecer la satisfacción
con la vida y el compromiso vital. La gratitud es la fortaleza
que moviliza acciones de reciprocidad, acciones pro-sociales
que presentan diferencias significativas entre mujeres frente
a los hombres evaluados en el presente estudio.
Strengths of character are relatively stable characteristics that can be manifested through behaviors, thoughts or feelings and are the way through which a virtue can be reached, as proposed by the Values in Action (VIA) model. Objective: To determine the representative strengths of the people of Salinas de Guaranda, Ecuador. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study in a sample of 370 people from Salinas de Guaranda, 162 men and 208 women, between 15 and 65 years old. The information was collected using the VIA strengths questionnaire, with prior authorization for use and cultural adaptation, reliability of the test in coherence with the original alpha test of 966, Cronbach’s Alpha, VIA questionnaire of character strengths of 120 items. Regarding data processing, descriptive analysis and analysis of significant statistical differences were performed with the non-parametric test of the Mann-Whitney U in support of SPSS 23. Results: The representative character strengths with the highest score were hope, followed by gratitude and in scores that follow are teamwork, curiosity, justice, honesty, perseverance, kindness, spirituality and encouragement. Conclusions: the strengths found in the Ecuadorian population of Salinas de Guardas are predictors of sustainable behaviors, as well as favoring life satisfaction and vital commitment. Gratitude is the strength that mobilizes actions of reciprocity, pro-social actions which presents significant differences between women compared to the men evaluated in this study.
Strengths of character are relatively stable characteristics that can be manifested through behaviors, thoughts or feelings and are the way through which a virtue can be reached, as proposed by the Values in Action (VIA) model. Objective: To determine the representative strengths of the people of Salinas de Guaranda, Ecuador. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study in a sample of 370 people from Salinas de Guaranda, 162 men and 208 women, between 15 and 65 years old. The information was collected using the VIA strengths questionnaire, with prior authorization for use and cultural adaptation, reliability of the test in coherence with the original alpha test of 966, Cronbach’s Alpha, VIA questionnaire of character strengths of 120 items. Regarding data processing, descriptive analysis and analysis of significant statistical differences were performed with the non-parametric test of the Mann-Whitney U in support of SPSS 23. Results: The representative character strengths with the highest score were hope, followed by gratitude and in scores that follow are teamwork, curiosity, justice, honesty, perseverance, kindness, spirituality and encouragement. Conclusions: the strengths found in the Ecuadorian population of Salinas de Guardas are predictors of sustainable behaviors, as well as favoring life satisfaction and vital commitment. Gratitude is the strength that mobilizes actions of reciprocity, pro-social actions which presents significant differences between women compared to the men evaluated in this study.
Palabras clave
Fortalezas, VIA-IS, Psicología positiva, Recursos psicológicos, Economía solidaria, Strengths, Positive psychology, Psychological resources, Solidarity economy, Gender