Relación existente entre capacidad funcional y Comorbilidades en pacientes con ACV isquémico agudo Mayores de 18 años en la ciudad de barranquilla en el Periodo 2019 – 2021
Blanco, Nashla Chalela
Padilla Padilla, Ana Elisa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
ntroducción: El accidente cerebrovascular es la segunda causa más frecuente de
mortalidad y la segunda causa más común de discapacidad en todo el mundo, con
una tasa de incidencia y prevalencia muy alta, asociado principalmente a
comorbilidades como hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus tipo II, fibrilación
auricular, entre otros. En un estudio realizado en Colombia en el año 2020 se
encontró que el ACV global tenía una tasa de mortalidad nacional y una tasa de
prevalencia de 28 y 142 por cada 100,000 personas, respectivamente. A nivel
nacional son muy pocos los estudios que describen y analizan la relación entre las
comorbilidades de los pacientes y la capacidad funcional después del evento,
especialmente en la región caribe en donde no encontramos registros de este tipo
de estudios. Objetivos: Analizar la relación entre la capacidad funcional y las
comorbilidades en los adultos con diagnóstico (ACV) isquémico agudo en la ciudad
de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio analítico de
correlación donde las variables independientes no se modificaron para alterar su
comportamiento, todas estas variables se estudiaron tal y como se describieron en
su contexto natural. Para la recolección de datos se utilizará una matriz de captura
de datos tipo Excel categorizadas alfanuméricamente, los datos serán extraídos de
las historias clínicas de los pacientes durante su estancia hospitalaria. Por otra
parte, se utilizarán las escalas validadas para la evaluación clínica (NIHSS),
radiológica (ASPECTS) y grado de dependencia de las actividades diarias (MRS).
Resultados: El compromiso de la capacidad funcional en un paciente posterior a
un accidente cerebrovascular es una condición que genera sufrimiento personal y
dependencia para realizar las actividades de la vida diaria. En relación con la
discapacidad generada después del ACV se encontró que el 45% presentan
discapacidad moderada y el 22.5% discapacidad grave. Dentro de las
comorbilidades que con más frecuencia se relacionaban con discapacidad grave
encontramos la hipertensión arterial (18,7%) Diabetes Mellitus (6,2%) y la fibrilación
auricular (7,5%). Conclusiones: En la población de estudio se pudo observar que
no existen relación entre las comorbilidades y el nivel de discapacidad asociado
medido a través de la escala Rankin.
Introduction: Stroke is the second most common cause of mortality and the second most common cause of disability worldwide, with a very high incidence and prevalence rate, mainly associated with comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus type II, atrial fibrillation, among others. In a study accomplished in Colombia in 2020, it was found that global stroke had a national mortality rate and a prevalence rate of 28 and 142 per 100,000 people, respectively. At the national level, there are very few studies that describe and analyze the relationship between patient comorbidities and functional capacity after the event, especially in the Caribbean region where we do not find records of this type of study. Objective: To analyze the relationship between functional capacity and comorbidities in adults with acute ischemic diagnosis (ACV) in the city of Barranquilla. Materials and Methods: This is an analytical correlation study where the independent variables were not manipulated to vary their behavior, that is, they were studied as they were in their natural context. For data collection, an Excel-type data capture matrix will be used, categorized alphanumerically, the data will be extracted from the medical records of the patients during their hospital stay. On the other hand, validated scales will be used for clinical (NIHSS), radiological (ASPECTS) and degree of dependence on daily activities (MRS) evaluation. Results: The compromise of functional capacity in a patient after a stroke is a condition that generates personal suffering and dependence to carry out activities of daily living. In relation to the disability generated after the stroke it was found that 45% have moderate disability and 22.5% severe disability. Among the comorbidities that were most frequently related to severe disability, we found arterial hypertension (18.7%), Diabetes Mellitus (6.2%) and atrial fibrillation (7.5%). Conclusions: In the study population, it was observed that there is no relationship between comorbidities and the level of disability associated measured through the Rankin scale
Introduction: Stroke is the second most common cause of mortality and the second most common cause of disability worldwide, with a very high incidence and prevalence rate, mainly associated with comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus type II, atrial fibrillation, among others. In a study accomplished in Colombia in 2020, it was found that global stroke had a national mortality rate and a prevalence rate of 28 and 142 per 100,000 people, respectively. At the national level, there are very few studies that describe and analyze the relationship between patient comorbidities and functional capacity after the event, especially in the Caribbean region where we do not find records of this type of study. Objective: To analyze the relationship between functional capacity and comorbidities in adults with acute ischemic diagnosis (ACV) in the city of Barranquilla. Materials and Methods: This is an analytical correlation study where the independent variables were not manipulated to vary their behavior, that is, they were studied as they were in their natural context. For data collection, an Excel-type data capture matrix will be used, categorized alphanumerically, the data will be extracted from the medical records of the patients during their hospital stay. On the other hand, validated scales will be used for clinical (NIHSS), radiological (ASPECTS) and degree of dependence on daily activities (MRS) evaluation. Results: The compromise of functional capacity in a patient after a stroke is a condition that generates personal suffering and dependence to carry out activities of daily living. In relation to the disability generated after the stroke it was found that 45% have moderate disability and 22.5% severe disability. Among the comorbidities that were most frequently related to severe disability, we found arterial hypertension (18.7%), Diabetes Mellitus (6.2%) and atrial fibrillation (7.5%). Conclusions: In the study population, it was observed that there is no relationship between comorbidities and the level of disability associated measured through the Rankin scale
Palabras clave
Accidente cerebro vascular, Capacidad funcional, Escala Rankin, Comorbilidades, Stroke, Functional Capacity